Poudre scintillante à fleur d'eau

25 May 2009 by  
Filed under Body powders

J’aime beaucoup les poudres corporelles l’été. Elle aide à garder la peau bien au sec et douce. Je m’en fais régulièrement mais j’ai un petit coup de cœur pour celle ci qui est délicatement parfumé et scintillante.

3 cs white clay
4 tablespoon arrowroot or cornstarch
1 cc mica blanc brillant
18 drops perfume “White Lotus”
5 Dried rosebuds

lotusblanc scintillant roseseche

Difficulty : star greystar3 greystar3 greystar3 ––Conservation : 8 month —–Capacity : 115 ml

Mélanger tous les ingrédients ensemble et verser dans un pot poudrier. On applique cette poudre sur le corps à n’importe quel moment de la journée. J’en met même avant de me coucher le soir, ce qui garde ma peau bien au sec pendant les nuits chaudes de l’été. Garder votre poudre dans un endroit sec et à l’abri de la lumière.

If the perfume at White Lotus interests you can get it at Alternative Nature.

I had not noticed Magicgigi but has also made a nice recipe for body powder, I invite you to see known version également. Vous pourrez vous rendre compte que l’on peut vraiment adapter nos poudres à notre couleur de peau et nos envies !

You can print this label to decorate your little one little compact !


16 Answers to “Poudre scintillante à fleur d'eau”
  1. magicgigi says:

    lol my chouquette !! I have no exclusivity on shimmer powders !!! XD not that with me please !!! Each station when he wants and what he wants ! It is billions on earth, it would be surprising that no one has the same ideas at the same time that another !

    I find your super powder !! And for the trouble, the bin here I copite !! Because I love your recipes ! 🙂

    big kisses my sweet

  2. Youpipi says:

    Rooo I think I'm going to make a! With a delicious scent as well I like it must be nice!

  3. songs says:

    It must feel good about your good powder! I put the powder lush this morning and I had lots of black marks on my pants :o/ Suis pas douée ^^


  4. rockfairy says:

    Oh me too I love it when thousands of lights briiiiille ! It just makes me think that Sapphire had given me a beautiful body glitter in February, and I'll finally be able to sprinkle on the body ! yahou !

    Magical Kisses !

  5. fanny says:

    oh la la I do not know ???? it is a kind of deodorant powder ? bises fanny

    • Mariejoe says:

      This is a powder but a little deodorant which aims primarily to keep the skin warm and dry. It can be compared to the powder for baby… mais ici il n’y a pas de talc 🙂

  6. White Lotus ? oh it must be pretty, I imagine a women's fragrance and delicate ^ ^ your powder is very poetic in the end !! lol

  7. Fleur de Ja says:

    Great but I do not really understand where to put it lol

    In any case, a real pleasure to visit your blog is very clear, accurate and interesting tropppp !!!!

  8. Perfume says:

    oh me dit ca ca bcp in ce moment, je me cherchais justement une recette du genre et voila j en ai une toute prete qui arrive de chez toi 😉

  9. Aricia says:

    Easy and friendly your recipe. As against this, is not all white? stupid questions, yes I know…. lol

  10. Athena says:

    Oh I also did a little gloss powder for the body, I have published elsewhere ^ ^
    Your recipe is nice and the smell must be to fall ^ ^

  11. Sapphire says:

    Ha lala but you want us to dream with your fragrances!

  12. Christelle says:

    Is it edible ?
    Thank you in advance…

    • Mariejoe says:

      Not here this recipe is not edible. You can cons by removing the mica, the fragrance make this edible powder… et pourquoi pas y ajouter un peu de miel en poudre pour un gout un peu sucré 😉