Manger oui… mais en étant responsable !

11 June 2009 by  
Filed under Tips & Tricks

Il y a beaucoup de discussion en ce moment sur l’écologie. Surtout suite à la sortie du film de Yan Arthus-Bertrand. Que je vous conseil vivement de voir d’ailleurs.

wwfÊtre responsable envers son environnement commence aussi dans notre assiette. Beaucoup de nous partirons en vacance bientot, la mer étant le lieu favoris de tous pour relaxer et profiter de ses bienfaits. Lorsque vous irez au restaurant penser à manger bien mais aussi avec respect pour la bio diversité. Certaines espèces de poissons vont bientot disparaitre suite à une pêche excessive. Comme le thon rouge par exemple… oui il est délicieux mais si vous voulez en manger encore pendant des années bien… il faut savoir être raisonnable.

Quels poissons choisir alors ? Bien la WWF nous renseigne bien ! Ils ont fait un petit pdf facile à imprimé que vous pouvez même plier et insérer dans votre porte monnaie !

Allez donc y jetter un coup d’oeil vous serez peut être suppris !!

pour le pdf :

Perfume "Cute Fish"

10 June 2009 by  
Filed under Woman

I love my perfumes… marry after my own notes ! I wanted a sweet fragrance and summer. Buy perfume every season can be difficult for the wallet, That is why make your own perfume is so interesting. It costs almost nothing and we are proud to have created its own juice !! Here is my recipe for a fruity fragrance with notes softly and lightly wooded.

10 ml alcohol a 90 ° non modifié (found in pharmacies)
4 mL hydrolat fleur orange-
50 aromatic extract drops fishing
12 ET drops sandalwood
10 drops of vanilla extract aromatic
15 aromatic extract drops nougat
1 CO2 tip of iris

peche21 boissantal nougat

Difficulty : star star greystar3 greystar3 ––Conservation : 12 month —–Capacity : 15 ml

Mix all ingredients together and let stand for 3 week in a glass jar on a shelf. After three weeks, or more, filter your perfume in a coffee filter and pour the contents into a pretty glass bottle spray. I recycle mine an old perfume.


I love this synergy and I think well again !! If you made do not hesitate to give me your impressions.

I bought all my CO2 extracts and iris in Aromazone.

You can print any of these labels to decorate your little one nice bottle ! A version for a large bottle and another for round bottle (example of my bottle).

parfumpechermignon parfumpechermignon2

Home… le film à voir !

5 June 2009 by  
Filed under Area discoveries

home 2009

Un film touchant de vérité… qui je l’espère saura réveiller la race humaine ! Pour moi l’écologie, c’est des gestes essentiels à tous les jours… et vous que faites vous pour la grande bleu ? Pour voir le film cliquez sur l’image de gauche.

Vous souhaitez vous impliquer, visitez

After take-shampoo !

5 June 2009 by  
Filed under After shampoos

Well yes after shampoo after shampoo bar is my lavender and rosemary. J’adore… it makes my hair incredibly soft ! This bar is perfect for dry ends !

5 g condition emulsify (moisturizing and softening)
20 g butter illipe (nourishing and emollient)
25 g cocoa butter (feeding)
7 g castor oil (strengthening)
3 ml emulsifying wax
20 ET drops lavender
(anti infectious)
20 gouttes he romarin cinéole ( Anti chute)
1 advanced oxide mineral violet
1 pointe mica brillant
lavender flowers (but optional for garnish)
8 vitamin E drops

apresshampbarre lavande2 romarin

Difficulty : star star greystar3 greystar3—– Conservation : 2 month —–Capacity : 50 g

Melt the butter, oil, emulsify the condition and the drops of vitamin E in a water bath. When everything is melted let sit a bit then add the rest of your ingredients. Mold and refrigerate.

During the wet your shower bar and apply the mixture on the tips of your hair. Leave for a few minutes and rinse. The bar melts well and gives a very sweet milk !

cheveuxI'm pretty happy with the result !

You like shampoo after solid ? Allez voir Goblin's lair she has beautiful.

The dosage of essential oils in this recipe are 3 % This limits the use to hair and body only ! Note the essential oils are not recommended for pregnant women and children under 5 years without medical advice.

Looking for package that will emulsify in Zinette. A l’étranger, England, of a simple nature, have very good price.

You can print this label to decorate your little one small bar !


Solid shampoo "Lavender & rosemary"

3 June 2009 by  
Filed under Shampoos

The word shampoo has taken a whole new meaning since I tried, there is more than one year, solid shampoos from home Lush. C’est pratique, easy to carry, no constraint vial, small, smells good, mon mari worship… a brief spell !! Je me suis donc lancé suite à un peu de recherche dans la fabrication d’une de ces merveilles. La recette que voici est faite pour assainir le cuir chevelue, de plus sa couleur bleu violacé rend les cheveux blond éclatant. Cela va sans dire qu’il est parfait pour toute couleur de cheveux !

33 g Sodium cocosulphate (surfactant)
4 Condition g emulsifier (moisturizer)
3 g butter illipe (nourishing and emollient)
5 g cocoa butter (feeding)
3 g castor oil (strengthening)
20 ET drops lavender (anti infectious)
10 gouttes he romarin à cinéole (Anti dandruff and anti fall)
1 cc dried lavender flower
8 vitamin E drops
1 advanced oxide mineral violet
1 tip of mica glittering white
Conservative choice

shampoingsolidelavrom lavande2 romarin
Difficulty : star star greystar3 greystar3—– Conservation : 3 month —–Capacity : 50 g

Melt the butter, oil, the coco sulphate, emulsify the condition and the drops of vitamin E in a water bath. Lorsque le tout est fondu laisser reposer un peu (coco sulphate remains in grain does not concern you) puis ajouter le reste de vos ingrédients. Mold and refrigerate.

The dosage of essential oils in this recipe are 3 % This limits the use to hair and body only !

When the soap is hard, vous pouvez l’utiliser tel un shampoing en le frottant sur vos cheveux dans la douche. Rincer et utiliser un démêlant en barre pour hydrater vos cheveux. (moisturizer recipe coming). J’aime beaucoup cette recette je l’utilise depuis quelques temps et mes cheveux sont d’une douceur incroyable. Notez que ce shampoing ne mousse pas beaucoup, but it cleans very well, anyway this is not the foam that washes !

Note the essential oils are not recommended for pregnant women and children under 5 years without medical advice.

You can print this label to decorate your little one little bottle !


Here are other recipe that came out this week that I love, shampoo with nettle in Keskafée and in the peppermint MissLollipop.

Vous cherchez du Sodium cocosulphate ? You will find Zinette and even in Calyshopping. Pour le conditionner émulsifier ce sera chez Zinette. A l’étranger, England, of a simple nature, have very good price.

Solid shampoo "Lavender & Rosemary "

3 June 2009 by  
Filed under Shampoos

[slideshow id=2]The word shampoo has taken a whole new meaning since I tried, there is more than one year, solid shampoos from home Lush. C’est pratique, easy to carry, no constraint vial, small, smells good, my husband loves ... a brief spell !! Je me suis donc lancé suite à un peu de recherche dans la fabrication d’une de ces merveilles. La recette que voici est faite pour assainir le cuir chevelue, de plus sa couleur bleu violacé rend les cheveux blond éclatant. Cela va sans dire qu’il est parfait pour toute couleur de cheveux !

33 g Sodium cocosulphate (surfactant)
4 Condition g emulsifier (moisturizer)
5 g butter illipe (nourishing and emollient)
5 g cocoa butter (feeding)
3 g castor oil (strengthening)
20 ET drops lavender (anti infectious)
10 gouttes he romarin à cinéole (Anti dandruff and anti fall)
1 cc dried lavender flowers
8 vitamin E drops
1 advanced oxide mineral violet
1 tip of mica glittering white
Conservative choice

shampoingsolidelavrom lavande2 romarin

Difficulty : star star greystar3 greystar3 ––Conservation : 2 month —–Capacity : 50 g

Melt the butter, oil, the coco sulphate, emulsify the condition and the drops of vitamin E in a water bath. Lorsque le tout est fondu laisser reposer un peu (coco sulphate remains in grain does not concern you) puis ajouter le reste de vos ingrédients. Mold and refrigerate.

The dosage of essential oils in this recipe are 3 % This limits the use to hair and body only !

When the soap is hard, vous pouvez l’utiliser tel un shampoing en le frottant sur vos cheveux dans la douche. Rincer et utiliser un démêlant en barre pour hydrater vos cheveux. (moisturizer recipe coming). J’aime beaucoup cette recette je l’utilise depuis quelques temps et mes cheveux sont d’une douceur incroyable. Notez que ce shampoing ne mousse pas beaucoup, but it cleans very well, anyway this is not the foam that washes !

Note the essential oils are not recommended for pregnant women and children under 5 years without medical advice.

You can print this label to decorate your little one little bottle !


Selection of books cosmetics 1

1 June 2009 by  
Filed under Books

Here is a selection of books that are very good tools when you start in cosmetics homemade !

creezcosm2Create your cosmetics BIO
Sylvie Hampikian wrote this fantastic book and perfect for any new person wanting to make her cosmetics house. She uses a lot of the usual products of the kitchen. Revenue that could be called Grandma adapted to the modern woman of today. Anyone wanting to make her cosmetics should have this book and it is perfect for beginners and advanced.


guidebeaute1 Guide to natural beauty
A book by Josephine Fairley, very practical and very natural with recipes ! Some ingredients may be hard to find but overall, un bon livre à avoir. Par contre attention aux recettes avec eau qui n’ont pas de conservateur !


90bbio1 90 Organic beauty recipes do it yourself
A book co-written with Sophie and Vania Guet Macheteau, convenient, very well illustrated, simple and easy to understand. By cons I do not recommend it for beginners, they need to understand the basis for a minimum revenue to adapt to their needs.


cosmnaturelNatural Cosmetics
A book written by a great convenience Helen Baron, easy recipes with raw materials readily available. All ingredients are natural and we take pleasure in making our cosmetics with this book ! I also recommended for beginners because it is well explained.
soinsnatureNatural care
Une traduction du livre original “Bodyworks”. Simple book with recipes useful, by cons I do not recommend it at all for beginners, because there is no indication against some essential oils. No explanation either on raw materials, but a very inspiring book for "cosméteuses" confirmed that will be more attention to the use of some essential oils. It is simple and very well illustrated.

More upcoming books !!