The recipes published on 100% Can

Here are the recipes that have appeared on the report yesterday !
I would also like to thank Eloise Lætitia and it was a real pleasure !! Pour revoir l’émission visible seulement en France click here, I am in the second report.

The purpose cleaner lavender and rosemary


Difficulty : star greystar3 greystar3greystar3 ––Capacity : 250 ml

Maceration of lavender vinegar & rosemary for cleaning :
250 ml of white vinegar
3 tablespoons dried lavender flowers
3 tablespoons dried rosemary

Cleaner :
125 ml of macerate vinegar (This recipe top)
125 ml water
1 tablespoon of dishwashing liquid
10 drops of essential oil of lavender (antibacterial)

Method :
In a sterile pot pour your vinegar on your plants dried. Laisser reposer une petite semaine. Le moment venu filtrer votre mélange à l’aide d’un filtre à café. Dans un petit pot mélanger votre liquide vaisselle et votre huile essentielle et ajouter le au mélange filtrer. Il ne vous reste qu’à compléter avec de l’eau !

Here's the label I made for cleaning :

For the remaining revenue beauties that were presented at the show click here

Supplies and materials :

The useful Zinette
Alternative nature
Bilby & Co
But cosméto lost

The recipes published on 100% Can

22 October 2009 by  
Filed under I, All Purpose Cleaners

Here are the recipes that have appeared on the report yesterday !
I would also like to thank Eloise Lætitia and it was a real pleasure !! Pour revoir l’émission visible seulement en France click here, I am in the second report.

The purpose cleaner lavender and rosemary

Difficulty : star greystar3 greystar3greystar3 ––Capacity : 250 ml

Maceration of lavender vinegar & rosemary for cleaning :
250 ml of white vinegar
3 tablespoons dried lavender flowers
3 tablespoons dried rosemary

Cleaner :
100 ml of macerate vinegar (This recipe top)
150 ml of water
1 tablespoon of dishwashing liquid
10 drops of essential oil of lavender or lemon (antibacterial)

Method :
Dyears a sterile pot pour your vinegar on your plants dried. Laisser reposer une petite semaine. Le moment venu filtrer votre mélange à l’aide d’un filtre à café. Dans un petit pot mélanger votre liquide vaisselle et votre huile essentielle et ajouter le au mélange filtrer. Il ne vous reste qu’à compléter avec de l’eau !

Here's the label I made for cleaning :

The deodorant feminine freshness

Difficulty : star greystar3 greystar3greystar3 ––Conservation : 1 month —–Capacity : 50 ml

24 ml hydrolat menthe poivré (astringent)
24 hydrosol ml blackcurrant (bracing)
1/2 mocha spoon aloe gel (healing)
1/4 teaspoon baking soda (natural deodorant)
60 drops of Solubol (dispersing essential oils)
5 drops of essential oil of palmarosa (regulating)
5 drops of geranium essential oil (antifungal)
5 drops of essential oil of lavender (antibacterial)
3 drops of essential oil of sandalwood (calming)
1 advanced or 0.10 ml of extract CO2 iris (perfume, optional)
6 drops of ECOGARD (conservative)

Method :
Mix the hydrosols, aloe gel and baking soda together. In another bowl, mix Solubol, essential oils and CO2 extracts(if you use it). Pour the mixture in the first second and whisk well until the consistency is milky. Pour into a spray bottle well sterile. Pour plus de fraicheur et une meilleur conservation garder votre déodorant au frais.

Here's the label I made for deodorant :

The spray of exotic atmosphere

Difficulty : star greystar3 greystar3greystar3 ––Conservation : 12 month —–Capacity : 50 ml

50 ml of alcohol at 90 ° or vodka
15 gouttes he pamplemousse
15 drops aromatic extract of papaya
10 aromatic extract leaking drops of passion

Method :
Mélangez tout les ingrédients ensemble et vaporisez dans l’atmosphère. J’adore cette brume et j’en met partout !

Here's the label I made for the room spray exotic :

Supplies and materials :

The useful Zinette
Alternative nature
Bilby & Co
But cosméto lost

All-purpose liquid cleaner

25 May 2009 by  
Filed under All Purpose Cleaners

You remember these horrors powder which was used to clean ? Elles étaient si abrasive qu’on devait impérativement se mettre des gants. Ces poudres existe encore, but you can now make your own recipe ! Voici donc un nettoyant doux et qui n’agressera pas vos mains. Il est parfait pour nettoyer votre bain, sink, stove, etc.. Les huiles essentielles de romarin, lemon and lavender are both well disinfection but also leave a pleasant scent of clean.

125 ml biodegradable liquid dish soap
5 cs green clay
1 cs baking soda
20 gouttes he citron
30 ET drops lavender
30 gouttes he romarin à Cinéole


Mélanger le bicarbonate de soude et l’argile. Dans un bol verser le contenue de votre liquide à vaisselle, add little by little clay and baking soda (slowly so that the mixture does not swell). Incorporer les huiles essentielles et verser le tout dans un flacon hermétique. Voilà vous avez un nettoyant tout usage, liquid and especially without adverse environmental effects !