Soap tribute to Weeds…

There was a few months Kafee home Soapsession we threw a challenge “Americain soap“, make a soap under the theme of our favorite TV series. I must say that I had a hard time choosing because there are many that I like. But a special inspiration came to me with the series Weeds. If you've never watched I advise you… it's a little inspiration in British film “Saving Grace“, if you've never seen so… well go ahead it's a good slice of laughter !

Here is… then the heroine of the series traffics cannabis to feed his family following the death of her husband. Although it is not a consumer keen she is his drug iced coffees… she even downright drunk all the time. My soap is so inspired by these two things… Cannabis and iced coffee. I have a background of soap smells of coffee and patchouli, with ice melt in&for to finish with a green top layer made of hemp oil and smell of freshly cut grass. Here is the recipe…

Basic coffee
Coconut oil 30 %
Rapeseed oil 35 %
Cocoa butter 35 %

Water & soda to recalculate

Mica noisette
He patchouli
He petitgrain

Ice cubes
Melt & for goat milk
Coffee butter
Fragrance Coffee
Mica brillant

Base chanvre
Coconut oil 37 %
Hemp oil 16 %
Beurre de karité 26 %
Huile d'olive virgin 21 %

Water & soda to recalculate

Oxide green
Fragrance Green grass

Difficulty : Conservation : Several months

Traditional method of soap cold
Melt the oils together. Add soda water and cool. When both mixtures, water and soda, are room temperature, pour the soda / water in your oil and mix until the appearance of the trace. Then add the rest of your ingredients (essential oil, oil and mica) and pour into your molds. Wait 48 h and unmold your soaps with gloves. Place in a dry place for a cure 4 weeks.

My steps
I cast my first dough “Basic coffee”, add my ice already pre-made and pre-cut. The next day I made my second dough, that hemp and poured it all over.

The design of the hemp leaf
It's very simple, in a thick plastic sheet bought in a DIY store, I drew my paper and cut it to the cuter. Then I've used as a stencil to cut my soaps (48 h after resting)… with pretty green glitter. Sympa non ?

Here rendering larger !

Minute care against wrinkles

5 October 2011 by  
Filed under Cosmetic, Novelty, Serum, Eye Care

I have worries of wrinkles… I've looked everywhere and niet, nothing that satisfied me in terms of efficiency… ni mon compte de banque d’ailleurs. En mai dernier, je devais partir à l’étranger et bien sur je cherche toujours de petits flacons à emporter. Le gros tube de crème prenait trop de place, je me suis donc fait ce petit roll on et ma foi j’en suis bluffé. En plus il m’a pris exactement deux minutes à réaliser. Je l’applique surtout le soir pour un petit boost !

2 ml hv canneberges (omega 3, 6 and vitamin E)
1.5 hv ml rose musqué
1.5 hv are riz ml
1 drops of vitamin E

Difficulty : star greystar3 greystar3 greystar3 ––Conservation : 6 month —–Capacity : 5 ml

Mélangez toutes vos huiles et la vitamine E. Versez dans un flacon roll coloré pour conserver à l’abri de la lumière votre mélange et puis c’est tout !

Passez votre roll on sur le contour de l’œil avec délicatesse. Avec votre doigt massez doucement la région et encore une fois c’est tout.

Franchement c’est bien la preuve qu’il est inutile dans la vie de compliquer les choses. Un très bon soin, petit prix et surtout bien efficace. Vous pouvez aussi changer les huiles et rajouter des actifs. C’est bien non ?

The –
We have to wait a bit before applying makeup with an oil, if you press the very morning, keep it carefully for the evening before bedtime.

The +
The m'a costed to do exactly 2.20 euro with the bottle which is 1.50 euro. Donc si vous garder votre flacon, your mix will cost you 0.72 euro à chaque fois. Hé ben oui… this is the real deal for this price and a good care !

On the net
Environment to learn more about vegetable oils ? Michel Pobeda fondateur et directeur de Codina, just released a book on the subject “The benefits of vegetable oils“. C’est un des livres sur ma liste de chouchou à acheter !