Minute mask with strawberry

25 June 2010 by  
Filed under Masks, Novelty

Ahhh time strawberries… this is my favorite time of the summer ! As the abundance of small red fruit on it is period is important not to deprive skin !! Here is a super easy recipe and really effective. Strawberry gives great glow to the skin ! Make all the same test on the inside of your elbow for possible allergic reactions to strawberry.

4 small strawberries
1 tip of gelling
1 net of hydrosol of your choice (little more but really not necessary)

Difficulty : star greystar3 greystar3 greystar3 ––Conservation : not

Spend your strawberries in a blender to obtain a beautiful almost liquid puree. Add your gelling (xanthane, of guar gum, Agar Agar or autre) until a semi firm dough. Apply this one on your entire face and neck… of course, avoiding eyes and… uh mouth if you ever get there to resist :-D.

Leave on for approximately 10 minutes. Remove the water using a washcloth. You will see this is amazing… complexion become much clearer !

Rest assured that mask fits comfortably on the skin with the gelling. The small inconvenience of the mask well… cela fera soit peur à votre chéri ou il voudra vous croquer un peu 😀

Additions can :
Honey… it does not pass next to all its virtues… So a good ally for this mask.
Essential oils… if you have something definite to treat if not sniff… you lose the smell of delicious strawberry.
Clay… not bad if one wants to detoxify the skin.

Cool mask melon

18 June 2010 by  
Filed under Masks, Novelty

It is the new seasonal fruits make their appearance !! And as long as you eat will also take small care ! Then… that said entered… glass of port… said on melon ! You put two small slice of melon aside and prepare this small express treatment totally refreshing !

2 thin slices of melon mixed
1 to 2 tbsp ground almonds (Light exfoliating and mild)

Adding interesting but totally optional :
honey… purifying and moistening
egg yolk… rich hydration
egg white… Purifying
clay… detoxifying
yoghurt… soothing

Difficulty :
star greystar3 greystar3 greystar3 ––Conservation : not

Mix your ripe melon (cantaloup comme on dit chez moi 😉 ) and add your almonds. Dose gently powder you need more or less what I wrote based on the amount of melon mixed. Your dough should be firm semi. Apply all on a clean face and leave on 5 to 10 minutes. When rinsing… do not remove all of a sudden… wet your hands and gently massage your face. Remove excess and finish not a tonic without alcohol, as a floral water and that it still fits your skin !

Here !! It's not very complicated is not it ? 😀