Lip balm "Peachy Lips"

24 February 2009 by  
Filed under Lip balms, Lip gloss

I always had a weakness for lip balms from home Bodyshop… especially one called BornLippy, I do not know if it is available in France, mais il est onctueux et très agréable sur les lèvres. Je me suis lancé le défi de le reproduire et je dois dire que je suis plutôt fière du résultat ! Here is my little recipe !

4.8 hv ml ricin (feeding)
1.2 substituted vegetable ml lanolin (fabric softener)
1 small cube of beeswax (entering a spoon 0.4 ml)
2 cire flocons of mimosa (stabilizer)
0.4 ml of stearic acid (smoothness)
2 small fishing tip of mica
2 drops vanilla extract aromatic
7 drops of aromatic extract fishing
4 drops of vitamin E

peche vanille
Difficulty : star greystar3 greystar3greystar3 ––Conservation : 5 month —–Capacity : 6 ml

Faites fondre les cires avec l’huile de ricin et la lanoline. Lorsque le tout est fondu laisser tiédir, add your extracts, le mica et la vitamine E en fouettant énergiquement. Verser le contenu dans votre petit pot et savourer ce baume du bout des lèvres !

You can print this label to decorate your little one potty !


10 Answers to “Lip balm "Peachy lips"”
  1. letis says:

    humm,this balm very greedy

  2. wistiti says:

    hummmmmmm it makes you want to spread the lips in

  3. Hazard says:

    He looks smooth Mmmmm ... I just read the 2 coms précédents on fait toutes Mmmmmmmmm On en mangerai 🙂

  4. Youpipi says:

    Watch out! You're going to bite the lips!!

  5. the whole says:

    This beautiful balm : la texture a l’air top ^^

  6. margouillas says:

    Yum! texture, l'odeur hummmm

  7. hum j'en mangeraiiiiiiiiiiis !!! ^^

  8. Mariejoe says:

    Yes I have to remember also Cosmeto ^ ^… In any case, it really makes the lips soft.

  9. Sapphire says:

    Ouaaah cte texture!!! She gives really want ..!

  10. Mellecaro says:

    waaa a l'il trop water Doux !!!