Soap tribute to a Winter Rose

13 December 2011 by  
Filed under With fragrances, The flower, Novelty, Soap factory

Some time ago my neighbor gave me a rose from her garden… a gorgeous pink to captivating perfume. I could not believe that such a delicate flower withstand cold temperatures if. She even told me to keep my vase better left outside. So it gave me an environment to make soap ! Yeah because anything can become an excuse to make soap ^ ^.

This rose also made me think of a person who has ever crossed my path. In a contest that launched the theme of the rose I was able to learn a bit, that person so strong and fragile at the same time. A person who despite difficult circumstances like this all pink, it is beaten. Today it is a place that we simply do not know mortal. I like to think of where it is… roses are eternal. I think some will know who I mean. I dedicate this recipe to him…

HV rape 30%
HV coconut 25 %
HV olive 20 %
HV cocoa 6,5 %
HP Palme 18,5 %

Greasing to 8%
Water and soda to recalculate

The trace :
Fragrance rose 2%

Mica brillant
Mica rose
Emerald Green Mica *

Difficulty : Conservation : Several months

Traditional method of soap cold
Melt the oils together. Add soda water (not the other) and cool. When both mixtures, water and soda, are room temperature, pour the soda / water in your oil and mix until the appearance of the trace. Then add the rest of your ingredients (essential oil, fragrance, oil, oxide, mica) and pour into your molds. Wait 48 h and unmold your soaps with gloves. Place in a dry place for a minimum of cure 4 weeks.

*Here my emerald green mica became actually a little verdigris… So I think it must contain a mineral oxide oxide with soda. So if you ever want a soap dyed a nice green… stay away from this one.

The fragrance slightly accelerated my track so I had to pay promptly and I could not do what I wanted marbling. The look is not very professional but it also soap… although it is expected that things not always work the way you want. Always it is that this soap smells good…. very english rose !

If you want to see the recipe that I made for the competition around the rose click here

I did not know very well Laurence, but I, during this period which for many is family, to offer a sweet thought to his family.

Soap parties in little sparkling !

6 December 2011 by  
Filed under With fragrances, Novelty, Soap factory

The last few weeks I really carbureted in soap making. Well yes… the holidays approach and I think that handmade soap makes a wonderful gift. Especially when we did oneself. So I wanted to make very festive know.

When we speak we often think of celebrations with champagne or sparkling I thought it would be nice to give them this key, but hey put champagne in my soap is not yet in my ways !! So I continued my research on the internet and when the fragrance champagne and I we crossed… given that much to this…

HV grape seeds 32 % (well yes a must… champagne… raisin…)
HV coconut 30 %
HV olive 25 %
Palme HV bio 13 %

Water and soda to recalculate
Surgras 7%

Additions to the trace :
Mica noisette + Mica doré
Shiny silver mica food on top
Fragrance champagne

Difficulty : Conservation : Several months

Method of cold saponification :
Always the same for soaps. Melt the oils together. Add soda water (not the other) and cool. When both mixtures, soda + water and oil temperature are 40 ° C, pour the soda water mixture in your oil and mix with a hand blender until the appearance of the trace. Then add the rest of your ingredients (fragrances, oxides and mica) , pour into your molds. Wait 48 h and unmold your soaps with gloves, they cut it if necessary. Place in a dry place for a cure 4 weeks.

Here to create a worse I first put a little mica in my dough. Pay first, add mica, mixed, donate and so on. This is a slight deterioration golden… we do not really see the pictures… it's a shame. I then did the same technique of drawing on my savon Weeds… cutting with a star.

I made it there about four weeks… I will not say how much I look forward to using it ^ ^ !

En voici deux photos à la lumière du jour et l’autre fut prise au lever du jour 🙂

Soap tribute to Weeds…

There was a few months Kafee home Soapsession we threw a challenge “Americain soap“, make a soap under the theme of our favorite TV series. I must say that I had a hard time choosing because there are many that I like. But a special inspiration came to me with the series Weeds. If you've never watched I advise you… it's a little inspiration in British film “Saving Grace“, if you've never seen so… well go ahead it's a good slice of laughter !

Here is… then the heroine of the series traffics cannabis to feed his family following the death of her husband. Although it is not a consumer keen she is his drug iced coffees… she even downright drunk all the time. My soap is so inspired by these two things… Cannabis and iced coffee. I have a background of soap smells of coffee and patchouli, with ice melt in&for to finish with a green top layer made of hemp oil and smell of freshly cut grass. Here is the recipe…

Basic coffee
Coconut oil 30 %
Rapeseed oil 35 %
Cocoa butter 35 %

Water & soda to recalculate

Mica noisette
He patchouli
He petitgrain

Ice cubes
Melt & for goat milk
Coffee butter
Fragrance Coffee
Mica brillant

Base chanvre
Coconut oil 37 %
Hemp oil 16 %
Beurre de karité 26 %
Huile d'olive virgin 21 %

Water & soda to recalculate

Oxide green
Fragrance Green grass

Difficulty : Conservation : Several months

Traditional method of soap cold
Melt the oils together. Add soda water and cool. When both mixtures, water and soda, are room temperature, pour the soda / water in your oil and mix until the appearance of the trace. Then add the rest of your ingredients (essential oil, oil and mica) and pour into your molds. Wait 48 h and unmold your soaps with gloves. Place in a dry place for a cure 4 weeks.

My steps
I cast my first dough “Basic coffee”, add my ice already pre-made and pre-cut. The next day I made my second dough, that hemp and poured it all over.

The design of the hemp leaf
It's very simple, in a thick plastic sheet bought in a DIY store, I drew my paper and cut it to the cuter. Then I've used as a stencil to cut my soaps (48 h after resting)… with pretty green glitter. Sympa non ?

Here rendering larger !

Soap and body hair

22 August 2009 by  
Filed under With essential oils, The flower, Soaps

I made this soap at the beginning of summer, in late June, pour nos vacances en camping et à la plage. Je voulais un savon pratique qui puisse faire corps et cheveux mais aussi avec des propriétés anti moustiques. On sait tous que les moustiques n’aime pas le géranium… cette huile essentielle est aussi très bonne pour les cheveux fragilisé, d’où sont utilité pour des cheveux affecté par le soleil et l’eau de mer. J’ai attendu pour vous le présenter afin d’avoir l’avis de ma famille et le verdict est sans appel… il mousse bien et laisse les cheveux très doux. Here is the recipe !

29 % coconut oil
21 % macadamia huile
19 % olive oil
18 % Baobab oil
13 % beurre de karité

Water and soda to recalculate

The trace :
on sunflower oil lubrication (about 5% I could do more)
Essential oils 4% :
he géranium rosa
he lemon grass
he pamplemousse
he tea tree
Mica pink

INS : just under 158

Difficulty : star star greystar3 greystar3 ––Conservation : several months

Melt the oils together. Add soda water and cool. When both mixtures, water and soda, are room temperature, pour the soda / water in your oil and mix until the appearance of the trace. Then add the rest of your ingredients (essential oil, oil and mica) and pour into your molds. Wait 48 h and unmold your soaps with gloves, If soaps are sticky place in the freezer a few hours before unmolding (thank you to Keskafée this trick). Place in a dry place for a cure 4 weeks.

I bought this mold there 6 mois car j’adore ce film. Je trouve que le titre va bien avec un produit anti moustique ;) . Un fight club pour faire la guerre aux moustiques !

Soap specifically for very dry hair !!

Soap "tomato lemon"

14 May 2009 by  
Filed under With essential oils, The fruity, Soaps

J’avais envi de faire un savon de saison. Bon, of course tomatoes are not ripe yet, loin de là. Mais en faisant mon mini jardin de balcon, all specifically, planting my tomato plant in the planter, cela m’a donné une bonne idée de savon. Car la tomate dit on est bonne pour les peaux à problèmes et le citron aussi. Alors pourquoi pas en faire un savon pour le corps! Il est encore en cure et à vrai dire toujours dans ses moules depuis deux jours afin d’être bien sec. Néanmoins voici la recette et je vous en reparlerais lorsqu’il sera fin prêt !

30 % hv coconut
32.5 % hv macadamia
37.5 % Olive hv
Water and soda to recalculate

The trace :
4 % Grease on hv macadamia
tomato juice
ET lemon
he de tea tree
dried lemon peel in the sun
Mica cuivre

INS : 157

tomates savontomate tranchecitron

Difficulty : star star star star—–Conservation : several months PH : To be

Melt the oils together. Add soda water and cool. Je précise que j’ai coupé de moitié environ ma quantité d’eau et que je l’ai remplacé à la trace par du jus de tomate. When both mixtures, water and soda, are room temperature, pour the soda / water in your oil and mix until the appearance of the trace. Then add the rest of your ingredients (essential oil, zest of lemons, mica and tomato juice) and pour into your molds. Avec le mica les zestes prennent une jolie couleur rouge, but this is not a requirement to use in the recipe.

For now I did not test it because it is not ready at all but I was really looking forward to the presented :). Mais lorsqu’ils seront sorti des moules j’en ferais d’autre photo promis.

Savon "L'étoile du dragon"

7 March 2009 by  
Filed under With fragrances, Soaps

Here is a soap made based on this hot drink I can do without. A little trip to Asia at the time of the shower ! Here I used half my water green tea but I added to the trace… the soda immediately colored brown… but I oufff oxide green mineral !

35 % hv coconut
25 % hv grape seeds
20% beurre de kokum
20% Olive hv
water and soda to recalculate

The trace :
Decoction of green tea
Shredded seaweed
Green tea powder
Fragrance thé vert
Mineral oxide green

INS : 160

thevert2 algues savonthe

Difficulty : star star star star—–Conservation : several months

Melt the oils together. Add soda water and cool. When both mixtures are room temperature, pour the soda / water in your oil and mix until the appearance of the trace. Then add the rest of your ingredients and pour into your molds. Wait 48 h before removal and book all in a dry place to dry for about a month.

You can print this tag to embellish a little you know little !

Savon "Le temps d'une rose"

6 March 2009 by  
Filed under With essential oils, The flower, Soaps

Voici un autre de mes essais en savonnerie. Celui ci m’a donné un peu de mal car il ne voulait pas durcir… une pâte semi dur et très collante. J’avais mis un peu trop d’extrait mais bon il sent divinement bon et je crois que dans 3 semaines il sera très bien. Dans le cœur de chaque savon se trouve un petit bouton de rose !

40 % hv coconut
13 % beurre de karité
22 % hv macerate rosebuds (Grapeseed)
15 % Olive hv
10 % hv camellia
water and soda to recalculate

The trace :
aromatic extract of rose
he géranium rosa
tonka bean absolute
1 cc d’ultra marine rose

INS : 160

rosebonbon tonka savonrose

Difficulty : star star star star—–Conservation : several months —–

Melt the oils together. Add soda water and cool. When both mixtures are room temperature, pour the soda / water in your oil and mix until the appearance of the trace. Then add the rest of your ingredients and pour into your molds. Wait 48 h before removal and book all in a dry place to dry for about a month.

You can print this tag to embellish a little you know little !

Sensitive Skin Cleansing Lotion

4 December 2008 by  
Filed under Cleaners

Depuis le début de l’hiver ma peau est très capricieuse. Sèche et a tendance rouge… l’eau calcaire ne fait rien de bon non plus. J’ai donc fait cette lotion nettoyante douce pour apaiser et assainir ma peau.

15 ml de Gel d'Aloes (fabric softener)
50 ml hydrolat de camomille allemande (calming)
30 ml de macérât de rose (fait maison dans hv olive)
5 ml de vinaigre de rose (Purifying)
5 ET drops German chamomile (soothing)
2 ET drops rosewood (regenerating)
8 vitamin E drops
0.6 % drops ECOGARD

aloes camomille huile

Mélangez le macérât de rose avec le gel d’aloès. Ajouter la vitamine E et graduellement l’hydrolat de camomille, ensuite le reste des ingrédients. Versez dans un flacon d’environ 100 ml.

Appliquez cette lotion sur l’ensemble du visage en massant bien, avec une débarbouillette fraîche retirer la lotion. Vous pouvez faire suivre d’un hydrolat de camomille ou de rose pour tonifier la peau.

ps : Avec le vinaigre la texture fait comme des plumes, c’est normal, cela rend le produit très agréable sur la peau.

You can print this label to decorate your little one bottle !


Roll on special "have bobo head"

17 November 2008 by  
Filed under Specific care

A headache… Hop on the cherche aspirin… ah nonnnnn there are more !! No panic here's a quick recipe made to solve this small problem !

10 ml olive oil
2 gouttes he menthe poivrée
3 vitamin E drops

menthepoivree hvolive rollon

Verser les ingrédients dans un petit roll on et appliquer celui ci sur les tempes et le haut du front. Prenez vous une petite infusion et relaxer !! I said this roll is good for you “small” mots de têtes et non pas pour les migraine. Attention ne pas appliquer près des yeux.

Note that essential oil is highly recommended for pregnant women.