Cream little geisha

16 May 2010 by  
Filed under Creams

Right now I'm tempted to travel to Asia… I received a wonderful book recently on cosmetics worldwide, je vous en parlerais bientôt d’ailleurs. Je me suis donc fait cette petite crème pour le visage, very soft and if I close my eyes… j’y suis presque 🙂 Ici on retrouve des éléments comme le son de riz, bamboo, Orchid ** and green tea that can help us discover the delights of Asia.

1.6 g olivem 1000
15 g of rice bran oil (antioxidant, soothing and decongestant… an oil fantastic)
30 g hydrolat (depending on your skin type)
2.5 g gel aloès (firming)
1 g green tea extract (antioxidant)
1 g complex orchid (regenerating)
1/4 cc bamboo powder (matt)
4 vitamin E drops
12 gouttes he (depending on your skin type)
0.6 % of Geogard (conservative)

Here to my skin I used mixed :
30 g of rose hydrosol
and essential oils
6 gouttes he citron (photosensitizing ET… Best used in facial evening)
3 gouttes he mandarine
(photosensitizing ET… Best used in facial evening)
3 gouttes he teatree

Difficulty :
star star greystar3 greystar3 ––Conservation : 1 to 2 month * —–Capacity : 50g

Il faut tout d’abord faire fondre l’olivem avec l’huile additionné de vitamine E au bain marie. Dans un autre bol faites chauffer aussi l’hydrolat. Lorsque vos deux phases ont atteint les 70°C environ… verser l’hydrolat dans la phase huileuse. Fouettez bien jusqu’à consistance homogène. Laissez un peu refroidir et ajoutez le reste de vos ingrédients en terminant par le conservateur. Here… a nice little very light cream… You just have to transfer to a sterile bottle tightly.

*In good hygiene during the creation and preservation (without putting fingers in and cool).
** A species found in many tropical countries and not only in Asia… je précise bien 😉

Remember to test the ph of your products before use to ensure they are in the right slice of ph for your skin and that ideally 24 h après la création. Vous pouvez le faire avec du papier ph… the result will not be extremely accurate but it will give you a good idea anyway.

Here is a small label to decorate your jar or bottle !


12 Answers to “Cream little geisha”
  1. bluetansy says:

    Oh to do with the essential oil of ginger ! lol
    Still not found a satsuma essential oil ? 😉

    • Mariejoe says:

      Mdr… toi et le gingembre 😀 Oui j’y ai pensé mais c’est fort comme he le gingembre ! Oh no set apart vendors who speaks Mandarin as their scent of satsuma… non j’ai toujours rien trouvé 😀

  2. Sapphire says:

    Beautiful exotic recipe, I am very tempted to redo my house!

  3. Sealeha says:

    Nice recipe !!! It is a good mind ;the)

  4. Rinslet says:

    Nice recipe and I love the name you gave him! By cons I did not know at all that he needed to check the pH of creams!

  5. Mariejoe says:

    Oh yes it is always better… imagine that you make, for example, cream with lots of assets that makes it very acid… will never give out your cream as you would want on your skin as a result. Creates better care in line with a ph of healthy skin (whether 5.5 I think ph)

  6. Lils says:

    I love the variations on a theme, very nice this little cream ^ ^

  7. Superb recipe, as you say, us travel! Hop, in my pocket!

  8. Caroleen says:

    the texture a l'air super! She invites you to travel! Hum… :love:

  9. Flocrea says:

    I love this recipe and theme !!! :love: and not talking about texture!!!!
    you make me want to test the rice bran oil…. et ta recette 🙂

  10. Korento says:

    I love your recipe because I also love the HV rice bran and I associate with the macerate lotus tightens pores (great for combination skin). Kisses and goodbye.

  11. Mariejoe says:

    Thank you for the nice comments :love:

    Korento… macerate the lotus… super, you do it yourself or where you otherwise procures you the ?

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