Aluminum salts and the risk of breast cancer

26 January 2012 by  
Filed under Novelty, Health

I did not usually copy the articles in other, but here the subject seems to me the most important.

Le sujet fait débat depuis des années. Aujourd’hui une bonne connaissance à moi experte en pharmaco-toxicologie m’a transmit un article sur le sujet.

I sent you copy the sources from the University of Geneva :
The original here

Deodorants containing aluminum salt in suspected breast cancer

GENEVA 13/01 – A study of cell biology, conducted by researchers at the University of Geneva (UNIGE) highlights the adverse effects of aluminum salts (of aluminum chlorhydrate et chlorure of aluminum), present in conventional deodorants, on human mammary cells in vitro. While this study does not constitute a formal proof of liability of aluminum salts in the development of breast cancer, it challenges the safety of these salts on mammary cells.

The increased number of breast cancers in industrialized countries in recent decades is accompanied by changes in the anatomical distribution of this cancer, which develops now mainly in the external part of the mammary gland, near the armpits. This location reopens the question of liability of deodorants containing aluminum salts - whose penetration of the skin has been, in the formation of breast cancer. To date, little or no experimental or epidemiological data were able to strengthen or refute this hypothesis.

A team from the University of Geneva, coordinated by Stefano Mandriota, biology researcher at the Faculty of Medicine, and André-Pascal Sappino, honorary professor and specialist in breast cancer, conducted a series of in vitro experiments revealed that the adverse effects of aluminum salts in human mammary cells.

Adverse effects experienced
Models of normal human mammary epithelial cells were cultured in an environment containing doses of aluminum salts 1 500 to 100 000 times lower than those present in conventional deodorants. After several weeks, researchers found that the aluminum salts have adverse effects on breast cells and cause abnormal behavior, which corresponds to early stages of malignant transformation of cells.

By the phenomenon of contact inhibition, normal cells, placed in culture, stop proliferating when they come into contact with each other. The team at M. Mandriota discovered that mammary cells that were exposed to aluminum salts that lose contact inhibition and continue to multiply : they behave like cells towards malignant transformation.

This study also highlighted the growing number of DNA double-strand DNA in breast cells exposed to aluminum salts, caused by an alteration of the process of cell proliferation. These fractures may be related to the induction of malignant transformation of mammary cells, generated by the aluminum salts.

Furthermore, the researchers analyzed the behavior of breast cells exposed to aluminum salts in agarose gels (soft agar assay). Where normal cells are isolated, cells exposed to aluminum salts form colonies. This behavior is typical of tumor cells and cells towards malignant transformation.

"Although this study does not allow to state that the aluminum salts, present in conventional deodorants, cause the development of breast cancer, it is a scientific proof of the harmfulness of these salts on mammary cells ", Stephen conclut Mandriota.

13/01/2012 – 16h14
Source : University of Geneva


After strength and shine shampoo

25 January 2012 by  
Filed under After shampoos, Novelty, Hair care

Here to complement the shampoo bar of the same name, un après shampoing tout doux. J’aime beaucoup son résultat car il n’est pas lourd sur le cheveux. Il hydrate bien les pointes et cela sans effet gras. Se rince très bien grâce au tensio actif qu’il contient. Ici aussi j’ai insister pour que la recette reste simple, nul besoin de multiplier les ingrédients pour avoir un produit efficace. Il laisse une douce odeur dans les cheveux… very cool !

Here is the recipe…

Ingredients % Grams
Water 46 % 46 g
BTMS 10 % 10 g
Huile de Cameline
6 % 6 g
Huile de coco odorant
10 % 10 g
Oil Passion Fruit 7,4 % 7,4 g
Castor oil
6,6 % 6,6 g
Foam babassu (surfactant)
1 % 1 g
Silk protein liquid 2 % 2 g
Lemon essential oil
1,5 % 1,5 g
Essential oil of lemongrass 1,5 % 1,5 g
Geogard (conservative)
0,6 % 0,6 g

Difficulty :
––Conservation : 2 month —–Capacity : +- 100 g

Method :
Combine oils and BTMS in a water bath. In another vessel heat the bath water and foam babassu. When the first mixture is melted and the two phases are equal at a temperature (about 70 ° C) mélanger les ensemble. Fouettez bien jusqu’à refroidissement.

Ajoutez l’extrait de soie, essential oils and ECOGARD. Mix together until the cream is evenly mixed and smooth. Mettez en pot, allow to cool before putting the lid.

Conservez dans un endroit frais et sans humidité. Utilisez cet après shampoing sur les pointes et la longueur des cheveux. N’en mettez pas sur le cuir chevelu, there is no need to moisturize the area is one that relubricated soon.

Here I used an electric whisk, c’est ce qui me donne cette texture mousse. Si vous fouettez à la main la texture sera lisse comme une crème normale, cela n’affecte en rien la qualité du produit. Ce n’est que pour l’appréciation de chacun. 🙂

The virtues :
Huile de Cameline : Fed, soothes and protects hair roughed. Fresh green odor.
Oil Passion Fruit : Gives a big boost to the tips damaged.
Castor oil : Acts as a tonic and a good oil for brittle hair, Nail also.
Coconut oil : Smooth hair, provides shine and strength to hair.
Silk protein : Conditions, sheath and relaxed hair weakened.
Lemon essential oil : Gives strength to the hair and brittle nails (brittle).
Essential oil of lemongrass : Adds shine.

My impressions :
Je suis agréablement surprise du résultat. J’avais un peu peur de me retrouver avec les cheveux alourdis, mais il n’en ai rien. Mes cheveux sont doux, facile à coiffée et bien nourrit. Mes boucles se dessine bien aussi et ne sont pas allourdi par la matière. Je pense bien m’en refaire dès que mon pot sera terminé.

Where to find ingredients ?
You will find a page on my site in the cosmetics section called "Suppliers", you will find the addresses of all suppliers that take these ingredients.

How to adapt this recipe ?
Vous pouvez très bien remplacer les huiles ici présente par d’autre qui conviennent plus à vos cheveux. Vous pouvez aussi n’utiliser qu’une seule huile. Même d’autres huiles essentielles, The most important is to respect the proportions indicated.

Anne, a very nice little blogger in fact a few days ago a recipe for hair conditioner in the same spirit but strong it. I put the link here to discover his recipe very nice ! Allez la découvrir ça vaut le détour 😉

Solid strength and shine shampoo

23 January 2012 by  
Filed under Novelty, Shampoos, Hair care

Here is my first article in 2012… I take this opportunity to wish you a happy new year ! Bien non il est pas trop tard… Today is Chinese New Year ! Et oui am… even when I take a long time to put a new article I make a good timing ^ ^.

Donc aujourd’hui je vous propose une recette pour vous fabriquer un shampoing solide. Qu’est ce que cette matière ? Tout simplement un shampoing en forme de barre de savon on va dire. Mais en mieux, il s’agit ici de plus qu’un savon. Les shampoings typique sont liquide… surfactants used therein, oui c’est ce qu’on appelle les produits qui font mousser vos shampoings. Alors qu’ici on en utilise un qui est solide. Du coup il dure 2 to 3 times longer than a normal shampoo, mousse tout autant et est le parfait allier d’un jetsetter. Ou des gens qui aiment se la rendre moins compliqué !

Ici je vous propose un shampoing pour donner de la force et de la brillance à vos cheveux. La recette est parfaite pour les débutant car facile à réaliser…

Ingredients % Grams
Sodium Coco Sulfate (surfactant) 80 % 64,2 g
Spring Water
10 % 8 g
Huile de Cameline 5 % 4 g
Liquid silk proteins 2 % 1,6 g
Huile essentielle de Citron 1,4 % 1,1 g
Huile essentielle de Lemongrass 1,4 % 1,1 g
Vitamin E 0,2 % 0,2 g

Difficulty :
star star greystar3 greystar3—– Conservation : 3 month —–Capacity : +-80 g

Method :
Spread the scs mortar or blender to break the grains slightly. Soften the water bath for several minutes usc, to a soft paste is formed, rajoutez l’eau. Lorsque l’eau est bien intégré ajoutez votre huile de cameline et mélangez doucement jusqu’à absorption. Hors du feu ajoutez vos protéines de soie et vos huiles essentielles. Vous pouvez ajouter une à deux gouttes de vitamine E pour la bonne conservation de l’huile de cameline. Versez le contenu dans un moule et placez le quelques minutes au réfrigérateur. Lorsque celui ci est bien ferme, démoulez le et laissez sécher dans un endroit sec pendant une journée entière. Le lendemain votre shampoing solide est prêt à être utilisé !

The virtues :
Huile de Cameline : Fed, soothes and protects hair roughed. Fresh green odor.
Silk protein : Conditions, sheath and relaxed hair weakened.
Lemon essential oil : Gives strength to the hair and brittle nails (brittle).
Essential oil of lemongrass : Adds shine.

Where to find ingredients ?
You will find a page on my website in the section called cosmetic “Suppliers”, you will find the addresses of all suppliers that take these ingredients.

My impressions
Cela fait déjà plusieurs semaines que j’utilise quotidiennement mon shampoing. Franchement je l’aime beaucoup. Il n’alourdi pas mes cheveux et les rends doux. Je suis très satisfaite du résultat de l’huile de cameline dans les soins capillaires, il se retrouvera parmi mes favoris c’est certains. Par contre petit conseil… add vitamin E oil to your best to keep.

Christmas Spice Soap

24 December 2011 by  
Filed under With fragrances, Spicy, Novelty, Soap factory

We are the 24 December… and what better way to wish you all and all a Merry Christmas… a small festive recipe ! A mild soaps for the holidays. I made this one a while ago and I must say it smells wonderful. Here is the recipe…

Coco 28 %
Olive 35 %
Raisin 30 %
Brut cocoa 7 %

Surgras to 7%
Water and soda to recalculate

Additions to the trace :
Fragrance Christmas spice 2 %
Oxide green
Red oxide
Titanium dioxide
Star anise (badianes)

Difficulty : Conservation : Several months

Traditional method of soap cold
Melt the oils together. Add soda water (not the other) and cool. When both mixtures, water and soda, are room temperature, pour the soda / water in your oil and mix until the appearance of the trace. Then add the rest of your ingredients (essential oil, fragrance, oil, oxide, mica) and pour into your mold. Wait 48 h and unmold your soaps with gloves, cut all. Place in a dry place for a minimum cure 4 weeks.

Here I made one a little marbling “free style”, ie no matter how ^ ^. And once again I had a surprise when cutting…. form of a bird sitting on the horns of a reindeer… it is vague in the drawing you say, but it made me smile.

I take this opportunity to wish everyone a very merry Christmas ! I hope you have a wonderful time… please be careful and if you drink… do not take the road !

Soap Citronet !

16 December 2011 by  
Filed under With fragrances, The fruity, Novelty, Soap factory

Everything is in the title… a soap that smells like lemon and clean. Here I used a fragrance as having made soaps with essential oil of lemon in the past… I know that citrus essential oils that do not always hold up well in soap. The fragrance here smells sweet lemon actually. So a little back to childhood for me ^ ^.

How does that I offer recipes for soaps ? Ben oui… the holidays arrive… so I carbureted for a month to make soaps as gifts. Du coup j’en ai beaucoup de recettes à vous montrer 🙂 Voici donc la recette de mon citronet

Coconut oil 25 %
Beurre de Karité 15 %
Organic Palm Oil 12 %
Olive oil 30 %
Soybean Oil 18 %

Surgras to 7 %
Water and soda to recalculate

The trace :
Lemon fragrance 2 %

Decor :
Ecorse lemon
Neon yellow dye
Bright lime green

Traditional method of soap cold
Melt the oils together. Add soda water (not the other) and cool. When both mixtures, water and soda, are room temperature, pour the soda / water in your oil and mix until the appearance of the trace. Then add the rest of your ingredients (essential oil, fragrance, oil, oxide, mica) and pour into your mold. Wait 48 h and unmold your soaps with gloves, cut all. Place in a dry place for a minimum cure 4 weeks.

I like the color of this soap… a creamy beige with neon yellow. I applied the same method as my soap scroll, but here my mold was made of wood… I think it changes the rebound effect. It's pretty small by against yellow flames.
Here is a small label to accompany the soap.

Soap tribute to a Winter Rose

13 December 2011 by  
Filed under With fragrances, The flower, Novelty, Soap factory

Some time ago my neighbor gave me a rose from her garden… a gorgeous pink to captivating perfume. I could not believe that such a delicate flower withstand cold temperatures if. She even told me to keep my vase better left outside. So it gave me an environment to make soap ! Yeah because anything can become an excuse to make soap ^ ^.

This rose also made me think of a person who has ever crossed my path. In a contest that launched the theme of the rose I was able to learn a bit, that person so strong and fragile at the same time. A person who despite difficult circumstances like this all pink, it is beaten. Today it is a place that we simply do not know mortal. I like to think of where it is… roses are eternal. I think some will know who I mean. I dedicate this recipe to him…

HV rape 30%
HV coconut 25 %
HV olive 20 %
HV cocoa 6,5 %
HP Palme 18,5 %

Greasing to 8%
Water and soda to recalculate

The trace :
Fragrance rose 2%

Mica brillant
Mica rose
Emerald Green Mica *

Difficulty : Conservation : Several months

Traditional method of soap cold
Melt the oils together. Add soda water (not the other) and cool. When both mixtures, water and soda, are room temperature, pour the soda / water in your oil and mix until the appearance of the trace. Then add the rest of your ingredients (essential oil, fragrance, oil, oxide, mica) and pour into your molds. Wait 48 h and unmold your soaps with gloves. Place in a dry place for a minimum of cure 4 weeks.

*Here my emerald green mica became actually a little verdigris… So I think it must contain a mineral oxide oxide with soda. So if you ever want a soap dyed a nice green… stay away from this one.

The fragrance slightly accelerated my track so I had to pay promptly and I could not do what I wanted marbling. The look is not very professional but it also soap… although it is expected that things not always work the way you want. Always it is that this soap smells good…. very english rose !

If you want to see the recipe that I made for the competition around the rose click here

I did not know very well Laurence, but I, during this period which for many is family, to offer a sweet thought to his family.

Spark atmosphere… quiet.

9 December 2011 by  
Filed under Candles, Home, Novelty

We all look forward to the holidays… but when the time came that quickly becomes a stressful time. The race in the shops, the crowded parking, meals for families to organize, decorations, children's holidays, etc etc. Mais il est important de prendre du temps pour se détendre… not easy… yes I know ! Je m’y connais ! But with a few tricks you do it. Here is a ! An aromatic candle with essential oils ! A sweet little synergy and pleasant that gently scent your home. Il vous faudra donc…

Yellow beeswax 25.2 g
Cire d'orange 14 g
Stearic acid 28 g
Coco Hv 58.8 g
Equal mixture of essential oils following :
Lavande ou lavandin-orange-citron 14 g
1 tip of golden mica (Optional for the visual)
1 Wick
A glass or earthenware container that can contain 140 g

Difficulty : star greystar3 greystar3 greystar3 ––Conservation : Until he was more !

Method :
It is very easy ! Fondez les quatre premier ingrédients ensemble. Dans votre verre/pot installer votre mèche, me here I stuck with a little orange wax and place in refrigerator for 5 to 10 minutes. Lorsque votre mélange est complètement fondu, ajoutez y les huiles essentielles et votre mica. Sortez votre verre/pot du réfrigérateur et versez y votre mélange doucement. Retenez le bout de votre mèche en l’accotant sur un crayon ou mis sur le dessus du verre/pot et laissez refroidir.

You just have to enjoy it ! Détente… relaxation… zen… I actually good too… but the important thing is that it smells good ! ^^

Where to find ingredients ? Rendez-vous sur ma list of suppliers !

Cette recette n’est pas une bougie de massage. Laissez la donc dans son pot 😉

Soap parties in little sparkling !

6 December 2011 by  
Filed under With fragrances, Novelty, Soap factory

The last few weeks I really carbureted in soap making. Well yes… the holidays approach and I think that handmade soap makes a wonderful gift. Especially when we did oneself. So I wanted to make very festive know.

When we speak we often think of celebrations with champagne or sparkling I thought it would be nice to give them this key, but hey put champagne in my soap is not yet in my ways !! So I continued my research on the internet and when the fragrance champagne and I we crossed… given that much to this…

HV grape seeds 32 % (well yes a must… champagne… raisin…)
HV coconut 30 %
HV olive 25 %
Palme HV bio 13 %

Water and soda to recalculate
Surgras 7%

Additions to the trace :
Mica noisette + Mica doré
Shiny silver mica food on top
Fragrance champagne

Difficulty : Conservation : Several months

Method of cold saponification :
Always the same for soaps. Melt the oils together. Add soda water (not the other) and cool. When both mixtures, soda + water and oil temperature are 40 ° C, pour the soda water mixture in your oil and mix with a hand blender until the appearance of the trace. Then add the rest of your ingredients (fragrances, oxides and mica) , pour into your molds. Wait 48 h and unmold your soaps with gloves, they cut it if necessary. Place in a dry place for a cure 4 weeks.

Here to create a worse I first put a little mica in my dough. Pay first, add mica, mixed, donate and so on. This is a slight deterioration golden… we do not really see the pictures… it's a shame. I then did the same technique of drawing on my savon Weeds… cutting with a star.

I made it there about four weeks… I will not say how much I look forward to using it ^ ^ !

En voici deux photos à la lumière du jour et l’autre fut prise au lever du jour 🙂

My fancy soap… Orange delight !

I love how visual experiences in soap. I guess it must be my side “artist” takes over in these moments :D. Still it is after seeing the technique to make nice drops in our soaps with the technique of Ka. I thought… hummm and what it might have happened if I did like this and that… And what was my surprise when the stripping and cutting my soap seen these beautiful curls !!!

Let's start with the recipe for soap…

Hv coconut 30 %
Hv soy 25 %
Olive Hv 25 %
Cocoa butter 19 %

7 % surgras
Water and soda to recalculate

The trace :
2 % He orange, clary sage and lavender

Difficulty : Conservation : Several months

Traditional method of soap cold
Melt the oils together. Add soda water and cool. When both mixtures, water and soda, are room temperature, pour the soda / water in your oil and mix until the appearance of the trace. Then add the rest of your ingredients (essential oil, oil and mica) and pour into your molds. Wait 48 h and unmold your soaps with gloves. Place in a dry place for a cure 4 weeks.


Method that I call “rebound” used for this soap visual

In fact I have done exactly as in the Ka video you can see here… but I did my very slight traces ! This means that my dough was much more fluid than his.

I took a plastic mold from a height of approximately 6 cm I lined with parchment paper. I think the mold material is important for the “rebound” if Fasse. I did this technique in a wooden mold and the effect is not the same but still very nice. I'll show you the result with another of my creation savonnesque.

I separated my dough one remained unchanged and the next I added the turmeric. I poured some of my dough and made clear vertical tracks quickly with my colored paste. With a spatula I applied the rest of my dough and made clear my marbling with the rest of my orange mixture.

Well no it's not that simple ^ ^.

My impression soap
I like turmeric in soaps… here he gave me a pretty rusty ! The foam is very soft and fine. And the smell… oufff but the smell is to die I love !! I would do this synergy that's for sure ! Here I used the’Orange essential oil from at Soapsession, it is really good in soap, which is not the case for all essential oils citrus.

A big thank you to these magnificent Ka tutorials and videos !! Well yes it is thanks to you I made this soap !! She workshops if you ever environmental learning at the hands of an expert ! You will find everything on

Making a castile soap… it is easy !

I think it should be the easiest soap making… and a softer and more ! It only takes a few ingredients because it contains a rate 100% olive oil. This is not a soap says “foaming”, but it is not so serious because now everyone knows… this is not the bubbles that wash ! Mr. soap does not foam but what it is gentle to the skin. This is also a perfect soap for toddlers. The recipe has been passed down for ages and just Castile in Spain… OLÉ ! Here's mine… finally… that I did what ! Here I make a castile soap to surgras 8 %.

Olive Hv 100 %

Water and soda to recalculate

The trace :
0.75 % essential oil of lavender (optional, do not put if it's for your children)

In Deco :
Of bay leaves, of oliviers leaves or other
Green clay

Difficulty : Conservation : Several months

Traditional method of soap cold :
Reheat gently in olive oil. Add soda water and allow to cool. When both mixtures, water and soda, are room temperature (35 ° C.), pour the soda / water in your oil and mix until the appearance of the trace. Then add the essential oil and pour into your molds.

For decoration I simply asked some bay leaves on top of the dough freshly fit the mold and then sprinkled with green clay.

Wait 48 h and unmold your soaps with gloves. Remove leaves gently. Place in a dry place for a cure 4 weeks.

I finally got to use my soap and it is a wonder. It is so sweet, the smell is fresh and not heady. Pure soap and I like the cream color. Anyway, if you hesitate to start in making homemade soap, this recipe is perfect to start.

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