Used Tanning "grenadille"

23 March 2009 by  
Filed under Self Tanners

With summer comes no question keep a complexion of milk ! Voici une recette pour le visage avec un doux parfum d’été tout cela avec un petit hâle très naturel !

15 ml hydrolat cassis (odor)
10 mL hydrolat jasmine (tonic)
1 g emulsifier MF
8 HV ml Kalahari melon (balancing)
7 ml macerate in vanilla hv sesame
1 g emulsifier VE
5 ml cranberry powder (astringent et anti-oxydant)
22 drops pomegranate extract (antioxidant)
3 g DHA (Car Tanning naturel)
12 gouttes bisabolol (calming)
30 drops aromatic extract of pomegranate
1 tip of pink mica
0.6 % Ecogard (conservative)

grenade cassis vanille

Difficulty : star star star greystar3—–Conservation : 2 month —–Capacity : 50 ml

Mix the oil with the emulsifier in a bain marie VE. Hydrosols and put in another emulsifier MF bain marie (just to warm up a bit). When the oil and emulsifier are melted VE add the aqueous phase (hydrosol and moved. MF) and whisk well until cool. DHA and add remaining ingredients. Mix together until the cream is evenly mixed and smooth. Garder cette crème bien au frais.

You can print this label to decorate your pot a little !

autobronzantgrenadille cremegrenadille