Limonade de sureau fait maison !

4 June 2018 by  
Filed under A boire, Cuisine, Novelty

Quoi de mieux pendant les grande chaleur de déguster une bonne limonade fraiche ! Mais pas n’importe quelle limonade… une parfumé au sureau ! Ces fleurs en forme de parasols proviennent d’une arbre qui fleurie au printemps. S’y échappe un doux parfum doux et miellé.

C’est grâce à ma belle mère que j’ai découvert cette limonade très rafraichissante et doucement parfumé qu’elle la fabrique elle même. J’ai eu souvent le plaisir de partir avec elle à la cueillette de ces belles fleurs pour la fabrication maison de cette limonade.

Voici la recette et comment procéder ! Sachez que si vous n’avez pas de fleurs de sureau disponible vous pouvez très bien utiliser d’autres fleurs comestible pour cette recette.

5 litres d’eau
500 g de sucre
1 citron non traité coupé en rondelles
10 fleurs de sureau (ombelles)

Directives :
Mélangez tous les ingrédients, sauf les fleurs, sans les chauffer et verser dans des bocaux. Disposez un nombre égal de fleurs dans chaque pot.

Laissez au soleil pendant 4 jours sans fermer les couvercles.

Au bout de 4 jours filtrez et remettez dans les pots avec de nouvelles fleurs. Remettre au soleil encore 4 days.

Filtrez et mettez en bouteilles. Surtout ouvrez les bouteilles doucement chaque jour pour éliminer l’excédent de gaz sinon vous risquez d’avoir des bouteilles qui exploserons sous l’effet de la pression du gaz.

A déguster bien frais !! Cheers !!

Vinaigrette ranch fait maison

14 May 2015 by  
Filed under Novelty, Sauces

Il y a quelques temps je trouvais sur Pinterest une recette très intéressante de vinaigrette ranch. Ça avait l’air super simple à faire et délicieux. Un mélange de lait de coco, d’épices et de… mayonnaise. Bon moi la mayonnaise j’en raffole pas du coup je me suis concocter ma petite recette sans cet ingrédient. Et ma foi… c’est dééélicieux ! En plus d’être sans matière laitière c’est parfait pour les intolérants au lactose.

Voici donc ma recette encore plus simple que l’original:

1/2 brique de lait de coco (about 100 ml)
1/2 cc de cumin
1 cc d’aneth
1/2 cc de poivre noir moulue
1/2 cc de paprika
1/2 to 1 cc de poudre d’ail
Quelques gouttes de tabasco (si vous aimez le piquant)
Quelques gouttes de citron ou vinaigre de votre choix (optional)
1 pincée de sel


On mélange tout et hop c’est prêt ! Reste plus qu’à verser sur votre salade préféré. Bien sur on peut ajouter ce que l’on veut, à cette recette. C’est le genre de recette que j’appelle “free style”. Il n’y a pas de règle juste que cela plaise à vos papilles. Ce que j’apprécie c’est qu’il n’y a pas besoin d’huile, de crème, de lait, d’œufs ou de vinaigre, ce que l’on retrouve normalement dans les sauces ranch.

Si vous voulez une texture plus onctueuse, ajoutez y de l’avocat et mixer. Un délice !

Voilà si vous faites la recette hésitez pas à me dire ce que vous en pensez ! Mon mari l’a adoré donc ici on refera c’est certain.

Déodorant crème infaillible

Il y a quelques années, en 2009 pour être plus précise, je m’essayais à la création de déodorant crème (Déo crème de la crème). Une vraie révolution pour moi ! Bon… le mot peu sembler un peu fort pour si peu… mais arriver à se faire un produit maison si efficace était une vraie bénédiction. Hélas à l’époque, il finissait par m’irriter un peu car je ne connaissais pas ce que je connais aujourd’hui concernant le bicarbonate de soude*… ne vous en faites pas je vous expliquerais plus tard.

Alors comment… mais qu’est ce… que ce déo crème ? Tout simplement un savant mélange d’ingrédients des plus simples que l’on utilise avec les doigts. What ?!? Avec les doigts ?!? Si si, je vous assure, rien de bien méchant 😉 Le prix de fabrication est vraiment minime en plus ; bien sur on en trouve aussi du tout prêt dans le commerce, si la confection maison n’est pas votre tasse de thé (même si le prix triple voir plus, par rapport à la confection maison). Je vous donnerais quelques pistes pour cela en fin d’article.

Sans plus attendre, voici la recette :

25 g d’huile de noix de coco (une huile solide à température froide)
13 g sodium bicarbonate (prendre une ultra fine*)
12 g fleur de maïs (maïzena) ou arrow root
2 g cire d’abeilles
2 g cire florale (ici j’ai pris à l’orange)

3% d’huile essentielles au choix ; ici j’ai choisi :
8 gouttes he citron (Purifying)
8 gouttes he tea tree (antibacterial)
8 gouttes he palmarosa (astringent)
8 gouttes he ciste (tensor)

deosolide bicarbonate citron3
Difficulty : ––Conservation : longue —–Capacity : +- 55g

Faites fondre votre huile et les cires (d’ailleurs vous pouvez utiliser que de la cire d’abeille, 4g dans ce cas). Quand tout est bien fondu, incorporez votre bicarbonate de soude et votre fleur de maïs. Mélangez doucement. Lorsque le mélange est un peu moins brulant mais toujours assez liquide, ajoutez vos huiles essentielles. Versez le tout dans un pot stérile. Je vous conseille de continuer à mélanger jusqu’à ce que le mélange soit plus solide ; le but est qu’on ne se retrouve pas avec toute la phase sèche au fond du pot.

Ici j’ajoute de la cire, surtout pour empêcher que le produit devienne liquide pendant l’été, car bien que l’huile de noix de coco soit solide, il devient bel et bien liquide à température avoisinant les 21°C. More, j’aime beaucoup la texture que me donne la cire florale ici… la mienne étant assez souple.

On applique ce mélange du bout des doigts sous les aisselles propres et sèches. Je vous assure que le résultat est fabuleux ! On transpire quand même bien sur (ce n’est pas un anti-transpirant), mais on sent bon toute la journée. C’est impressionnant !

* Attention je précise “ultra fine” car si vous prenez le bicarbonate typique du supermarché, il risque de vous irriter ; il faut un grade fin. Comment savoir ? En le choisissant en magasin bio et sur des sites de revente de produits cosmétiques, comme Aromazone par exemple. Vraiment, j’insiste car cela fait une énorme différence. Vous pouvez essayer de mixer votre bicarbonate… mais je ne sais pas si cela sera concluant. **Après un commentaire de Christine qui fait cette recette que je lui avait transmise l’année dernière elle confirme que de mixer un bicarbonate de soude plus gros au mixeur l’affine très bien ! Merci pour cette info 🙂 **

J’espère que ce premier article après un longtrès long moment d’absence vous a plu ! Je pense revenir avec quelques autres idées et recettes dans un futur procheet bien sur, le site aura bientôt un petit relooking 😉

Si vous préférez les déodorants tout faits :
Il y a la marque Soapwalla qui en fait deux sortes, et aussi trois sortes chez Au coeur des racines dont j’ai entendu beaucoup de bien.

Make his daily cleanser for brushes

28 November 2012 by  
Filed under Makeup, Cleaners, Novelty

Makeup brushes, absolutely must be cleaned regularly, beaucoup de problèmes de peaux viennent d’un mauvais nettoyage et de produits contaminé. Mais le lavage à l’eau tiède et savon devient long au quotidien. C’est pourquoi il existe sur le marché des solutions liquide nettoyante et désinfectante qui sèche rapidement. Quenched brush or spray says, towels and presto everything is clean ! By cons these products are sold quite expensive perfume. C’est suite à une discussion entre copines je me suis dit… ben is why not make myself.

Je suis donc partie à la recherche sur internet. Il existe beaucoup de recettes et de tuto pour faire son nettoyant maison. Mais tous avec des ingrédients spécifiques et qui demande à ce qu’on achète un shampoing bébé, a conditioner, de l’alcool etc etc. Comme j’ai pas ces choses, hey no I do not have children, je me suis dit que je scruterais bien la recette d’un des fameux nettoyant vendu en parfumerie et l’adapté au produits que j’ai chez moi. C’est là qu’une copine, I ma belle (check out his blog misscalea) m’a fait voir la liste d’un qu’elle avait acheté et là on en est venu à se dire que ce n’était vraiment pas sorcier. De l’eau, alcohol, un tensio actif et un conservateur. Vraiment ? So simple ? Ben oui ! Je me suis donc lancé ! J’ai fabriqué, I cleaned and then… frankly it's not bad at all !

Here is my recipe that I said it was done in no time, je vous redonnerais mes impressions dans quelques temps. Je l’utilise sur des pinceaux en poils synthétique. Il faut faire attention à l’usage excessif de produits contenant de l’alcool pour ne pas altérer la texture des pinceaux notamment ceux en poils naturels. Surtout ne pas mettre trop d’alcool qui peut aussi décoller les poils au manche. Donc de l’alcool oui mais pas trop ! Here is my recipe…

78,32 % demineralized water
19,58 % alcohol 70 ° (modified works very well)
1,5 % active tension smooth coconut (another little do the trick as)
0,6 % Cosgard

Difficulty : ––Conservation : —–Capacity :

Method :
Mix all ingredients together, without too agitated to cause foaming and pour into a spray bottle well sterile.

Use :
Spray on your brushes, not too close to the place where they are glue together, et frotter sur un morceau de sopalin ou un chiffon propre. Recommencez jusqu’à ce que plus rien ne transfert. Laissez sécher la tête en bas ou posé sur un chiffon propre.

Verdict :
I'm very satisfied, mes pinceaux sont resté doux et propre. Je n’ai pas utilisé de fragrances, or essential oils to prevent allergic reactions, because many of the brushes on the eyes will also ! Je verrais au fur et a mesure de l’utilisation ce que j’en pense mais à date j’en suis vraiment contente.

Products also disinfect !
It is not enough to clean his brushes… il faut aussi de temps en temps nettoyer la surface de nos produits. Comme les fards par exemple, passez un petit chiffon sur leur surface et vaporiser de l’alcool à 70° et laissez sécher. Cela n’altère aucunement vos produits ! Vous éviterez bien des désagréments, because a lot of affection skins come from misuse of these tools.

Attention !
This product does not replace a thorough cleaning should be done regularly !!

***Tip ***
To dry your brushes, whatsoever with the cleaning or the fact that soap and water… voici une idée pour sécher vos pinceaux tête en bas. Pourquoi tête en bas… so that the water does not flow into the brush handle because there can form mold (yes yuck) ! Il vous suffit de quelques pinces à linge et d’un espace entre deux meubles. Je fais souvent ceci sur mon étendoir à linge… it is well !

Other recipes :
I have a girlfriend of the web has also made a perfect recipe, with different ingredients of mine I invite you to visit his formulation here at the lair of the Goblin.

See you soon for other recipes !

Soap Gift From Maine USA

Here I am back from vacation… I took advantage of this and a little left side of the site. But here I am recovering from the rest and come back with a recipe that I liked to… a recipe for soap course !

A few months ago I did a soap for a great opportunity to meet with the ADNS. You can read what it is here. I wanted to make my creation on the theme holidays… I confess that I look forward to mine ! So I started thinking and I immediately thought of a trip I made small in a beautiful region of the United States. Maine ! Beautiful landscapes seaside, small white fences damaged by the wind and sand, colorful houses, blue hydrangeas, the tall grass with the big wooden walkways leading to endless beaches. Images forever etched in my head. We were in the area of ​​Old Orchard Beach… I also remember the huge lobster that my mother's cousin had eaten. I was impressed… Odors are also engraved in my head. The smell of salt, of iode, mixed with flowers and grass… a pure delight olfactory !

So without further ado here's the recipe that I made myself inspired by this beautiful journey…

Coconut oil 25 %
Palm oil bio 25 %
Olive oil 30 %
Rapeseed oil 20 %

Water and soda to recalculate
Greasing to 7 %

The trace :
Synergy of essential oils 2,5% ( Tea tree, Lemongrass, Geranium rosa, Absolute lemon and benzoin)

Greasing to 5% for dyes

Neon green + black coal
Titanium dioxide
Neon Blue - Titanium Dioxide

Difficulty : Conservation : Several months

Traditional method of soap cold
Melt the oils together. Add soda water (not the other) and cool. When both mixtures, water and soda, are room temperature, pour the soda / water in your oil and mix until the appearance of the trace. Add the rest of your ingredients (essential oil, oil, oxide, mica) and pour into your molds. Wait 48 h and unmold your soaps with gloves. Place in a dry place for a minimum of cure 6 weeks.

I cut each soap in two and tied a piece of string above. To give a spirit boat. All complemented by a label here as.

What technique of marbling ?
Here I used the technique to the hanger. I put about four hanger at the bottom of my mold, I cast my first two color and walked up slowly each hanger… to give the effect of the tall grass. Then I put the rest of my colorful pasta. Rien de bien compliqué 🙂

What I think
Already a few weeks ago that we use in the shower at home. I must say that I appreciate, it leaves the skin soft and very sweet. I love the smell, flowers and sweet… but hey this is very personal. I wonder what people think that I offered !

A meeting in the land of bubbles !

18 July 2012 by  
Filed under Novelty, Soap factory, Area discoveries

Before leaving on vacation to the south, I just tell you a very special meeting held in June… I had the great pleasure to participate. That the ADNS. But what the ADNS ? It is the Association Of New Soap. A group of professional and amateur soapmakers. A swap space, support, sharing, good humor and passion around the soap. I put you site link here for more information.

But back to this wonderful day of 23 June 2012. We were invited twenty participants in the beautiful region of Chabeuil. From all regions of France and even Tunisia !! We all took a little something to eat for lunch, dinner organized way “Spanish inn”. Then of course soaps show, humer, share, short a great time when all senses were touched. I would not explain precisely what was in the air… but say that I could describe in one word and… “happiness”. A wonderful atmosphere hovered, the reception of the two hosts Frank and Sabine (Soap Gaiia). People whose good mood is contagious. Everyone shared, smiling, laughed, like a big family which. The place is just wonderful, the countryside and horses… I love horses that I was very happy. Besides Sabine works in this medium, elle a site where we can provide in riding equipment.

I also had the pleasure to meet other bloggers with whom I exchange years… since some 5 years now. We all had the same resentment, printing to know for ages and to meet again with friends. People with whom I keep in touch is some ! Then again of course :).

The meeting also allowed me to meet new faces. People as far as Tunisia (Taoufik) and another much closer… in the same city as me, small clin d'oeil to Missrimel. I left the evening, light heart and head full of ideas. Another huge thank you to Frank and Sabine… I look forward to seeing you all at our next meeting !

Here are some photos taken at the meeting by different participants ! Again thank you to them for allowing me to use their beautiful photos here.

The delicacies of the day ! Blocks, wines (moderation ^ ^), lemonade, dried fruit, Tunisian pastries, strawberries in chocolate and much more.

The soap Noa sublime colors, the surprise packets of Sophie, Olivier soaps, of Jurassens and Olga.

Know the Céline marbled, milk soap camel Taoufik, Gaiia soaps and Isabelle.

Soaps eggs deTaoufik, simply eggzellent ! Mine (recipe to come) and a beautiful little dogs of our guests.

So who were you telling me this ? Here is…

Franck & Sabine, the soap Gaiia, guests and interesting people and passionate !
Noa Swanee, great chemist and avid soap, bubbly and full of good advice… and talent !
Michel, our great sage meetings, all done with a touch of humor and also founder of Codina.
Jeff, soap maker who made an impassioned 180 in his life to live his passion ! I admire his career !
Olive, Another soap very passionate with a great concept in soap.
Maria, chemist and a great lover of art. Marriage of flavors and technique, what better !
Severine, great passion, who dreams his own soap and all that will soon be realized !
Sandrine, passionate blogger with soap and plenty of talent. With a beautiful infectious smile.
Karine, that has inspired so many blogger to start making their soap. From a huge talent and will soon release its line of soap !!
Celine, our budding comedian with his story of his first experience in soap, makes beautiful soaps with great passion and cosmetics.
Sophie, sweet and talented, as chemist, a girl who has everything ! In addition it is the same city as me… j’espère qu’on fera un jour un petit savon à quatre mains 😉
Olga, a soap maker and passionate with a great sense of ethics, it offers a very gentle soap, which reflects its own sweetness.
Lucie, it is the little bit of southern sun, a lilting accent that I love and know sublime ! It also will soon release its range !
Olive, another enthusiast who puts a lot of heart to his profession and his own soap.
Claude & Michael, soap couple marrying the perfect symbiosis. One focused on the aspect of care and other visual artists. Soaps that have a bright future !
Taoufik, the Green Hand Soap, it came directly from Tunisia to see us, with soaps awesome… eggs and soaps camel milk… I keep preciously like gold !
Isabelle, know of what I call a perfumer… wonderful smells and makes travel ! She even kind enough to send me another email. Thank you !!

Lucy made us a nice video of the encounter I leave you to discover thank you all for this beautiful day !

Gel capillary loops minutes sublimated

For years I use aloe gel as a natural hair gel. Yes yes the gel pure and simple fuss-free. J’en ai fait aussi quelques recette avec un peu plus d’ingrédients comme here and is. Mais aujourd’hui je vous fait la recette minute que j’utilise régulièrement pour que mes boucles reste belles et légères. C’est très facile et vous n’aurez ni besoin de conservateur, or containing, or complicated process. All manufacturing is minute and immediate application !

1 tablespoon aloe gel
1 to 2 drops of provitamin B5
1 to 2 drops liquid extract silk

Difficulty : ––Conservation : —–Capacity :

Method :
Mélangez le tout dans le creux de vos mains et appliquez sur toute la chevelure mouillé. Laissez bien séché à l’air. My recipe is perfect for my hair length, half long and I have lots of volume. Mais attention, commencez par de petites quantités afin de ne pas alourdi vos cheveux ou trop les imbiber… sinon effet carton!

Tadam !!!! That's it ! Not very complicated is not it ? Bien oui pourquoi se compliqué la vie quand on peut faire bien, Cheap and fast !

Ingredients :
D'Vera Gel Aloès : Moisturizing and nourishing. Definitely a must, the skin has a unique healing action.
Provitamin B5 : Strengthening, repair and shines.
Silk protein liquid : Maintains hydration, lisse les écailles (++ for curly hair) and generally beautify the hair.

Other possibilities :
Rice protein : Gives volume and maintains the hydration of the hair.
Vegetable oil : Nourishes hair, whether monoi, coco, macadamia, Argan or other. Vegetable oils are superb ally for beautiful hair.

Where to find ingredients ? In food store or online… go take a look in the section supplier.

Stay tuned for more recipes minutes….

Soap tribute to Nunavut

If you saw my post yesterday you could see all the beautiful soaps that have been created as part of an exchange between passionate soap. Today I will show you mine…

For this great swap I wanted you to travel to my home country, the Canada. A journey far North, beyond the coniferous forests,… to land ice. I was inspired, you'll understand, of glaciers in northern Canada. More exactly to the Nunavut. Nunavut with its large tracts of land, water and ice inhabited by a multitude of fabulous animals. This beautiful area is north eastern canada… and hits very close to Greenland. I am passionate about the native cultures of these regions since childhood. So I wanted, sort by soap, honor them.

Their culinary traditions and cosmetics is mostly composed of animal products. Here I tried to imagine a product 100 % plant that might suit them. Help them with their daily, the cold climate and lack of light. For indeed the seasons are marked by great period of day and night sides of… up to several months in a row.

Here is the olfactory composition of my soap. It contains grapefruit, for the sun side. Of verbena, for his part in a good mood the blues. Then the oak moss, herbaceous and woody smell this, very natural that resembles what one feels when the snow melts.

So I wanted to give the appearance of my soap glacier; these glaciers tinted turquoise depths, white and black. You might recognize as being the polar bear… emblem of Nunavut ! For the marbling technique will be explained according to the recipe.

Without further ado here is my recipe…

Coconut oil 30 %
Olive oil 21 %
Grape seed oil (macerated verveine) 28,35 %
Hazelnut oil 13 %
Huile macadamia 2 %
Beurre de karité 4 %
Huile de palme 1,65 %

Water and soda to recalculate
Greasing to 7 %

The trace :
Synergy 3 % (Grapefruit essential oil, vervain and oak moss absolute)

Neon blue dye + a hint of neon green
White titanium oxide
Black coal + Shiny charcoal gray pearl cosmetics

INS : 140,63

Difficulty : Conservation : Several months

Traditional method of soap cold
Melt the oils together. Add soda water (not the other) and cool. When both mixtures, water and soda, are room temperature, pour the soda / water in your oil and mix until the appearance of the trace. Add the rest of your ingredients (essential oil, oil, oxide, mica) and pour into your molds. Wait 48 h and unmold your soaps with gloves. Place in a dry place for a minimum of cure 6 weeks.

Why these quantities ?
Just because I worked with what I had at home. I wanted to provide maximum softness and texture soap. Then with these curious quantities I could get a soap that my faith pleases me well. Then it stays in the theme also, because winter is done with what we had when we lived in the far north ! 🙂

I sent these little soap about 60g in small pack of craft paper… as if it were a fragile box came directly from Canada. I have not had time to take a picture but you can see here, around here and is. I had also this label to accompany. We find the logo of the Government of Nunavut, I invite you to discover :

What technique of marbling ?
Here I used the technique to the hanger. Which involves stacking sandwich our different colors into a mold and gently move a hanger for marbling. By cons here I have not done as usual… I twisted my hanger to give it a shape of fingers and I do not go to the length but the width of my mold. As the picture. By movements up and down until the end of my mold. When cutting I added a little polar bear with his star, The logo comme de Nunavut, a small stencil that I made all applied with a little white mica.


Finally, this exchange was a wonderful opportunity for me to express my respect to a little-known people. So I wanted to honor them, they who seek to preserve their languages ??and traditions, while facing the laws of species protection and environmental. This is where some traditions and environment happiness.

Let us know more precisely to protect our natural large water !

A good discussion of bubbles !

28 March 2012 by  
Filed under Novelty, Soap factory, Area discoveries

There are a few months I received a very nice invitation Lucie through Jessica to participate in an exchange of savonnesques creations. Participants are professional soap and soap Sunday (I is part of course!). I was really pleased ! Small conditions were to make a scented soap with essential oils, with vegetable oils and all of a minimum weight of 50g.

Here… creative the machine is started, what I was going to be able to ?! An idea came from the cold comes… but that I would tell you tomorrow ;).

So I received last week with great joy all participants know ! What can I say other than… WOW !! It was Christmas in the middle of March !!! I was like a kid in a candy store opening this beautiful package ! A medley of odors reached my nose !! Colors, textures, the beautiful packaging… than pleasure !! I put everything in a nice basket that I move from room to room history perfume the atmosphere.

Here are without delay these superb works of art…

Soap Eucalium

As beautiful to the eyes and nose, emanation of the essential oils of eucalyptus, patchouli and geranium. Its marbling and color gives the appearance of precious stone. I can not wait to try it !

Savon Berlingamote
De Pascale,

Superb soap shaped carton with the smell of bergamot, a small return to childhood, a moment of pure delight ! I can not wait to test it !

Immortal snow
The Karine,

Explosion of colors and fragrances for scented soap edelweiss extract and combawa… all with jojoba beads for a little gentle exfoliation. I do not know if it will end immediately in my shower because I can not take off my nose top ! I conquered !

Savon ketchup

Tomatoes are scrambling to provide a soap that any gardener should have ! Here was to propose an alcoholic maceration of tomatoes, essential oil not just the sweet smell that reminds me pies tomatoes ! I want to garden !

Soap Pan

So then this trip is a journey with nature, des odeurs fleuri d'Ylang Ylang. Its scent relaxes me a lot and bright colors makes a good mood ! All came with a beautiful poem Celine enchanting.

Alain soap !
Anja D',

This soap is truly refreshing, I love the smell of mint so I'm spoiled here, because you will understand it contains. It was also made with stone alum and local oils. A great discovery that I can not wait to take a shower.

Savon Bugsbunny

Beautiful pastel soap invites a moment of sweetness. I want a pampering time with this one. Here we delight of course essential oil… carrots ! Little trip to the land of Disney assured !

Oh my soap “Gold” !

A real luxury this one… beautiful soap sprinkled with gold leaf ! Oh my gold en effet !! The very fragrant for a trip in the south of France… in lavender ! And J'ad-or- !

Inspiration soap feline
Of Mary,

Small soap wildness that when the well positioned quietly shines. Its smell of spices is a treat. Key vetiver, cedar and cinnamon… grrrouaawwww !

Soap Bubbles greedy
Michaël De,

It really deserves its name, it looks like a pastry this soap. A slice of cake in which I'd like to chew… but we'll save that for the shower ! Odeur de verveine, orange, ylang ylang and palmarosa to come to spice up the nostrils !

Soap Rain pastels

Here was a double surprise because we had a chance of falling on either a soap or fresh floral fragrance ! To tadammm… I had the fresh ! A delicious smell of mint is one escapes its appearance is sublime with its bluish green peas… one time pop !

The soap Impromptu
The Sandrine,

Soap canvas, a small work of art decorating the bathroom well when bathing or showering (Greener is better). Its smell is fine and soft dotted orange, Geranium, palmarosa, Patchouli, of coriander, de benjoin, guaiac wood and balsam peru. A mix that invites a relaxing.

Soap salt and oil in Africa
De Swanee,

A discovery for me much in the sense of touch that smell. A trip to distant lands… green and spicy fragrance both. PaloSanto, Okoume, Gaping mouth, Maniguette sweet bejoin. The salt gives it a grainy as if it was a piece of a brick of a lost temple. I love.

Savon Vanilla Bean

Of gluttony in bar… is it really !! It looks like a vanilla caramel… course because it is flavored with vanilla. Decor is greedy are also the colors of our favorite dessert ! Plus it has a small exfoliating hand with the heart of the poppy seeds. 'll Admit… you have a small environmental non caramel ?

Loofah Soap
Michel de,

A great big soap looks like a very gentle and will be perfect for summer happens because it contains the loofah will exfoliate the skin well ! It feels very fresh, la menthe forte (non démentholée). It gives me environment to go to this spa soap !!

Loofah Soap
The Franck,

Colossus, It is aptly named ! Soap and smelling generous nature. It reminds me of a trip in the mountains, I was camping out, with smells of Himalayan cedar, sandalwood and vetiver. I admit I fell for this line of soap in the past. I am delighted to have another !

Savon May Chang & Patchouli
De Zinette,

The type of soap that I would take with me on a trip ! A small green fragrant May Chang and patchouli as its name indicates. I love the smell and his notes a little lemon. A nice buffer conceals all.

Soap Arabian Nights

A perfect soap to encourage dreams. A nice marbling and a divine odor,. The scent of anise, basil and tropical vétivier come capture your nostrils ! You breathe well, closing his eyes… I keep this one for sweet dreams !!

Once upon a time soap

What a tribute this one soap, which was made in honor of his mother. Mild shared with us to discover very feminine odor moment, Lavender, geranium and patchouli. All this decorated pink damask. Soap that makes me think of my own mom who I miss a lot ! A beautiful moment olfactory !

Soap Nunavut
This is mine !!
But I will speak tomorrow!

I hope you enjoyed discovering these beautiful soaps ! Too bad odors can not be transmitted through the screens !
Thank you very much to Lucy for organizing this swap participants and thank you I am filled ! I hope that my soap will please you as much as yours beguile me.

Make your house incense !

5 March 2012 by  
Filed under Incense, Home, Novelty

Je suis très sensible aux odeurs et j’adore parfumé ma maison. I used among other things, of incense, but as many know, incense purchased commercially contains many chemical ingredients. As synthetic fragrances, dyes, solvents, etc.. Here I suggest you make yourself your little incense cones. Of course you will need some very specific ingredients, but then be very easy to find. Contrary to what you might think it is very easy to achieve. For this recipe, which is not the only possible to, you will need…


1/2 from powdered incense frankincense *
1 from iris powder
1 from tonka bean into powder
1/4 part of nutmeg
A little water

(accuracy after a few comments on a forum for… must of course be put very little water if it's been a dry cake that not !!!)

Method :
Reduce your incense frankincense powder in a mortar. (This one is very important as it helps to keep your cone, but do not put too much otherwise you will struggle to burn. You can also put other kind of incense or even better gum and / or absolute benzoin). Carefully Rappez your tonka bean. Mix all ingredients together and drip add water to form a stiff dough. Train your small cones and let dry for two to five days.

And here !! Not simple ? Feel free to vary the pleasure, sage, cinnamon, du jasmine, pine resin, absolute benzoin, even a few drops of essential oils in place of a few drops of water. You have to figure !

Use :
Turn the tip of your cone and let burn on a small plate or burner appropriate.

Where to find :
You will find your ingredients easily with a herbalist, even at the grocer for spices and also on some site I have a supplier list here.
For burners you will find several shops and garden decorations.

Interesting site, English, to formulate its scents :

Video (English) the American company “Mountain Rose Herbs” which shows you how :

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