Cool mask melon

18 June 2010 by  
Filed under Masks, Novelty

It is the new seasonal fruits make their appearance !! And as long as you eat will also take small care ! Then… that said entered… glass of port… said on melon ! You put two small slice of melon aside and prepare this small express treatment totally refreshing !

2 thin slices of melon mixed
1 to 2 tbsp ground almonds (Light exfoliating and mild)

Adding interesting but totally optional :
honey… purifying and moistening
egg yolk… rich hydration
egg white… Purifying
clay… detoxifying
yoghurt… soothing

Difficulty :
star greystar3 greystar3 greystar3 ––Conservation : not

Mix your ripe melon (cantaloup comme on dit chez moi 😉 ) and add your almonds. Dose gently powder you need more or less what I wrote based on the amount of melon mixed. Your dough should be firm semi. Apply all on a clean face and leave on 5 to 10 minutes. When rinsing… do not remove all of a sudden… wet your hands and gently massage your face. Remove excess and finish not a tonic without alcohol, as a floral water and that it still fits your skin !

Here !! It's not very complicated is not it ? 😀

Self tanner tightening effect

28 May 2009 by  
Filed under Self Tanners

Therefore when looking for a self tanner that provides care as we never find anything to adjust? It is always either too fat, too sticky, it turns orange, we put off the scent, etc.. La solution ? Prepare oneself his care and 'add a touch self tanning. Here I made a recipe with tensor effect, for tighter pores, less blackheads, fewer buttons and a good healing. Also this recipe is a cold, which keeps all the benefits of raw materials. Je ne vous cache pas que c’est aussi plus facile 😉 . Here is the recipe !

8 g hv melon or hazel (oils regulatory)
4 g macerate vanilla (for odor)
10 g ester sucre (emulsifier)
12 ml macerate hydroglycerine tepezcohuite (astringent)
15 ml hydrolat tea tree (Purifying)
5 ml of water
or 20 ml of water (instead of 15 ml d'hydrolat et 5 ml water)
1.5 g DHA (Car Tanning)
10 goutes he ciste (tensor)
8 gouttes he géranium (anti-infective)
1 drops of rosemary extract CO2 (antimicrobial)*
2 vitamin E drops
6 drops ECOGARD

autobronzanttenseur cistelad geranium

Difficulty : star star greystar3 greystar3—– Conservation : 2 month —–Capacity : 50 ml

Mix your oils with sugar ester. When the mixture is well blended add water, l'hydrolat (room temperature) and extract tepezcohuite. Whisk well until the mixture is creamy. Add the rest of your ingredients , pour into a sterile container and properly sealed.

I find the smell here is quite nice, a green note due to the essential oil of Cistus and slightly sweet.

The dosage of essential oils in this recipe are less than 2 % giving you the opportunity to use it on the face and the body !

To learn how the macerate hydroglycerine tepezcohuite I invite you to read the data in Aromazone in here. It's really very easy to do !

*This ingredient is optional, here I added to strengthen the conservation cream. But you can pretty much only use vitamin E as a preservative and Ecogard… or another type of Conservative.

You can print this label to decorate your little one potty !

Deodorant cream of the crop

1 April 2009 by  
Filed under Unisex deodorants

It was a moment that I wanted to try this recipe created by Songs. Quand j’ai vue que même Kes Ka fée loved them I said I go spear !! I'm up early this morning so I took my bowls, mon mixer et ma balance pour préparer à la Mariejoe ce fabuleux déodorant. Voici donc ma petite version.

25 g sodium bicarbonate (deodorant)
22 g beurre de karité (moisturizer)
1 g butter blackcurrant (antioxidant)
10 g hv coton (fabric softener)
3 g macerate vanilla (protectress)
11 g hydrosol blackcurrant (bracing)
10 g arrow root (matt)
1 g mare's milk powder (soothing)*
1/2 cc pierre d'alun (deodorant)
3 gouttes he orange (relaxant)
2 gouttes he citron (disinfectant)
5 aromatic extract drops of melon

0.6% Ecogard (conservative)

orange2 melon deocreme

Difficulty : star star greystar3 greystar3 ––Conservation : 2 month —–Capacity : 55 ml

I used the technique Songs pour le mélange. Mélanger le bicarbonate de soude dans l’hydrolat. Dans un mixer mélanger le beurre de karité et l’huile, quand le tout est bien crémeux ajouter la phase aqueuse et le reste des ingrédients. Il faut bien tout mélanger… ma phase à un peu gonfler avec l’ajout de la poudre d’alun il est facultatif mais je voulais un petit coup de pouce “deodorant” additional), I continued to mix by hand and became stable phase.

En somme une odeur à tomber et une texture vraiment agréable. Ce n’est pas gras du tout et la peau devient très douce ! I love !! It is a little irritating at first but after two days is the best of the best. Garder votre déodorant bien au frais.

*Mare's milk is optional here, but if it soothes you small irritation to shave.

Volumizing shampoo "Ginger & citrus"

25 March 2009 by  
Filed under Shampoos

Here is a shampoo that I have formulated for “So lovely things” qui avait besoin de soins pour sa belle chevelure. Des racines grasse et pointes sèche, le tout avec une chevelure qui boucle. Apparement elle semble très satisfaite de son shampoing !! Here is the recipe, So what to give pep-haired and a little volume.

30 ml liquid soap (fabric softener)
55 ml washing base neutral
1/2 cc powdered ginger (volume)
1/2 cs milk powder
1 capsule yeast (strengthening)
0.40 ml silicone végétale (repairer)
0.18 hv ml ricin (strengthening)
1.20 ml neutral henna (brightness and volume)
0.50 ml glycérine (softener)
40 gouttes phytokératine (force)
10 gouttes he pamplemousse (Anti chute)
10 gouttes he citron (care oily roots)
10 gouttes he ylang ylang (bracing)
30 drops aromatic melon extract
0.6 % gouttes Geogard (conservative)

pamplemousse gingembre tranchecitron

Difficulty : star greystar3 greystar3 greystar3 ––Conservation : 1 month —–Capacity : 100 ml

Mix all ingredients together and pour into a sealed flask. Vous pouvez aussi ajouter une pincé de gomme de guar pour épaissir votre shampoing si celui ci deviens trop liquide.

You can print this label to decorate your little one bottle !


Sels de bain "Après midi d'été"

18 March 2009 by  
Filed under Bath salts

With spring just around the corner I'm already thinking about all the wonderful smells of my favorite fruit, l’un d’entre eux étant le melon. Voici donc un sel de bain bien gourmand, très rafraichissant et ultra simple à réaliser. Le tout avec de belles odeurs ensoleillées !

100 ml of large sea salts (soothing and treating)
30 aromatic extract drops of melon
25 aromatic extract drops fishing
35 gouttes he orange douce (relaxant)
1 good tip shiny mica (nacrant)
1 dried orange slice

melon2 peche21 selsbainmelonagrume

Difficulty : star greystar3 greystar3 greystar3 ––Conservation : 6 month —–Capacity : 100 ml

Combine the extracts, l’huile essentielle et le mica brillant au sel de mer. Verser le tout dans un joli pot et servez vous de la tranche d’orange séché pour vous servir du contenu tel le ferait une cuillère. Bonne détente à tous et à toutes !!

This kind of recipe is ideal for women with fragile flora and who can not use salts of “commerce”.

Also feel free to vary the dose of the extracts, a little more, a little less, let your nose guide you ! Pour les huiles essentielles, attention to body care ever more 4%, in this recipe I put much less.

You can print this label to decorate your pot a little !


Make-up "precious metals"

2 February 2009 by  
Filed under eyes

J’ai depuis un moment des boitiers vide de fard à paupières. J’avais vraiment envi d’essayer de faire des fards compacts, faciles et surtout précis pour un godet à la fois. Comme j’aime beaucoup les couleurs chaudes je vous propose cette fois ci un petit trio facile et très chaleureux.

Copper rouge :
0.80 ml d’arrow root
0.16 ml mica noisette
0.16 inorganic oxide brown ml
0.32 ml mica or
0.32 ml mica bronze
2 vegetable squalane drops (touch dry)
2 goutte hv du Kalahari melon sesame ou (moisturizer)
1 vitamin E drops (antioxidant)

Blush Bronze :
0.80 ml d’arrow root
0.24 ml mica or
0.16 ml mica bronze
2 vegetable squalane drops (touch dry)
2 goutte hv du Kalahari melon sesame ou (moisturizer)
1 vitamin E drops (antioxidant)

Fard Or :
0.80 ml d’arrow root
0.32 ml mica or
0.08 ml mica brillant
2 vegetable squalane drops (touch dry)
2 goutte hv du Kalahari melon sesame ou (moisturizer)
1 vitamin E drops (antioxidant)


Difficulty : star star greystar3 greystar3—– Conservation : 3 to 4 month —–Capacity : 6 ml

Recipe for a first blush :
Mélanger l’arrow root et les couleurs ensemble au mortier. Ajouter le squalane, l’huile et la vitamine E successivement en mélangeant au mortier entre chacun des ingrédients. Verser le contenu dans votre boite à maquillage et presser avec un instrument pour bien tasser la poudre. Faite la même procédure pour chacun des trois fards.

Here are the colors all over :

Eye cream lilac

31 January 2009 by  
Filed under eyes

Voici un fard très confortable pour vos doux yeux. Il tient plutôt bien et n’est pas collant. Cette couleur peu très bien aller aux yeux bleu comme aux yeux brun. Here is the recipe !

0.80 ml beeswax (film-forming)
0.80 ml cire carnauba (texturant)
0.40 ml vegetable stearic acid (consistency)
2 ml beurre de karité
0.5 ml lanolin substitute plant (texturant)
0.5 ml vegetable squalane (support held)
1 ml hv du Kalahari melon ou de jojoba (non-greasy oil)
2 gouttes bisabolol (soothing)
3 vitamin E drops (Conservative antioxidant)

The color :
2.40 ml of the zinc oxide d'
0.36 ml of mineral oxide pink
0.16 blue ml of mineral oxide
1 prune mica ml (“desert plum” natural alternative to home)*
0.50 ml of cosmetic gloss white

(I use the measuring spoons from home Aromazone, a very handy tool)

Difficulty : star star greystar3 greystar3 ––Conservation : 5 to 6 month —–Capacity : 5 ml

Melt shea butter, vegetable oil, stearic acid and waxes all (add a few drops of vitamin E to avoid your rancid oil phase). Lorsque le tout est bien fondu incorporer la poudre (your base color) sieve, pour éviter les grumeaux. Laisser refroidir un peu et ajouter le bisabolol et la vitamine E. Verser le tout dans un tube à baume ou un petit pot. Ici je l’ai versé dans une petite boite à maquillage compacte et je l’applique au pinceau ou du bout des doigts.

* If you do not have this mica, made a mixture of white mica, blue and pink for a pretty plum.

You can print this label to decorate your pot a little !


Concealer for pale skin

23 January 2009 by  
Filed under Face

Voici une petite recette parfaite pour les peaux claires. Ce cache cerne est très léger et fondant, mostly fat and not much moisturizer.

7 ml beurre de karité (moisturizer)
8 ml hv du Kalahari melon (regulation)
1/2 cc beeswax
1/2 cc carnauba wax
pinch of stearic acid
2 ET drops of chamomile (calming)
6 gouttes bisabolol (soothing)
4 vitamin E drops

The color :
1 cc cornstarch
3 g of the zinc oxide
0.18 ml bamboo sap (matt)
0.04 inorganic oxide brown ml
0.08 ml mineral oxide yellow
0.17 ml mineral oxide pink

camomille cireabeille cachecerneclair

Difficulty : star star star greystar3—–Conservation : 3 to 5 month —–Capacity : 15 ml

Melt shea butter, vegetable oil, stearic acid and waxes all (add a few drops of vitamin E to avoid your rancid oil phase). Lorsque le tout est bien fondu incorporer la poudre (your base color) sieve, pour éviter les grumeaux. Laisser refroidir un peu et ajouter le bisabolol, l’huile essentielle de camomille et la vitamine E. Verser le tout dans un tube à baume ou un petit pot. Ici je l’ai versé dans un pot et je l’applique au pinceau en évitant de frotter le cache cerne, should always apply it by tapping gently on the eye contour.

Milk treating problem skin

21 January 2009 by  
Filed under Milk

Here is a small perfect moisturizer for oily skin and pimples are. This milk will help treat this pimples and help the healing of old brands.

15 ml hv du Kalahari melon ou de jojoba (matt)
5 ml hv calophylle inophyle (healing)
1 1/2 cmoka ester sucre
1 cmoka d'Aloes gel ( healing)
15 ml hydrolat lédon black Groënland (detoxifying)
10 ml of rose hydrosol (calming)
1 ml bamboo sap (matt)
5 gouttes he petit grain* (regenerating)
2 gouttes he thym vulgaire à linalol** (antibacterial)
3 gouttes he géranium rosa (anti infectious)
6 drops of bisabolol (fabric softener)
3 gouttes AHA (shine)
10 vitamin E drops
0.6 % drops ECOGARD

petitgrain geranium thymlinalol

Difficulty : star star greystar3 greystar3Conservation : 3 month —–Capacity : 60 ml

Mix the oily phase and the sugar ester. When everything is well blended add the aqueous phases, aloe gel and bamboo sap. Mix thoroughly and integrate the remaining ingredients. Keep it nice and cool milk. If you do not have hydrolate Ledum Greenland (it does not feel very good but is very effective) you can replace it with lavender hydrosol. Keep cool.

* Warning this essential oil is photosensitizing, therefore avoided sun exposure after application.
** This essential oil can be allergenic, do a test on the elbow before use.

Balancing cleanser face and eyes

5 September 2008 by  
Filed under Cleansers

Here's a little recipe perfect for combination skin. It is used on the face and eyes without problem.

25 hv ml of the jojoba (rebalancing)
15 ml hv de melon du Kalahari (regulatory)
5 ml hv de framboise (Soothing)
2 cc of aloe vera gel (Purifying)
30 ml of cornflower hydrosol (soothing)
15 ml of chamomile hydrosol (soothing)
1cc of soya lecithin (emulsifier)
1 knife edge at Cranberry (antioxidant)
1 tip of a knife acérolat (vitamins C)
0.50 ml of sugar ester (moisturizing active)
10 drops of vitamin E

Mix oils, hydrosols and remaining ingredients with a whisk mini, pour into a bottle. Shake before each use, keep refrigerated.

You can print this label to decorate your little one bottle !

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