Deodorant for sensitive skin with silk proteins

14 June 2010 by  
Filed under Feminine deodorants, Novelty

With razor burn were often comes to be sensitive armpits. Deodorants are often very itchy and when one wants “good” deodorant it is sometimes difficult to combine sensitive skin and effectiveness. Here is a simple formula, Soft and cuddle your pretty underarm :-D.

2 g beurre de karité (soothing)
2 g apricot butter (emollient)
6.6 g of purple macerate in macadamia oil or calendula macerate
1.5 g stearic acid (consistency)
3 g cire candellila (texturant)
3 % silk protein liquid (fabric softener)
3 drops of vitamin E (antioxidant)
0.85 g white clay (absorbs odors)**
3% following essential oils :
Palmarosa (antibacterial and antifungal)
Small grain (antibacterial)*
2 drops fragrance choices (Here I took Lady Marmalade)

Difficulty :
star star greystar3greystar3 ––Conservation : 1 month —–Capacity : 15 to 17 g

Melt your butter in a bain marie, oil, Vitamin E and your two waxes. When the mixture is completely melted remove and add your clay whisking well. When the mixture is slightly cooled, (but not fixed on the edges) add your drops of silk proteins, your essential oils and fragrance your (if desired). Pour your mixture in a tube applicator quickly adapted. You will find very well in Macosmetoperso.

*If you plan to replace the solar exposures of petitgrain essential oil is photosensitizing (some are the variety… response to the comment of the Blue petitgrain bigarade would not… so do not deprive yourself ^ ^)… by one who is not like lavender or cistus.

**If you have a high sweat can add a little baking soda… but I think in the long run it becomes a little irritating if it is too large quantity. The alum powder is also.

Here is a small label to decorate your pretty tube !

The cleansing bar reo-rganized

6 October 2009 by  
Filed under Cleansers

Here is a recipe Reo I present to you because it is just fantastic. A cleansing bar in ! Yes yes it is possible and practical travel vraimentt ! As Lush in fact, but I confess to prefer ample Reo recipe which is much smoother. So here it is… some reo-rganized for my needs.

18 g cocoa butter
8 g beurre de karité
10 g emulsifying wax
10 g beurre de mangue (or other)
4 g hv macadamia
10 gouttes he palmarosa
10 ET drops lavender
3 drops of vitamin E

Difficulty : star star greystar3greystar3 ––Conservation : 1 month —–Capacity : 50 g

It melts the wax, butters and oil together with the drops of vitamin E. When everything is melted let sit a few. When the mixture is lukewarm add your essential oils and then poured into a silicone mold.
When cleansing I wet a washcloth and I rub it on my bar, I then simply removes makeup. Cela m’évite en même temps d’utiliser des tampons démaquillant qui ne font que polluer 😉

* Note… if you want to use this bar for the eyes… enlevez les huiles essentielles. Vous désirez quand même le parfumer ? Les extraits aromatiques feront largement l’affaire !

Cleansing bar with lavender

20 May 2009 by  
Filed under Cleaners

Je suis une inconditionnelle de Lush depuis plus de 10 years. J’adore leur recettes, spécifiquement leur pâtes nettoyantes. J’ai vue aussi que beaucoup d’autre blogueuse en était aussi fan. Voici donc ma petite version pour les peaux mixtes avec de petite imperfections !

3 cs almond powder (gentle exfoliator)
2 cm vegetable glycerine (mild moisturizer)
1 cs argile blanche (Purifying)
1 cs argile violette (healthy glow)
1/2 cc calamine *facultatif* (healing)
1 cs eau de source
10 ET drops lavender (regenerating & healing)
7 gouttes he palmarosa (healing)
1 cs fleur de lavandes séchées
0.6% Ecogard * (conservative)

painlavande lavande2 argileviolette

Difficulty : star greystar3 greystar3greystar3 ––Conservation : 1 month —–Capacity : 90 ml

Mix the ground almonds, les deux argiles et la poudre de calamine. A ce mélange ajouter la glycérine et l’eau. When the whole forms a nice firm dough add your essential oils, votre conservateur et les fleurs de lavandes tout en pétrissant bien la pâte avec une cuillère. To use it you just take a little nutty and mixing in water, apply on your face and massage gently. La peau reste douce et bien nettoyé.
Keep your bun in a cool well sterilized jar and sealed.

The dosage of essential oils in this recipe are 1% giving you the opportunity to use it on the face and the body !

* Ou d’autres conservateurs en respectant bien leurs dosages.
cm = coffee spoon, une cuillère vaut environ 2 ml.

Note the essential oils are not recommended for pregnant women and children under 5 years without medical advice.

You can print this label to decorate your little one potty !


Circulatory gel for legs

7 April 2009 by  
Filed under Specific care

Je voulais un gel tout léger pour les jambes histoire de bien me préparer pour l’été qui arrive. Aussi un gel pratique que je pourrais utiliser après une épilation. Du deux en un quoi !

25 ml hydrolat menthe poivré ( tonic and circulatory)
10 mL hydrolat santal (soothing)
10 ml gel d'Aloes (soothing)
3 ml hv calophylle inophyle (circulatory)
1.20 ml green tea powder (micro circulation)
15 gouttes he patchouli (circulatory)
6 gouttes he palmarosa (healing)
5 gouttes he pamplemousse (draining)
1 good tip guar gum (natural gelling)
6 drops ECOGARD (conservative)

menthepoivree thevert patchouli2

Difficulty : star star greystar3 greystar3 ––Conservation : 1 month —–Capacity : 50 ml

Mix the hydrosols, le thé vert avec la gomme de guar en fouettant rapidement pour ne pas faire de grumeaux. Incorporer votre gel d’aloès et l’huile de canophylle innophyle. Lorsque le mélange est bien homogène ajouter vos huiles essentielles et votre conservateur. Garder ce gel bien au frais à l’abris de la lumière.

Apply, if skin is dry, sur toute la longueur de vos jambes après la douche. This gel is absorbed quickly !

You can print the label to make your pump bottle !

geljambes1 geljambes

Elixir "Zap" buttons

16 February 2009 by  
Filed under Specific care

There is a saying “An apple a day keeps the doctor away”, I'm here to say environmental “A little cider vinegar per day destroys the button forever”. Voici un petit élixir ravageur pour les boutons. Facile à faire il est véritablement essentiel pour les moments ou notre peau décide d’en faire qu’à sa tête. Here is the recipe.

9 ml cider vinegar organic apple (General regenerating)
1 goutte he washes the end (anti infectious)
1 goutte he palmarosa (anti fungal)
1 goutte he géranium rosa (antiseptic)
1 goutte he camomille (calming)
2 vitamin E drops (antioxidant)

geranium lavande pomme

Difficulty : star greystar3 greystar3 greystar3 ––Conservation : 6 month —–Capacity : 10 ml

Mélanger tous les ingrédients ensemble et verser dans un petit tube roll on. Si vous n’avez pas de tube disponible appliquer le mélange à l’aide d’un coton tige. Celui ci doit être appliquer que sur les boutons et non sur tout le visage. Garder ce mélange à l’abri de la lumière.

Trick : Vous pouvez faire un macérât de vinaigre. Dans ma recette original j’ai fait un macérât de vinaigre de cidre de pommes avec des boutons de rose.

* Recipe for vinegar maceration :
50 g of dried plants
500 ml of cider vinegar or white vinegar
Steep for 10 days in an airtight jar and then filter.

Deodorant "feminine freshness"

10 February 2009 by  
Filed under Feminine deodorants

Here's a deodorant most greedy and sensual. Yes yes a deodorant can be sensual ! It is very feminine and pretty gentle on your armpits ! I really love the deodorant spray, they are practical and non-greasy. Here is the recipe !

48 ml hydrolat menthe poivré (astringent)
48 hydrosol ml blackcurrant (bracing)
1 c mocha d'Aloes gel (healing)
1/2 cc baking soda (natural deodorant)
120 drops of Solubol
10 gouttes he palmarosa (regulating)
10 gouttes he géranium (antifungal)
10 ET drops lavender (antibacterial)
5 ET drops sandalwood (calming)
1 advanced or 0.10 ml of extract CO2 iris (perfume)
0.6 % Ecogard

geranium cassis irisgermanica

Difficulty : star greystar3 greystar3greystar3 ––Conservation : 2 month —–Capacity : 100 ml

Mix the hydrosols, aloe gel and baking soda together. In another bowl, mix Solubol, essential oils and CO2 extracts. Pour the mixture in the first second and whisk well until the consistency is milky. Pour into a spray bottle well sterile. For freshness keep your cool deodorant.

You can print this label to decorate your little one bottle !


Shower Gel Sweet and Sour

2 July 2008 by  
Filed under Shower Gel

Here's a little shower gel very greedy ! It moisturizes and softens your skin while gently.

100 ml of washing base neutral
8 ET drops of bitter almond (analgesic muscle)
8 drops grapefruit ET (tonic)
6 I gouttes palmarosa (Anti infectives)
8 drops of tonka bean absolute
3 ml hv de framboise (healing and anti-inflammatory)
5 drops of beet juice
0.6 % drops ECOGARD
8 drops of vitamin E

Mix everything in a pretty bottle and treat yourself to a delicious sweet time to time in the shower !
A small thank you to Ernie for making me discover the tonka bean !

Shower gel sanitizer

21 February 2008 by  
Filed under Shower Gel

125 ml of washing base neutral
8 drops ET lemon
8 drops he de lavande vraie
8 drops he de palmarosa

geldoucheassainissant1.jpg tranchecitron.jpg palmarosa.jpg

For a vial of 125 ml.
Mélanger le tout dans un joli flacon et régalez vous au moment de la douche ! Ce gel douche aide aux peaux à problèmes. L’huile essentielle de citron est un excellent antisceptique et l’huile essentielle de palmarosa un bon antibactérien. De plus ça sent bon ! On peut aussi remplacer he de citron par he de lavande qui elle n’est pas photosensibilisante.

Note the essential oils are not recommended for pregnant women.
Some of these essential oils are photosensitizing.