Gel "ZAP" buttons

16 September 2008 by  
Filed under Specific care

Here, we took over the job or course… Zen attitude holiday is behind us ; brief, stress is back. These nasty things start to resurface… here, a simple little recipe to take care of these buttons villains.

10 ml de Gel d'Aloes (healing)
0.5 ml oil calophylle inophyle (cicatrisante)
0.3 ml of sugar ester (penetrating)
10 drops of propolis extract (Wound healing)
4 ET drops of lavender (anti infectious)
3 gouttes he de tea tree (antibacterial)
2 ET drops of geranium (anti infectious)
0.6 % drops ECOGARD
1 drop of green tea extract

For a tube 10 ml. Mix aloe gel, Oil and sugar ester. When the mixture is homogeneous, add remaining ingredients, whisking well and pour into your tube applicator.

Here I used a lip gloss, but obviously will not do that for naughty buttons. After cleaning the skin, this mixture is applied with the sponge applicator on the button and close immediately. Never put the gel on unwashed skin ; this could contaminate the gel.
Also what is that gel to treat certain area, not all over your face.

Gel for treating skin rebels

19 June 2008 by  
Filed under Specific care

On le sait bien au moindre stress, au moindre excès ces horribles choses font leur apparitions ! Quoi donc ? Les boutons ! Voici donc un gel rafraichissant et traitant !

28 ml de Gel d'Aloes
1 cc hv de calophylle Inophyle (cicatrisant et anti infectueux)
5 ET drops of lavender
8 gouttes he de tea tree
0.6 % drops ECOGARD
3 drops of vitamin E

Pour un pot pompe de 30 ml. Mélangez tout les ingrédients dans un bot au mini fouet. Verser le contenu dans un flacon et appliquer sur les zones affectés (corps et visage). L’aloès aidera agira comme hydratant, le calopylle inophyle et les huiles essentielles à traiter les problèmes cutanés. Vous pouvez utiliser un tube à gloss et vous servir de l’éponge pour appliquer ce gel sur vos boutons.

You can print this label to decorate your little one bottle !