Volumizing shampoo to the protein rice

13 November 2009 by  
Filed under Shampoos

Voici une recette que j’apprécie énormément. Le shampoing est doux, non gras et donne un joli volume à ma chevelure. La protéine de riz est reconnue pour sublimer les cheveux… want to try ? Voici une recette…

15 ml tensio actif alpha
5 ml tensio actif beta
5 ml tensio actif babassu
75 ml of water (not from the tap !!)
10 gouttes Provitamine B5 (gloss and moisturizer)*
30 drops of rice protein (gives volume)
1 cc powdered milk or yogurt (Indeed creamy)
40 ET drops as needed for your hair here I put lavender
30 drops of vanilla extract aromatic (optional, to smell sweeter)
0.6% Ecogard (conservative)

Difficulty : star star greystar3greystar3 ––Conservation : 1 month —–Capacity : 100 ml

Réchauffez votre eau et ajouter la poudre d’agar. Lorsque le mélange est tiède et légèrement gélifié ajoutez vos tensios actif en faisant bien attention de ne pas faire mousser votre mélange. Rajoutez le reste des ingrédients sans oublier le conservateur et verser le contenu dans un flacon stérile !

Always work on a surface disinfected, with clean, sterilized instruments.

* If your hair is very dry and brittle add more knowing he should not be exceeded 5% of the total shampoo.

You will find Surfactant, the provitamin B5, rice protein in Bilby & Co, Aromazone et beaucoup d’autres fournisseurs. Allez jeter un coup d’oeil dans ma liste de fournisseur pour leurs adresses.

A mask… time fisheries

21 July 2009 by  
Filed under Masks

Hello… I'm back !! The holidays were really nice. I will speak very soon… new recipes will be coming and a few discoveries to share with you. Course with the arrival of the new blog !

For now I suggest a very mild and pleasant mask after a short sunbath… or simply to give fishing with wet weather. The ingredients are easy to find and it does not matter where you find !

1 tablespoons plain yogurt
1 honey cc
1 cc of flour (for texture)
or clay
1/4 a fishing crushed

peche yogourt miel04

Difficulty : star greystar3 greystar3 greystar3––Conservation : not —–Capacity : 25 ml

Mix together all ingredients. Apply on face and kick avoiding eyes. Let stand about ten minutes and then rinse with cold water. Cut a new slice of peach and gently exfoliate your skin with the inside of the fruit… it's very sweet ! Rinse again and moisturize your skin with your usual cream. A true delight… the hard part is to not eat the mask. 😀

Do not keep this mask, is made for single use.

Gourmet cocoa mask

3 June 2008 by  
Filed under Masks

Environment of a small mask greedy and gives you a baby's skin ? Here's a little recipe simple and easy to do for everyone. By cons, you will probably find it difficult… not to eat !

1 tbsp ground almonds
1 tbsp organic cocoa powder
3 cc de yogourt nature
1 d'acacia honey cc
1 gouttes he d’orange sanguine

Simply mix all ingredients together and apply the mask over entire face and neck. A real treat !!
This mask should be used immediately, do not keep the surplus for later, it does not keep.
Note the essential oils are not recommended for pregnant women.

Recipe from the book by Sylvie Hampikian “Create your cosmetics”

Masque coup d'éclat

6 May 2008 by  
Filed under Masks

Un joli masque à vous faire à l’heure de la collation ! Une partie pour votre goûter et l’autre pour votre masque, vous verrez c’est tout simple.

1/4 de pomme verte
2 cs purple clay
1cs de yogourt nature
1 cc of creamed honey (moi je prend celle faite de fleurs du printemps)
2 cs oats

Mixez tout les ingrédients ensemble, ajoutez un peu plus d’argile si vous voulez une pâte plus épaisse.
Laissez agir 10 minutes et retirer avec un peu d’eau. Vaporisez votre visage de l’hydrolat de votre choix, et vous verrez qu’il sera tout doux et frais.

This mask should be used immediately, do not keep the surplus for later, it does not keep.