Beautiful milk-tea thighs

6 February 2009 by  
Filed under Specific care

Summer is coming even though it still feels good in winter. We did exercises for health and also a little in anticipation of this beautiful jersey… so why not a little pampering our thighs ? Voici un petit lait très tonique, lots of good assets and very green !

20 ml macerate with ivy (circulatory)
5 ml macerât De Bellis (firming)
70 ml of green tea decoction (bracing)
5 ml emulsifier MF
0.5 ml emulsifier VE
0.5 ml green tea powder
15 gouttes he patchouli (bracing)
12 gouttes he ciste (firming)
10 gouttes he lemongrass (circulation sanguine)
10 drops of aromatic extract of green tea (optional)
0.6 % drops ECOGARD
8 vitamin E drops

patchouli thevert lemongrass

Difficulty : star star star greystar3—–Conservation : 2 month —–Capacity : 100 ml

Mix the oil with the emulsifier in a bain marie VE. Do the same with the decoction of green tea, the tea powder and emulsifier in a separate container MF. When the oil and emulsifier are melted VE, and that the two phases are at the same temperature, add the aqueous phase (decoction and moved. MF) and whisk well until cool. Add the essential oils, extract, the ECOGARD and vitamin E. Mix everything until the milk is well blended and smooth. Garder ce lait dans un flacon stérilisé, airtight and above it cool.

Masser vos cuisses dans le sens des aiguilles d’une montre en remontant toujours vers le cœur. L’odeur du lait est très frais et doux… personnellement j’adore. Si vous n’aimez pas l’odeur du lemongrass vous pouvez le remplacer par l’huile essentielle de pamplemousse. A picture to come !!

You can print this label to decorate your little one bottle !
