Regenerating and healing care cream !

1 September 2010 by  
Filed under Creams

Ahhh the holidays… it's good ! Mais bouuuu revenir de vacances c’est pas aussi agréable. Le train train quotidien reprend et avec les petits souci de peau. Je me suis donc concocté une petite crème de soin parfaite pour les peaux sensibles ! Avec de bon actifs cicatrisant, hydratant et régénérant. Je l’utilise depuis deux semaines et j’en suis franchement bien contente ! Voici donc la recette toute simple… yes and no need to complicated for it to be effective !

15 macerate tepezcohuite g of macadamia in hv
21.2 g hydrolat hamamélis
10 g gel d'Aloes
2 % following essential oil : purely, * German chamomile and rosewood
2.5 g olivem 1000
1 very small point of green mica (Optional for the visual)
0.6 % Ecogard

Difficulty : star star greystar3greystar3 ––Conservation : 1 month —–Capacity : 50 g

Au Bain Marie, Melt the Olivem 1000 avec votre macérât. Dans un autre récipient faites réchauffer votre hydrolat et gel d’aloès ensemble. Lorsque votre cire/macérât est bien fondu et les deux phases sont environ à la même température (about 70 ° C.), mélangez les deux phases ensemble en fouettant énergiquement. N’hésitez pas à utiliser un fouet électrique. Laissez le mélange refroidir un peu et ajouter vos huiles essentielles et pour finir votre conservateur. A transférer dans un pot stérile. Pour plus d’effet gardez le au réfrigérateur cela vous procurera un petit effet tenseur et conservera que mieux votre crème.

*It is this essential oil that gives a nice green color with cream.

Deodorant for sensitive skin with silk proteins

14 June 2010 by  
Filed under Feminine deodorants, Novelty

With razor burn were often comes to be sensitive armpits. Deodorants are often very itchy and when one wants “good” deodorant it is sometimes difficult to combine sensitive skin and effectiveness. Here is a simple formula, Soft and cuddle your pretty underarm :-D.

2 g beurre de karité (soothing)
2 g apricot butter (emollient)
6.6 g of purple macerate in macadamia oil or calendula macerate
1.5 g stearic acid (consistency)
3 g cire candellila (texturant)
3 % silk protein liquid (fabric softener)
3 drops of vitamin E (antioxidant)
0.85 g white clay (absorbs odors)**
3% following essential oils :
Palmarosa (antibacterial and antifungal)
Small grain (antibacterial)*
2 drops fragrance choices (Here I took Lady Marmalade)

Difficulty :
star star greystar3greystar3 ––Conservation : 1 month —–Capacity : 15 to 17 g

Melt your butter in a bain marie, oil, Vitamin E and your two waxes. When the mixture is completely melted remove and add your clay whisking well. When the mixture is slightly cooled, (but not fixed on the edges) add your drops of silk proteins, your essential oils and fragrance your (if desired). Pour your mixture in a tube applicator quickly adapted. You will find very well in Macosmetoperso.

*If you plan to replace the solar exposures of petitgrain essential oil is photosensitizing (some are the variety… response to the comment of the Blue petitgrain bigarade would not… so do not deprive yourself ^ ^)… by one who is not like lavender or cistus.

**If you have a high sweat can add a little baking soda… but I think in the long run it becomes a little irritating if it is too large quantity. The alum powder is also.

Here is a small label to decorate your pretty tube !

Tensor effect cream for the bust

21 May 2010 by  
Filed under Novelty, Specific care

You think about it often enough… se dorloté le buste. Ben oui… it is still important :D. Il y a quelques temps j’ai eu une très grande frayeur… qui après consultation c’est avéré ne pas être dangereux. Je vous raconte pas le stress que j’ai eu pendant les jours qui ont précédé le résultat. Mais bon passons… so I said it would be nice that I do care a little tricky, purifiant et raffermissant. Voici donc la dite recette…

15 g hv daisies (usually known as daisy)
25 g hydrosol cistus (tensor)
5 g gel d'Aloes (tensor and healing)
4 g emulsifying wax Polawax
3 % following essential oils :
purely (tensor)
tea tree (Purifying)
Mentre green (refreshing)
4 vitamin E drops (antioxidant)
forefront of green mica (optional)
0.6 % of Ecogard

Difficulty : star star greystar3greystar3 ––Conservation : 2 month —–Capacity : 50 g

Tout d’abord faites fondre au bain marie votre cire et huile de bellis sans oublier bien sur l’addition de la vitamine E. Dans un autre récipient chauffer aussi au bain marie votre hydrolat et gel d’aloès. Lorsque les deux phases atteigne une température de 53°C (about) Mix your second phase (hydrolat gel aloes) the first… fouetter énergiquement jusqu’à une consistance épaisse. Laissez la crème refroidir. Ajoutez ensuite vos huiles essentielles, votre mica et votre conservateur. Versez le contenue dans un pot bien stérile.

Appliquez la crème en faisant des massages circulaires. Le soir c’est très agréable… cela donne un petit coup de fraicheur. N’oubliez pas de vous lavez les mains après chaque application. Ne mettez jamais de crème sur vos mamelons… this place is too fragile !

Do not forget to do a breast self-exam regularly, breast cancer affects 1 femme sur 9. Cette n’est pas miracle mais vous donnera l’occasion de faire votre auto examen tout en vous apportant un soin agréable. On aurait tort de s’en priver n’est ce pas !

Click here for more information on self breast exam.

Cleansing and toning mask while a !

26 September 2009 by  
Filed under Masks, Cleaners

I love bread cleanser from Lush. I had made a version with lavender while ago. Then with the return of the fall I wanted a purifying and toning to give a little pep to my skin in the morning. But not only, I wanted a practical product, hence its usefulness in cleansing or mask. Here is my recipe.

3 cs almond powder (gentle exfoliator)
2 cm vegetable glycerine (mild moisturizer)
2 cs clay depending on your skin type (purifying and toning)*
1/2 cc of cranberry powder or green tea (antioxidant)
1 cs hydrosol cistus (regenerating)
10 ET drops petitgrain (revitalizing)
7 ET drops rosewood (bracing)
1/2 cc bamboo fiber (exfoliant)
0.6% Ecogard (conservative)

nettmasque petitgrain bambou

Difficulty : star greystar3 greystar3greystar3 ––Conservation : 3 weeks —–Capacity : 90 ml

Mix the ground almonds, clay and powdered cranberries. To this mixture add glycerine and hydrosol. When the whole forms a nice firm dough add your essential oils, Your Conservative and bamboo fiber while kneading the dough well with a spoon. To use it you just take a little nutty and mixing in water, apply on your face and massage gently.

You can use this cleaner for a mask once a week. Take a small knob in your hand, mixed with a little water. Apply the paste on face and let stand about 10 minutes and rinse.

This mask is perfect for all skin types, as mature qu'acnéique ! Keep your bun in a cool well sterilized jar and sealed.

* Here I put purple and green clay… d’où la couleur un peu étrange 😀

The raw materials are almost all in Aromazone and conservative in Bilby & Co.

Self tanner tightening effect

28 May 2009 by  
Filed under Self Tanners

Therefore when looking for a self tanner that provides care as we never find anything to adjust? It is always either too fat, too sticky, it turns orange, we put off the scent, etc.. La solution ? Prepare oneself his care and 'add a touch self tanning. Here I made a recipe with tensor effect, for tighter pores, less blackheads, fewer buttons and a good healing. Also this recipe is a cold, which keeps all the benefits of raw materials. Je ne vous cache pas que c’est aussi plus facile 😉 . Here is the recipe !

8 g hv melon or hazel (oils regulatory)
4 g macerate vanilla (for odor)
10 g ester sucre (emulsifier)
12 ml macerate hydroglycerine tepezcohuite (astringent)
15 ml hydrolat tea tree (Purifying)
5 ml of water
or 20 ml of water (instead of 15 ml d'hydrolat et 5 ml water)
1.5 g DHA (Car Tanning)
10 goutes he ciste (tensor)
8 gouttes he géranium (anti-infective)
1 drops of rosemary extract CO2 (antimicrobial)*
2 vitamin E drops
6 drops ECOGARD

autobronzanttenseur cistelad geranium

Difficulty : star star greystar3 greystar3—– Conservation : 2 month —–Capacity : 50 ml

Mix your oils with sugar ester. When the mixture is well blended add water, l'hydrolat (room temperature) and extract tepezcohuite. Whisk well until the mixture is creamy. Add the rest of your ingredients , pour into a sterile container and properly sealed.

I find the smell here is quite nice, a green note due to the essential oil of Cistus and slightly sweet.

The dosage of essential oils in this recipe are less than 2 % giving you the opportunity to use it on the face and the body !

To learn how the macerate hydroglycerine tepezcohuite I invite you to read the data in Aromazone in here. It's really very easy to do !

*This ingredient is optional, here I added to strengthen the conservation cream. But you can pretty much only use vitamin E as a preservative and Ecogard… or another type of Conservative.

You can print this label to decorate your little one potty !

Preventive Eye Balm & lips

6 April 2009 by  
Filed under Tree, Lip balms

Je voulais un petit baume facile d’emploi et bourré d’actifs pour mon contour des yeux. Bon on va être honnête hein les filles… le produit miracle qui effacera toutes les rides n’existe pas. Mais on peut faire de la prévention ! Voici donc une petite idée de recette préventive pour vos contours des yeux et lèvres !

1.5 hv ml cranberry seed (antioxidant)
1 hv ml apricot kernel (bracing)
1 hv ml wheat germ (regenerating)
1 hv ml argan (softener)
1 ml beurre de karité (feeding)
1 ml cocoa butter (protective)
1.5 g beeswax
4 vitamin E drops
1 ET drop rosewood (regenerating)
1 goutte he ciste (tensor)
1 tip of cranberry powder (antioxidant)

cireabeille phytokeratine abricot

Difficulty : star greystar3 greystar3 greystar3 ––Conservation : 5 month —–Capacity : 8 ml

Faites fondre au bain marie la cire d’abeille dans vos huiles avec la vitamine E. Lorsque le tout est bien fondu retiré du feu, laisser refroidir un peu et ajouter vos huiles essentielles. Verser dans un tube applicateur.
Appliquer ce baume ultra fondant sur le contour de l’œil et le contour de vos lèvres le soir avant le coucher. Il laisse un petit film gras mais ne vous en faites pas au réveil votre peau sera très douce. J'adore le while !

You can print this label to decorate your bottle a little tube !

baumepreventifyeux baumeyeux

Purifying and refreshing mist

9 February 2009 by  
Filed under Parfums d'ambiance

On a souvent des odeurs… comment dire… désagréables dans une salle de bain ou les toilettes. On nous propose souvent les mêmes spray et parfum pour assainir l’air. Bien voici une brume d’ambiance 100% naturelle et très efficace contre les mauvaises odeurs. Le parfum est très frais !!

48 ml de vodka
20 gouttes he menthe verte
10 gouttes he citron
10 gouttes he ciste
10 ET drops lavender
10 gouttes he patchouli

menthe citronfrais patchouli2

Difficulty : star greystar3 greystar3 greystar3 ––Conservation : 12 month —–Capacity : 50 ml

Mélanger le tout simplement dans un flacon spray et vaporiser dans l’air. Les brumes c’est fantastique car c’est vite fait, facile et pratique. Avez vous déjà pensé à en garder un tout petit flacon dans votre voiture ? J’en ai donné à mon mari pour la voiture et il en est bien content.

ps: Ceci n’est pas un parfum pour le corps, le taux d’huile essentielle n’est pas adapté.

You can print this label to decorate your little one bottle !


Beautiful milk-tea thighs

6 February 2009 by  
Filed under Specific care

Summer is coming even though it still feels good in winter. We did exercises for health and also a little in anticipation of this beautiful jersey… so why not a little pampering our thighs ? Voici un petit lait très tonique, lots of good assets and very green !

20 ml macerate with ivy (circulatory)
5 ml macerât De Bellis (firming)
70 ml of green tea decoction (bracing)
5 ml emulsifier MF
0.5 ml emulsifier VE
0.5 ml green tea powder
15 gouttes he patchouli (bracing)
12 gouttes he ciste (firming)
10 gouttes he lemongrass (circulation sanguine)
10 drops of aromatic extract of green tea (optional)
0.6 % drops ECOGARD
8 vitamin E drops

patchouli thevert lemongrass

Difficulty : star star star greystar3—–Conservation : 2 month —–Capacity : 100 ml

Mix the oil with the emulsifier in a bain marie VE. Do the same with the decoction of green tea, the tea powder and emulsifier in a separate container MF. When the oil and emulsifier are melted VE, and that the two phases are at the same temperature, add the aqueous phase (decoction and moved. MF) and whisk well until cool. Add the essential oils, extract, the ECOGARD and vitamin E. Mix everything until the milk is well blended and smooth. Garder ce lait dans un flacon stérilisé, airtight and above it cool.

Masser vos cuisses dans le sens des aiguilles d’une montre en remontant toujours vers le cœur. L’odeur du lait est très frais et doux… personnellement j’adore. Si vous n’aimez pas l’odeur du lemongrass vous pouvez le remplacer par l’huile essentielle de pamplemousse. A picture to come !!

You can print this label to decorate your little one bottle !


Fresh deodorant for men

27 June 2008 by  
Filed under Male deodorants

With the heat of summer, our men also need special care. Here is a little deodorant fresh and energizing for our gentlemen.

48 ml of peppermint hydrosol
46 ml d'hydrolat the teatree
120 drops of Solubol
10 ET drops blue spruce (anti-infectives)
10 ET drops of sweet orange (calming)
5 he drops lemon (anti-infectives)
5 gouttes he de ciste (astringent)
0.6 % Ecogard

For a vial of 100 ml. Mix Solubol and essential oils, pour into hydrosols and shake vigorously ! Attention as he orange and lemon are photosensitizing, it is important not to go for this deodorant sunbathing.
For a deodorant suit at the beach, replace he orange and lemon, by Corsican clementine he who is not photosensitizing.
This recipe is in the same spirit as the deodorant mist Sophie Macheteau.

You can print this label to decorate your little one spray bottle !