Tensor effect cream for the bust

21 May 2010 by  
Filed under Novelty, Specific care

You think about it often enough… se dorloté le buste. Ben oui… it is still important :D. Il y a quelques temps j’ai eu une très grande frayeur… qui après consultation c’est avéré ne pas être dangereux. Je vous raconte pas le stress que j’ai eu pendant les jours qui ont précédé le résultat. Mais bon passons… so I said it would be nice that I do care a little tricky, purifiant et raffermissant. Voici donc la dite recette…

15 g hv daisies (usually known as daisy)
25 g hydrosol cistus (tensor)
5 g gel d'Aloes (tensor and healing)
4 g emulsifying wax Polawax
3 % following essential oils :
purely (tensor)
tea tree (Purifying)
Mentre green (refreshing)
4 vitamin E drops (antioxidant)
forefront of green mica (optional)
0.6 % of Ecogard

Difficulty : star star greystar3greystar3 ––Conservation : 2 month —–Capacity : 50 g

Tout d’abord faites fondre au bain marie votre cire et huile de bellis sans oublier bien sur l’addition de la vitamine E. Dans un autre récipient chauffer aussi au bain marie votre hydrolat et gel d’aloès. Lorsque les deux phases atteigne une température de 53°C (about) Mix your second phase (hydrolat gel aloes) the first… fouetter énergiquement jusqu’à une consistance épaisse. Laissez la crème refroidir. Ajoutez ensuite vos huiles essentielles, votre mica et votre conservateur. Versez le contenue dans un pot bien stérile.

Appliquez la crème en faisant des massages circulaires. Le soir c’est très agréable… cela donne un petit coup de fraicheur. N’oubliez pas de vous lavez les mains après chaque application. Ne mettez jamais de crème sur vos mamelons… this place is too fragile !

Do not forget to do a breast self-exam regularly, breast cancer affects 1 femme sur 9. Cette n’est pas miracle mais vous donnera l’occasion de faire votre auto examen tout en vous apportant un soin agréable. On aurait tort de s’en priver n’est ce pas !

Click here for more information on self breast exam.

Self tanner tightening effect

28 May 2009 by  
Filed under Self Tanners

Therefore when looking for a self tanner that provides care as we never find anything to adjust? It is always either too fat, too sticky, it turns orange, we put off the scent, etc.. La solution ? Prepare oneself his care and 'add a touch self tanning. Here I made a recipe with tensor effect, for tighter pores, less blackheads, fewer buttons and a good healing. Also this recipe is a cold, which keeps all the benefits of raw materials. Je ne vous cache pas que c’est aussi plus facile 😉 . Here is the recipe !

8 g hv melon or hazel (oils regulatory)
4 g macerate vanilla (for odor)
10 g ester sucre (emulsifier)
12 ml macerate hydroglycerine tepezcohuite (astringent)
15 ml hydrolat tea tree (Purifying)
5 ml of water
or 20 ml of water (instead of 15 ml d'hydrolat et 5 ml water)
1.5 g DHA (Car Tanning)
10 goutes he ciste (tensor)
8 gouttes he géranium (anti-infective)
1 drops of rosemary extract CO2 (antimicrobial)*
2 vitamin E drops
6 drops ECOGARD

autobronzanttenseur cistelad geranium

Difficulty : star star greystar3 greystar3—– Conservation : 2 month —–Capacity : 50 ml

Mix your oils with sugar ester. When the mixture is well blended add water, l'hydrolat (room temperature) and extract tepezcohuite. Whisk well until the mixture is creamy. Add the rest of your ingredients , pour into a sterile container and properly sealed.

I find the smell here is quite nice, a green note due to the essential oil of Cistus and slightly sweet.

The dosage of essential oils in this recipe are less than 2 % giving you the opportunity to use it on the face and the body !

To learn how the macerate hydroglycerine tepezcohuite I invite you to read the data in Aromazone in here. It's really very easy to do !

*This ingredient is optional, here I added to strengthen the conservation cream. But you can pretty much only use vitamin E as a preservative and Ecogard… or another type of Conservative.

You can print this label to decorate your little one potty !