Lip Care "kiss Fall"

26 October 2009 by  
Filed under Lip balms

Depuis que l’automne est finalement à nos portes j’ai les lèvres toutes sèches. Le vent, changes in temperature… tout cela est pour cause dans l’état de celles ci. Voici donc une recette toute simple et terriblement gourmande pour vos lèvres !

2 g Candelilla de cire
4 g hv prune (moisturizing)
2.5 g butter Tucumã (protective)
1 goutte vitamin E
2 ET drops lavender (healing)
10 drops vanilla extract bio

Difficulty : star star greystar3greystar3 ––Conservation : 3 month —–Capacity : 10 g

Melt your wax, oil and butter together in a water bath, additionner de votre vitamine E. Lorsque le tout est fondue, retirer du feu et ajouter votre extrait de vanille ainsi que votre huile essentielle de lavande fine. Couler rapidement dans un tube. L’odeur de ce baume est exquise… a delight ! Vous pouvez même y ajouter un peu de mica ou d’ultra marine pour le rendre un peu plus glamour.

Butter Tucumã a wonderful smells of cocoa and coffee… a real discovery, I can not do without.

Plum oil in a bitter almond smell is totally intoxicating, it is more antioxidant… then why deprive !

Here is the recipe that inspired me to care what it is in Aromazone. De plus vous trouverez tous les ingrédients nécessaire pour la réaliser chez eux.


10 Answers to “Lip Care "autumn wind"”
  1. That way you will be able to kiss all your sweet darling ^ ^ you saw in Aromazone super hydrosols !! and soon a new emulsifier :))) j'ai hate !!!

  2. kallie says:

    Thank you for this recipe, I love balms ! By cons I do not know butter curupaçu !!! Interesting as plumping active ! !

  3. Mariejoe says:

    Yes I saw Lolli ^ ^… I'm looking forward to procure !

    Kallie is really delicious butter curupaçu I also used to care for dry hair… j’aaaaadore !

  4. letis says:

    j'adore huile de prune,smell crazy

    super Baume,marie joe ,brave

  5. laure says:

    hummmmmmm! it feels good and it is great “sweet” to “porter”!
    Merci bcp MarieJoe

  6. Lilibul says:


    I just discovered this fabulous website … I simply adore !
    And I found this simple recipe and customizable at will …
    I think I'll do it soon ^ ^
    Thank you very much MarieJoe

  7. Ladylettante says:

    Cuckoo !!
    I realized that there balm one week, I use it every day it is super !! The only negative note is that mine is a bit too durn suddenly I should really dwell on my lips to make sufficient, c but not too serious like that he will last longer !

  8. Mariejoe says:

    ah glad you like it !! I reassure you, it's cold now so normal it is a bit harder… durant l’été c’est une toute autre chose 🙂

  9. bluetansy says:

    It is perfect !!! Presentation and what… I love a lot even if lavender surprised me on the spot…I did not recognize the taste or smell at first mixed with the other ingredients ! Thank you !

    • Mariejoe says:

      I'm glad you like it. In fact I put lavender especially to treat lips to taste more than… même si la lavande fine est comestible 🙂

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