Spark atmosphere… quiet.

9 December 2011 by  
Filed under Candles, Home, Novelty

We all look forward to the holidays… but when the time came that quickly becomes a stressful time. The race in the shops, the crowded parking, meals for families to organize, decorations, children's holidays, etc etc. Mais il est important de prendre du temps pour se détendre… not easy… yes I know ! Je m’y connais ! But with a few tricks you do it. Here is a ! An aromatic candle with essential oils ! A sweet little synergy and pleasant that gently scent your home. Il vous faudra donc…

Yellow beeswax 25.2 g
Cire d'orange 14 g
Stearic acid 28 g
Coco Hv 58.8 g
Equal mixture of essential oils following :
Lavande ou lavandin-orange-citron 14 g
1 tip of golden mica (Optional for the visual)
1 Wick
A glass or earthenware container that can contain 140 g

Difficulty : star greystar3 greystar3 greystar3 ––Conservation : Until he was more !

Method :
It is very easy ! Fondez les quatre premier ingrédients ensemble. Dans votre verre/pot installer votre mèche, me here I stuck with a little orange wax and place in refrigerator for 5 to 10 minutes. Lorsque votre mélange est complètement fondu, ajoutez y les huiles essentielles et votre mica. Sortez votre verre/pot du réfrigérateur et versez y votre mélange doucement. Retenez le bout de votre mèche en l’accotant sur un crayon ou mis sur le dessus du verre/pot et laissez refroidir.

You just have to enjoy it ! Détente… relaxation… zen… I actually good too… but the important thing is that it smells good ! ^^

Where to find ingredients ? Rendez-vous sur ma list of suppliers !

Cette recette n’est pas une bougie de massage. Laissez la donc dans son pot 😉

My fancy soap… Orange delight !

I love how visual experiences in soap. I guess it must be my side “artist” takes over in these moments :D. Still it is after seeing the technique to make nice drops in our soaps with the technique of Ka. I thought… hummm and what it might have happened if I did like this and that… And what was my surprise when the stripping and cutting my soap seen these beautiful curls !!!

Let's start with the recipe for soap…

Hv coconut 30 %
Hv soy 25 %
Olive Hv 25 %
Cocoa butter 19 %

7 % surgras
Water and soda to recalculate

The trace :
2 % He orange, clary sage and lavender

Difficulty : Conservation : Several months

Traditional method of soap cold
Melt the oils together. Add soda water and cool. When both mixtures, water and soda, are room temperature, pour the soda / water in your oil and mix until the appearance of the trace. Then add the rest of your ingredients (essential oil, oil and mica) and pour into your molds. Wait 48 h and unmold your soaps with gloves. Place in a dry place for a cure 4 weeks.


Method that I call “rebound” used for this soap visual

In fact I have done exactly as in the Ka video you can see here… but I did my very slight traces ! This means that my dough was much more fluid than his.

I took a plastic mold from a height of approximately 6 cm I lined with parchment paper. I think the mold material is important for the “rebound” if Fasse. I did this technique in a wooden mold and the effect is not the same but still very nice. I'll show you the result with another of my creation savonnesque.

I separated my dough one remained unchanged and the next I added the turmeric. I poured some of my dough and made clear vertical tracks quickly with my colored paste. With a spatula I applied the rest of my dough and made clear my marbling with the rest of my orange mixture.

Well no it's not that simple ^ ^.

My impression soap
I like turmeric in soaps… here he gave me a pretty rusty ! The foam is very soft and fine. And the smell… oufff but the smell is to die I love !! I would do this synergy that's for sure ! Here I used the’Orange essential oil from at Soapsession, it is really good in soap, which is not the case for all essential oils citrus.

A big thank you to these magnificent Ka tutorials and videos !! Well yes it is thanks to you I made this soap !! She workshops if you ever environmental learning at the hands of an expert ! You will find everything on

Making a castile soap… it is easy !

I think it should be the easiest soap making… and a softer and more ! It only takes a few ingredients because it contains a rate 100% olive oil. This is not a soap says “foaming”, but it is not so serious because now everyone knows… this is not the bubbles that wash ! Mr. soap does not foam but what it is gentle to the skin. This is also a perfect soap for toddlers. The recipe has been passed down for ages and just Castile in Spain… OLÉ ! Here's mine… finally… that I did what ! Here I make a castile soap to surgras 8 %.

Olive Hv 100 %

Water and soda to recalculate

The trace :
0.75 % essential oil of lavender (optional, do not put if it's for your children)

In Deco :
Of bay leaves, of oliviers leaves or other
Green clay

Difficulty : Conservation : Several months

Traditional method of soap cold :
Reheat gently in olive oil. Add soda water and allow to cool. When both mixtures, water and soda, are room temperature (35 ° C.), pour the soda / water in your oil and mix until the appearance of the trace. Then add the essential oil and pour into your molds.

For decoration I simply asked some bay leaves on top of the dough freshly fit the mold and then sprinkled with green clay.

Wait 48 h and unmold your soaps with gloves. Remove leaves gently. Place in a dry place for a cure 4 weeks.

I finally got to use my soap and it is a wonder. It is so sweet, the smell is fresh and not heady. Pure soap and I like the cream color. Anyway, if you hesitate to start in making homemade soap, this recipe is perfect to start.

Gel cream legs

10 June 2010 by  
Filed under Novelty, Specific care

Il commence à faire de plus en plus chaud et avec la marche mes jambes en prennent un coup. On rentre les pieds enflés et les jambes lourdes… surtout après une longue journée de travail. Voici donc une petite recette toute simple qui saura apporter un peu de fraicheur à vos jambes cet été.

35 g hydrolat menthe poivré (tensor and refreshing)
0.50 g ou une bonne pointe de xanthane (gelling)
4.5 g gel d'Aloes (tensor)
10 g macérât de bellis (tonic for blood vessels)
5 g gélisucre (emulsifier)
3 % following essential oils :
patchouli* (circulation sanguine)
lavandin super (sore muscle)
tangerine yellow * (fighting water retention)
0.6% Geogard (conservative)**

Difficulty : star star greystar3 greystar3 ––Conservation : 1 month —–Capacity : 55 g

Shuffle your peppermint hydrosol, aloe vera gel and xanthan powder until a gel semi-firm. In another bowl mix thoroughly macerate your Bellis (daisies) and your gelisucre (emulsifier forming gels when mixed with an oil). Au moment où vos deux phases sont bien lisse versez votre phase aqueuse (hydrolat,aloès gel,xanthane) à votre phase huileuse en fouettant énergiquement. Lorsque votre mélange est bien homogène ajoutez vos huiles essentielles et votre conservateur. Ici j’ai ajouté un petit peu de mica orange rosé pour le rendre plus gourmand, please your personalized care with natural dyes.

Keep your gel cream in the refrigerator and apply it to all your legs for comfort. Suggest you use this treatment in the evening since it contains the essential oil of tangerine that is photosensitizing.

*Note, this recipe is not suitable for sunbathing or for pregnant women, always do a patch test before use.

**you can very well use a different type of preservative, but beware broad spectrum because here we have a large amount of liquid, so be careful to bacteria because they love water ;).

I present… the de-stress !

18 September 2009 by  
Filed under Small projects

The end of the holiday is synonymous with return to work, back school, les factures qui se multiplies et bien sur notre copain stress fait son grand retour. Voici un petit objet à se faire à la maison pour bien se détendre. On peut l’emporter partout et il sent bon !! Pour créer votre dé-stress vous aurez besoin de…

6 Tissues of approximately square 7 cm
1/2 handful of dried lavender flowers (or lavender)
1/2 handle flaxseed (or other grains)
5 ET drops of lavender (or lavender)

Difficulty : star greystar3 greystar3greystar3 ––Conservation : to destruction —–

Il ne vous reste qu’à coudre vos carrés de tissus les uns aux autres à l’envers en laissant une petite ouverture. Retourner votre dé et le remplir de fleur de lavandin et graine de lin préalablement parfumer d’huile essentielle. Refermer votre petit trou d’un coup de d’aiguille et vous voilà prêt à la détente ! On pétri le cube entre ses doigts, action to relax and breathe deeply to enjoy the relaxing fragrance !

Of course you can do de-stress with other dried plants and other essential oils.

Baume care "muscles & joints"

18 May 2009 by  
Filed under Specific care

At that time many of you find yourself in your vegetable and flower gardens ! Passer des heures penché à pelleter et planter ça fait mal au dos. On redécouvre même des muscles dont on ne soupçonnais pas l’existence. Voici de quoi dorloter vos muscles et vos articulation, a good opportunity for you to offer a good massage. 😉

45 ml macerate from juniper berries
10 ml beeswax
10 ET drops juniper (anti-inflammatory)
10 Gouttes h lavandin big (relaxant)*
6 ET drops lemon eucalyptus (anti-inflamatoire)
10 gouttes he menthe poivré (refreshing)

lavande2 menthepoivree genevrier

Difficulty : star greystar3 greystar3 greystar3 ––Conservation : 4 month —–Capacity : 50 ml

Faites fondre votre cire d’abeille avec votre macérât au bain marie. Lorsque le tout est bien fondu laisser reposer un peu, lorsque le mélange commence à être laiteux incorporer vos huiles essentielles et fouetter bien. Transvaser dans un pot ou un tube (deodorant style tube). Laisser votre mélange refroidir. For your balm is at peak efficiency, use immediately after the great efforts.

The dosage of essential oils in this recipe are 4% This limits the use to the body only !

Juniper is a remarkable anti-inflammatory, c’est pourquoi ici j’ai fait un macérât de baie dans une huile d’olive. Voici comment faire le macérât; verser dans un grand pot stéril, 1 cs of bay and 100 ml d’huile. L’huile doit bien recouvrir vos baies. Laisser votre mixture reposer au soleil pendant 3 weeks minimum, secouer le à chaque jour. Filtrer et vous êtes prêt à utiliser votre macérât pour vos recettes. Notez que ce macérât ne convient pas pour visage !!

*not recommended for epileptics
Note the essential oils are not recommended for pregnant women and children under 5 years without medical advice.

You can print this label to decorate your little one applicator tube !

baumemuscles baumemuscle