Selection of books cosmetics 1

1 June 2009 by  
Filed under Books

Here is a selection of books that are very good tools when you start in cosmetics homemade !

creezcosm2Create your cosmetics BIO
Sylvie Hampikian wrote this fantastic book and perfect for any new person wanting to make her cosmetics house. She uses a lot of the usual products of the kitchen. Revenue that could be called Grandma adapted to the modern woman of today. Anyone wanting to make her cosmetics should have this book and it is perfect for beginners and advanced.


guidebeaute1 Guide to natural beauty
A book by Josephine Fairley, very practical and very natural with recipes ! Some ingredients may be hard to find but overall, un bon livre à avoir. Par contre attention aux recettes avec eau qui n’ont pas de conservateur !


90bbio1 90 Organic beauty recipes do it yourself
A book co-written with Sophie and Vania Guet Macheteau, convenient, very well illustrated, simple and easy to understand. By cons I do not recommend it for beginners, they need to understand the basis for a minimum revenue to adapt to their needs.


cosmnaturelNatural Cosmetics
A book written by a great convenience Helen Baron, easy recipes with raw materials readily available. All ingredients are natural and we take pleasure in making our cosmetics with this book ! I also recommended for beginners because it is well explained.
soinsnatureNatural care
Une traduction du livre original “Bodyworks”. Simple book with recipes useful, by cons I do not recommend it at all for beginners, because there is no indication against some essential oils. No explanation either on raw materials, but a very inspiring book for "cosméteuses" confirmed that will be more attention to the use of some essential oils. It is simple and very well illustrated.

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