Concealer for pale skin

23 January 2009 by  
Filed under Face

Voici une petite recette parfaite pour les peaux claires. Ce cache cerne est très léger et fondant, mostly fat and not much moisturizer.

7 ml beurre de karité (moisturizer)
8 ml hv du Kalahari melon (regulation)
1/2 cc beeswax
1/2 cc carnauba wax
pinch of stearic acid
2 ET drops of chamomile (calming)
6 gouttes bisabolol (soothing)
4 vitamin E drops

The color :
1 cc cornstarch
3 g of the zinc oxide
0.18 ml bamboo sap (matt)
0.04 inorganic oxide brown ml
0.08 ml mineral oxide yellow
0.17 ml mineral oxide pink

camomille cireabeille cachecerneclair

Difficulty : star star star greystar3—–Conservation : 3 to 5 month —–Capacity : 15 ml

Melt shea butter, vegetable oil, stearic acid and waxes all (add a few drops of vitamin E to avoid your rancid oil phase). Lorsque le tout est bien fondu incorporer la poudre (your base color) sieve, pour éviter les grumeaux. Laisser refroidir un peu et ajouter le bisabolol, l’huile essentielle de camomille et la vitamine E. Verser le tout dans un tube à baume ou un petit pot. Ici je l’ai versé dans un pot et je l’applique au pinceau en évitant de frotter le cache cerne, should always apply it by tapping gently on the eye contour.

Hand cream of Madonna !

28 November 2008 by  
Filed under Creams

Ahhhh… this coming winter and we abysses hands !! Ugly !! No panic here's a little sweet cream and creamy desire to restore softness and suppleness to your beautiful hands !

10 ml hv camellia (strengthening)
10 hv ml raspberry seed (healing)
2 cc sucre ester
10 ml orange blossom hydrosol (regenerating)
10 ml hydrolat the jasmine (perfuming)
1/2 DC bamboo sap (matt)
1/4 cranberry powder (antioxidant)
3 drops beetroot juice (dye)
2 cc beurre de karité (feeding)
6 drops of propolis extract (healing)
15 drops aromatic extract fig
8 vitamin E drops
0.6 % drops ECOGARD

huile bambou karite

Mix the oily phase and the sugar ester. When everything is well blended add the aqueous phases with bamboo sap. Pour moitier content in a mortar and add shea butter, mash and mix with energy. Add the remaining cream and mix mortar. You can now add the remaining ingredients, whisking well aerator emulsifier.
Phase shift a little cream but I really am very happy with the result on the skin… a delight !