Mask hides capricious

15 September 2011 by  
Filed under Masks, Novelty

I do not know what is happening now but the arrival of autumn my skin a monster caprice. A true diva this skin !! Normally it's all mixed fatty, prone to blackheads and all that follows. I did so for masks, imitation of a popular product on the U.S. “Silver powder”. A product of M * B * rio descu. But I find it quite expensive and yet the ingredients seem pretty simple.

This mask is composed of ; Calcium Carbonate, Titanium Dioxide, Zinc Oxide. So more specifically calcium carbonate, Titanium dioxide and zinc oxide. All of easy to find materials in our suppliers favorite.

But what are the benefits of these raw materials ?

Carbonate of calcium : Mild abrasive, gives texture to cosmetic.
Titanium dioxide : White for cosmetics, UV light, anti microbien.
The zinc oxide : antibacterial, antifungal, soothes irritation.

So you can easily reproduce this yourself powder. Knowing that the dosage varies depending on the order of ingredient, the first is still higher amount than the last. Apparently this mask is somewhat difficult to remove when applied to the entire face. It is not a miracle mask but it gives quite a boost !

I am inspired by this recipe to make my own mask…

Ingredients :
1 cc white clay (Purifying)
1 cc scale powder (healing)
1/2 cc of calcium carbonate (mild abrasive)
1/2 cc of the zinc oxide (anti-microbial and soothing)

Adding a mask applied to a button that area or black dots:
1/4 cc baking soda (drying)

Difficulty : star greystar3 greystar3 greystar3 ––Conservation : 5 month (in its powder)

Method :
That simply mix all the ingredients together and pour into a sterile container.
Keep your pot away from moisture ! When you want to use you just have to remove a small amount and add water until a smooth paste consistency but. Remember when you add an aqueous phase (water, gel, etc.) you can not keep this mask, so use it right away.

Why not replace the water with something else :

Gel d'Aloes : Lifting effect tightens pores so.
Hydrosol of lavender or tea tree : Purifying and treating acne.
Honey : Healing, soothes irritation and protects the skin hydration.
Lemon juice : Purifying and gives a glow to the skin.
Apple juice + cider vinegar : Brightness and light fruit acids.

The why of how

How to form comedones (blackheads) ?
An accumulation of sebum that forms in a channel and exposed to air it oxidizes the.

How to prevent those below ?
As always a healthy diet, Physical Activity (and yes it makes you sweat and eliminate toxins).

Other factors…
The stress, hormones are, the pollution, touching the face, comedogenic products and not well suited… in short everything is what.

How to fix it ?
Healthy lifestyle, exfoliate the skin gently and make steam baths on our face !

We can remove them ?
I think it is better to see a beautician for this stuff… any time if you do it anyway make sure to disinfect and apply an anti microbial because you might get stuck with an ugly scar and a button… which tends to be much more painful and seeing !

Useful link :
If you want to know more about skin… and why it sometimes flares of acne, buttons or other I invite you to view the video down below, made by an American dermatologist. If you have the chance please visit his website, is a mine of information and most importantly you can ask questions. Unfortunately this is all in English so… as for bilingual.

The website of Dr.. Neal Schultz :

Video : Why Touching Your Face Causes Acne Breakouts
He explains that a simple rubbing of a hat, headband, hair or hands can cause pimples

Elixir "Zap" buttons

16 February 2009 by  
Filed under Specific care

There is a saying “An apple a day keeps the doctor away”, I'm here to say environmental “A little cider vinegar per day destroys the button forever”. Voici un petit élixir ravageur pour les boutons. Facile à faire il est véritablement essentiel pour les moments ou notre peau décide d’en faire qu’à sa tête. Here is the recipe.

9 ml cider vinegar organic apple (General regenerating)
1 goutte he washes the end (anti infectious)
1 goutte he palmarosa (anti fungal)
1 goutte he géranium rosa (antiseptic)
1 goutte he camomille (calming)
2 vitamin E drops (antioxidant)

geranium lavande pomme

Difficulty : star greystar3 greystar3 greystar3 ––Conservation : 6 month —–Capacity : 10 ml

Mélanger tous les ingrédients ensemble et verser dans un petit tube roll on. Si vous n’avez pas de tube disponible appliquer le mélange à l’aide d’un coton tige. Celui ci doit être appliquer que sur les boutons et non sur tout le visage. Garder ce mélange à l’abri de la lumière.

Trick : Vous pouvez faire un macérât de vinaigre. Dans ma recette original j’ai fait un macérât de vinaigre de cidre de pommes avec des boutons de rose.

* Recipe for vinegar maceration :
50 g of dried plants
500 ml of cider vinegar or white vinegar
Steep for 10 days in an airtight jar and then filter.

Trio corrections

25 November 2008 by  
Filed under Face

Voici un petit boitier fort pratique ! Un trio de couleur de corrections pour vos beaux visages. Du vert pour les vilaines rougeurs, du jaune pour ces cernes disgracieuses et du violet pour donner une touche de lumière.

Recette pour une case environ :
0.2 g beurre de karité
0.6 g hv de melon du kalahari
0.4 g beeswax
0.1 g riz de cire
2 vitamin E drops

Poudre jaune :
0.95 ml of yellow ocher
0.60 ml fécule de maïs
0.60 ml d’arrow root
0.18 ml of the zinc oxide

Poudre verte :
0.95 ml de chlorophylle
0.60 ml fécule de maïs
0.60 ml d’arrow root
0.18 ml of the zinc oxide

Poudre violette :
0.50 ml ultra marine violette
0.22 ml mica brillant
0.60 cornstarch
0.60 d’arrow root
0.18 ml of the zinc oxide

triocorrections face couleurpoudre

Melt shea butter, l’huile de jojoba et les deux cires. Lorsque le mélange est fondu le mélanger à la couleur approprié. Ce petit kit est très pratique dans le sac à main ! Si vous avez un boitier à quatre cases pourquoi ne pas en faire un de la couleur de votre cache cerne !

Roll-on bye bye boutons

3 May 2008 by  
Filed under Specific care

As our dear blogger “Only happy in the sun”, I decided to do a little roll-on button. These little unsightly will deal with me ! Here is my recipe 25% essential oils.

15% he the teatree
10 % he the lavender
40 % jojoba hv
30 % hv de calophylle inophyle
5% hv the GERME the bleaching

Mix all ingredients and pour into your small container roll-on.

Note the essential oils are not recommended for pregnant women.

Shower gel sanitizer

21 February 2008 by  
Filed under Shower Gel

125 ml of washing base neutral
8 drops ET lemon
8 drops he de lavande vraie
8 drops he de palmarosa

geldoucheassainissant1.jpg tranchecitron.jpg palmarosa.jpg

For a vial of 125 ml.
Mélanger le tout dans un joli flacon et régalez vous au moment de la douche ! Ce gel douche aide aux peaux à problèmes. L’huile essentielle de citron est un excellent antisceptique et l’huile essentielle de palmarosa un bon antibactérien. De plus ça sent bon ! On peut aussi remplacer he de citron par he de lavande qui elle n’est pas photosensibilisante.

Note the essential oils are not recommended for pregnant women.
Some of these essential oils are photosensitizing.