Soap tribute to Nunavut

If you saw my post yesterday you could see all the beautiful soaps that have been created as part of an exchange between passionate soap. Today I will show you mine…

For this great swap I wanted you to travel to my home country, the Canada. A journey far North, beyond the coniferous forests,… to land ice. I was inspired, you'll understand, of glaciers in northern Canada. More exactly to the Nunavut. Nunavut with its large tracts of land, water and ice inhabited by a multitude of fabulous animals. This beautiful area is north eastern canada… and hits very close to Greenland. I am passionate about the native cultures of these regions since childhood. So I wanted, sort by soap, honor them.

Their culinary traditions and cosmetics is mostly composed of animal products. Here I tried to imagine a product 100 % plant that might suit them. Help them with their daily, the cold climate and lack of light. For indeed the seasons are marked by great period of day and night sides of… up to several months in a row.

Here is the olfactory composition of my soap. It contains grapefruit, for the sun side. Of verbena, for his part in a good mood the blues. Then the oak moss, herbaceous and woody smell this, very natural that resembles what one feels when the snow melts.

So I wanted to give the appearance of my soap glacier; these glaciers tinted turquoise depths, white and black. You might recognize as being the polar bear… emblem of Nunavut ! For the marbling technique will be explained according to the recipe.

Without further ado here is my recipe…

Coconut oil 30 %
Olive oil 21 %
Grape seed oil (macerated verveine) 28,35 %
Hazelnut oil 13 %
Huile macadamia 2 %
Beurre de karité 4 %
Huile de palme 1,65 %

Water and soda to recalculate
Greasing to 7 %

The trace :
Synergy 3 % (Grapefruit essential oil, vervain and oak moss absolute)

Neon blue dye + a hint of neon green
White titanium oxide
Black coal + Shiny charcoal gray pearl cosmetics

INS : 140,63

Difficulty : Conservation : Several months

Traditional method of soap cold
Melt the oils together. Add soda water (not the other) and cool. When both mixtures, water and soda, are room temperature, pour the soda / water in your oil and mix until the appearance of the trace. Add the rest of your ingredients (essential oil, oil, oxide, mica) and pour into your molds. Wait 48 h and unmold your soaps with gloves. Place in a dry place for a minimum of cure 6 weeks.

Why these quantities ?
Just because I worked with what I had at home. I wanted to provide maximum softness and texture soap. Then with these curious quantities I could get a soap that my faith pleases me well. Then it stays in the theme also, because winter is done with what we had when we lived in the far north ! 🙂

I sent these little soap about 60g in small pack of craft paper… as if it were a fragile box came directly from Canada. I have not had time to take a picture but you can see here, around here and is. I had also this label to accompany. We find the logo of the Government of Nunavut, I invite you to discover :

What technique of marbling ?
Here I used the technique to the hanger. Which involves stacking sandwich our different colors into a mold and gently move a hanger for marbling. By cons here I have not done as usual… I twisted my hanger to give it a shape of fingers and I do not go to the length but the width of my mold. As the picture. By movements up and down until the end of my mold. When cutting I added a little polar bear with his star, The logo comme de Nunavut, a small stencil that I made all applied with a little white mica.


Finally, this exchange was a wonderful opportunity for me to express my respect to a little-known people. So I wanted to honor them, they who seek to preserve their languages ??and traditions, while facing the laws of species protection and environmental. This is where some traditions and environment happiness.

Let us know more precisely to protect our natural large water !

Soap “Gingerbread”

6 September 2011 by  
Filed under With essential oils, Spicy, Novelty

In the month of May I am back in my beloved country to visit family and friends. It was a wonderful trip, it had already been three long years since I had not returned. No need to tell you that I was lacking in my native Canada ! Not always easy to live away from his family but good… Ainsi va la vie. To return to our sheep… I had prepared beforehand to give small gifts, I had three different soaps which one I am presenting today.

It is as the name suggests a soap spices. I wanted black with golden yellow. I'm rather pleased with the visual result. The smell when cutting was absolutely delicious… a molasses cake as in my childhood. After his treatment he feels much cloves and molasses. Citrus fruits are harder to keep in soaps. Without delay, So here is my little recipe…

32 % Coconut oil
42% Olive oil
26% Beurre de karité

Water and soda to recalculate

The trace :
3 cs Molasses
2 cc charcoal.
1 cc mica or + yellow ocher (for forms in spirals)
2% Clove oil and grapefruit

Difficulty :
Conservation : Several months

Melt the oils together. Add soda water and cool. When both mixtures, water and soda, are room temperature, pour the soda / water in your oil and mix until the appearance of the trace. Then add the rest of your ingredients (essential oil, oil and mica) and pour into your molds. Wait 48 h and unmold your soaps with gloves. Place in a dry place for a cure 4 weeks.

Here is another photo that is very bad sorry… but I can take it with my cell phone at the time because my camera was out of service. With the way I've always done… une étiquette 😉

Milk spray tonic, au marron d'inde !

30 June 2010 by  
Filed under Novelty, Specific care

I am sure of not being alone in suffering at the moment of swollen legs… strong water retention. Bon je prend déjà des tisanes de queue de cerise, of water, less salt and sugar… but how much good care to the end ! There are the brown of india, un principe actif de choix pour faciliter la circulation sanguine. Un extrait que Laurence de chez MaCosmetoPerso mais gentiment envoyé pour me faire découvrir. Franchement pour moi c’est un petit produit de choix pendant cette saison “to heavy legs” !! Voici donc la recette très fraiche et facilement réalisable.

5 g hv macadamia (circulatory)
5 g macerât De Bellis (firming and toning venous)
3 g géliscure (emulsifier)
4 g extract of brown india (activator bloodstream)
33 g geranium hydrosol (tonic)
0.1 g xanthan gum (gelifiant)
3 % following essential oils :
Christe marine (diuretic and against cellulite)
Sage Clary (assistance to circulatory problems)
Grapefruit * (against water retention and cellulite)
0.6 % Geogard

Difficulty : star star greystar3 greystar3 ––Conservation : 1 month —–Capacity : 50 g

Mélangez soigneusement votre hydrolat et la gomme de xanthane jusqu’à formation d’un beau gel. Faites de même pour vos huiles et votre gélisucre. Mélangez ensuite le premier mélange au second graduellement en fouettant bien, si vous avez un mousseur à lait c’est l’idéal. Lorsque votre mélange est bien homogène il ne vous reste qu’à ajouter l’extrait de marron d’inde, vos huiles essentielles et votre conservateur. Versez dans un flacon spray stérile et gardez à l’abri de la chaleur et de la lumière. (the refrigerator is the ideal place clean.)

Apply all of your legs, massaging well into the heart to activate maximum blood flow.

I give you the address of the shop for Laurence’extract of brown india.

And here is the result of skin… this milk is perfect for a very penetrating and spray.

*Warning this essential oil is photosensitizing.

A room spray exotic

1 October 2009 by  
Filed under Parfums d'ambiance

Voici un petit spray d’ambiance pour vous donner un peu de pep’s pendant la journée. Des odeurs d’agrumes et de fruits exotique gourmand à souhait !

50 ml of alcohol at 90 ° or vodka
15 gouttes he pamplemousse
15 drops aromatic extract of papaya
10 aromatic extract leaking drops of passion

Difficulty : star greystar3 greystar3greystar3 ––Conservation : 12 month —–Capacity : 50 ml

Mélangez tout les ingrédients ensemble et vaporisez dans l’atmosphère. J’adore cette brume et j’en met partout !

You can print this label to decorate your little one spray bottle !


Soap and body hair

22 August 2009 by  
Filed under With essential oils, The flower, Soaps

I made this soap at the beginning of summer, in late June, pour nos vacances en camping et à la plage. Je voulais un savon pratique qui puisse faire corps et cheveux mais aussi avec des propriétés anti moustiques. On sait tous que les moustiques n’aime pas le géranium… cette huile essentielle est aussi très bonne pour les cheveux fragilisé, d’où sont utilité pour des cheveux affecté par le soleil et l’eau de mer. J’ai attendu pour vous le présenter afin d’avoir l’avis de ma famille et le verdict est sans appel… il mousse bien et laisse les cheveux très doux. Here is the recipe !

29 % coconut oil
21 % macadamia huile
19 % olive oil
18 % Baobab oil
13 % beurre de karité

Water and soda to recalculate

The trace :
on sunflower oil lubrication (about 5% I could do more)
Essential oils 4% :
he géranium rosa
he lemon grass
he pamplemousse
he tea tree
Mica pink

INS : just under 158

Difficulty : star star greystar3 greystar3 ––Conservation : several months

Melt the oils together. Add soda water and cool. When both mixtures, water and soda, are room temperature, pour the soda / water in your oil and mix until the appearance of the trace. Then add the rest of your ingredients (essential oil, oil and mica) and pour into your molds. Wait 48 h and unmold your soaps with gloves, If soaps are sticky place in the freezer a few hours before unmolding (thank you to Keskafée this trick). Place in a dry place for a cure 4 weeks.

I bought this mold there 6 mois car j’adore ce film. Je trouve que le titre va bien avec un produit anti moustique ;) . Un fight club pour faire la guerre aux moustiques !

Soap specifically for very dry hair !!

Shampoo freshness

4 May 2009 by  
Filed under Shampoos

Voici une recette toute simple et très agréable. Ce shampoing vous donnera un peu de pep le matin et luttera contre les pellicules et la chute de cheveux tout en donnant force et brillance.

198 ml washing base neutral
2 capsule yeast (strength and shine)
2 cs Rasul (natural cleanser)
1.2 ml vegetable glycerine (humectant and protection)
1.2 ml silicone plant (brightness)
1.2 ml olive hv (moisturizer)
20 gouttes he citron (Purifying)
15 ET drops lavender (anti-infective)
15 gouttes he pamplemousse (Anti chute)
15 gouttes he menthe verte (refreshing and healing)
2 cc liquid honey (humectant)
40 gouttes AHA, fruit acid (brightness)
30 gouttes bisabolol (calming)
20 vitamin E drops
0.6 % drops ECOGARD

pamplemousse2 menthe rhassoul1

Difficulty : star greystar3 greystar3 greystar3 ––Conservation : 1 month —–Capacity : 200 ml

Mélanger tous les ingrédients ensemble et verser dans un flacon bien stérile. Appliquer ce shampoing sur des cheveux bien mouillés, you will see it gives a feeling of freshness and well treated scalp gently.

Circulatory gel for legs

7 April 2009 by  
Filed under Specific care

Je voulais un gel tout léger pour les jambes histoire de bien me préparer pour l’été qui arrive. Aussi un gel pratique que je pourrais utiliser après une épilation. Du deux en un quoi !

25 ml hydrolat menthe poivré ( tonic and circulatory)
10 mL hydrolat santal (soothing)
10 ml gel d'Aloes (soothing)
3 ml hv calophylle inophyle (circulatory)
1.20 ml green tea powder (micro circulation)
15 gouttes he patchouli (circulatory)
6 gouttes he palmarosa (healing)
5 gouttes he pamplemousse (draining)
1 good tip guar gum (natural gelling)
6 drops ECOGARD (conservative)

menthepoivree thevert patchouli2

Difficulty : star star greystar3 greystar3 ––Conservation : 1 month —–Capacity : 50 ml

Mix the hydrosols, le thé vert avec la gomme de guar en fouettant rapidement pour ne pas faire de grumeaux. Incorporer votre gel d’aloès et l’huile de canophylle innophyle. Lorsque le mélange est bien homogène ajouter vos huiles essentielles et votre conservateur. Garder ce gel bien au frais à l’abris de la lumière.

Apply, if skin is dry, sur toute la longueur de vos jambes après la douche. This gel is absorbed quickly !

You can print the label to make your pump bottle !

geljambes1 geljambes

Volumizing shampoo "Ginger & citrus"

25 March 2009 by  
Filed under Shampoos

Here is a shampoo that I have formulated for “So lovely things” qui avait besoin de soins pour sa belle chevelure. Des racines grasse et pointes sèche, le tout avec une chevelure qui boucle. Apparement elle semble très satisfaite de son shampoing !! Here is the recipe, So what to give pep-haired and a little volume.

30 ml liquid soap (fabric softener)
55 ml washing base neutral
1/2 cc powdered ginger (volume)
1/2 cs milk powder
1 capsule yeast (strengthening)
0.40 ml silicone végétale (repairer)
0.18 hv ml ricin (strengthening)
1.20 ml neutral henna (brightness and volume)
0.50 ml glycérine (softener)
40 gouttes phytokératine (force)
10 gouttes he pamplemousse (Anti chute)
10 gouttes he citron (care oily roots)
10 gouttes he ylang ylang (bracing)
30 drops aromatic melon extract
0.6 % gouttes Geogard (conservative)

pamplemousse gingembre tranchecitron

Difficulty : star greystar3 greystar3 greystar3 ––Conservation : 1 month —–Capacity : 100 ml

Mix all ingredients together and pour into a sealed flask. Vous pouvez aussi ajouter une pincé de gomme de guar pour épaissir votre shampoing si celui ci deviens trop liquide.

You can print this label to decorate your little one bottle !


After easy homemade shampoo

27 February 2009 by  
Filed under After shampoos

So to continue in the hair care easy to do, une recette pour hydrater vos cheveux au naturel. Il rend les cheveux doux, flexible and easy to style.

3 cs oats
200 ml of mineral water
2 tablespoons dried chamomile (or depending on your hair type)
10 gouttes he ylang ylang (brightness)
10 gouttes he pamplemousse (anti chutes)
5 gouttes he camomille (or depending on your hair type)
15 drops of phytokératine (optional, to shine)
1 capsule of vitamin E
12 drops of Geogard 221 (Conservative or another)

herbes avoine lait

Difficulty : star greystar3 greystar3 greystar3 ––Conservation : 1 week —–Capacity : 150 ml

Make a decoction with your plants, either boil for 15 minutes l’eau et les plantes. Lorsque l’eau et les plantes bouillent depuis environ 12 minutes already, ajouter l’avoine et laisser frémir. Attention de bien remuer car le mélange peu monter vite. Filtrer et ajouter vos huiles essentielles, you will have a basis of a milky effect. For a more creamy, let the soaking in the refrigerator for two or three days and filter.

When the shower pour the contents of your hair, leave for two minutes and rinse well.

Here are some ideas of plants for each hair color
Blond hair : Chamomile, Rhubarb root, dried lemon
Red hair : Hibiscus, ginger
Dark Hair : Sage, black tea, rosemary

Shampoing anti chute

31 October 2008 by  
Filed under Shampoos

With winter comes we start heating our homes, mais cela à un effet sur notre chevelure. Les cheveux tombe un peu plus… ils sont stressé les pauvre. Voici donc un petit shampoing facile et pratique !

85 ml of washing base neutral
2 hv ml jojoba ou argan (depending on the type of hair)
3 ml of vegetable glycerine
1 cc of liquid honey (feeding)
15 drops grapefruit ET (stop hair loss)
5 ET drops clementine (calming)
1 mica brilliant tip
0.6 % drops ECOGARD
7 drops of vitamin E

Mix all ingredients together and pour into a sealed flask.

You can print this label to decorate your little one bottle !

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