Soap Citronet !

16 December 2011 by  
Filed under With fragrances, The fruity, Novelty, Soap factory

Everything is in the title… a soap that smells like lemon and clean. Here I used a fragrance as having made soaps with essential oil of lemon in the past… I know that citrus essential oils that do not always hold up well in soap. The fragrance here smells sweet lemon actually. So a little back to childhood for me ^ ^.

How does that I offer recipes for soaps ? Ben oui… the holidays arrive… so I carbureted for a month to make soaps as gifts. Du coup j’en ai beaucoup de recettes à vous montrer 🙂 Voici donc la recette de mon citronet

Coconut oil 25 %
Beurre de Karité 15 %
Organic Palm Oil 12 %
Olive oil 30 %
Soybean Oil 18 %

Surgras to 7 %
Water and soda to recalculate

The trace :
Lemon fragrance 2 %

Decor :
Ecorse lemon
Neon yellow dye
Bright lime green

Traditional method of soap cold
Melt the oils together. Add soda water (not the other) and cool. When both mixtures, water and soda, are room temperature, pour the soda / water in your oil and mix until the appearance of the trace. Then add the rest of your ingredients (essential oil, fragrance, oil, oxide, mica) and pour into your mold. Wait 48 h and unmold your soaps with gloves, cut all. Place in a dry place for a minimum cure 4 weeks.

I like the color of this soap… a creamy beige with neon yellow. I applied the same method as my soap scroll, but here my mold was made of wood… I think it changes the rebound effect. It's pretty small by against yellow flames.
Here is a small label to accompany the soap.

Soap “Gingerbread”

6 September 2011 by  
Filed under With essential oils, Spicy, Novelty

In the month of May I am back in my beloved country to visit family and friends. It was a wonderful trip, it had already been three long years since I had not returned. No need to tell you that I was lacking in my native Canada ! Not always easy to live away from his family but good… Ainsi va la vie. To return to our sheep… I had prepared beforehand to give small gifts, I had three different soaps which one I am presenting today.

It is as the name suggests a soap spices. I wanted black with golden yellow. I'm rather pleased with the visual result. The smell when cutting was absolutely delicious… a molasses cake as in my childhood. After his treatment he feels much cloves and molasses. Citrus fruits are harder to keep in soaps. Without delay, So here is my little recipe…

32 % Coconut oil
42% Olive oil
26% Beurre de karité

Water and soda to recalculate

The trace :
3 cs Molasses
2 cc charcoal.
1 cc mica or + yellow ocher (for forms in spirals)
2% Clove oil and grapefruit

Difficulty :
Conservation : Several months

Melt the oils together. Add soda water and cool. When both mixtures, water and soda, are room temperature, pour the soda / water in your oil and mix until the appearance of the trace. Then add the rest of your ingredients (essential oil, oil and mica) and pour into your molds. Wait 48 h and unmold your soaps with gloves. Place in a dry place for a cure 4 weeks.

Here is another photo that is very bad sorry… but I can take it with my cell phone at the time because my camera was out of service. With the way I've always done… une étiquette 😉

Blush café olé !

19 October 2009 by  
Filed under Cheeks

I made this recipe some time ago for the webzine Kafée N.a.O.H no.2. Je n’avais pas encore mis la recette ici. Je l’adore… je l’utilise depuis cet été et je ne m’en lasse pas. De plus il est tout joli ! Croyez moi c’est plus simple à faire que cela en a l’air à réaliser.

15 ml Arrow root
few drops of vanilla macerate
quelques gouttes de macérât de beurre de karité

The colors in steps :

1 – Couleur rosé :
1 pinch Ultramarine rose
1 pinch Ocre rose

2 – Golden color :
2 pinch Yellow Ochre
2 pinch Mica or

3 – Peach :
4 Mica pinch sunset

4 – Peach and plum :
2 pinch Mica prune

5 – Ripe plum :
2 pinch Mica prune

6 – Coffee color :
1 smiggen Mica bronze

7 – Color bright complexion :
2 pinch Mica brillant

8 – Pink :
2 pinch Mica rose bonbon
2 powder pinch of hibiscus

8 drops of coffee extract aromatic
4 drops of bisabolol
6 Vitamin E drops

Difficulty : star star greystar3 greystar3 ––Conservation : 3 month —–Capacity : 20 at 25 g

In your coffee grinder mix 15 ml d’arrow root avec 5 to 6 drops of oily macerate and 4 gouttes de beurre de karité fondu. Suivez par étape l’ajout de toutes les couleurs. A chaque mixage remplissez des petit compartiment de votre moule « grain de café ». Pour faire la couleur suivante ajouter les mesure au mélange précédent. Puis remplissez à chaque fois votre moule pour obtenir tous les grains de café voulu. Les couleurs ont été créer pour bien se marier entre elles, l’ordre de création est importante car votre couleur évoluera au fur et a mesure. N’hésitez pas à rajouter un peu de macérât à votre poudre si celle ci devient trop sec. Utilisez la maryse pour racler les bords du moulin et écraser votre poudre dans votre moule. Do not hesitate to make two or three colors.

When all your little beans are done let dry overnight. The next, Carefully unmold them and bake them for 1 to 2 hours at 40 ° C.. Your small grains are now ready to file with tenderness at the bottom of your favorite compact ! Do not panic if some grains breaks, it will happen anyway as and measurement applications. To apply with a big brush on cheekbones cheeks slowly going back up.

Little more :
If you do not have all the micas, ocre egg ultramarine, faites en que deux ou trois couleur et répartissez les dans votre moule. Ce n’est pas la quantité mais la qualité qui compte !
If you do not have dosing spoons, 1 pinch = 0,40 ml ou 0,2 g.

Where to find ingredients :
Bilby & Co for mica pink.
Aromazone, for spoons, the mica brillant, mica bronze, aromatic extract, vitamin E, bisabolol and ocher.
Alternative nature, for sun mica and mica plum

Soap "Flower Rice"

1 July 2009 by  
Filed under With fragrances, The flower, Soaps

I made this pretty soap for a friend who wanted to offer a small gift to guests at the baptism of his daughter. She wanted a soap with a slight odor and not too heady. It is decided for rice flower fragrance, a very soft feminine odor. Here is the recipe for this little soap with packaging that I made for the occasion.

38 % hv coconut
27 % Olive hv
25 % hv sesame
10 % beurre de karité

Water and soda to recalculate

The trace :
Rice flower fragrance
Mica pink

savonchloe fleurderiz sesame

Difficulty : star star star star—–Conservation : several months PH : To be

Melt the oils together. Add soda water and cool. When both mixtures, water and soda, are room temperature, pour the soda / water in your oil and mix until the appearance of the trace. Then add the rest of your ingredients (fragrance and mica) and pour into your molds. Wait 48 h and unmold your soaps with gloves. Place in a dry place for a cure 4 weeks.

Here is the packaging and the label I made for this special opportunity. I first wrapped soaps in a brown paper, then in a pretty pink tissue paper. A pretty green ribbon around the whole anise and symbolizes the stem and leaves. The flower is creating dried rose petal (from my rosebush) glued one by one with a shiny heart.




Savon "Cosmopolitan"

5 May 2009 by  
Filed under With essential oils, The fruity, Soaps

I watched Sex and the City on a Friday night and I thought… why would want to do a soap after the famous cocktail of the show. Cocktail I drink elsewhere, depuis longtemps avec mes propres amies. Alors voici donc la petite recette qui en a découlé !

37 % hv coconut
37 % beurre de karité
8 % hv wheat germ
8 % hv apricot kernel
8 % hv grape seeds
Water and soda to recalculate

The trace :
8 % Grease on hv amandon prune
cranberry juice *
ET sweet orange
aromatic extract : grenade, strawberry and fig (* or cranberry)
Cranberry powder *
Red oxide

savoncosmo2 savoncosmo cosmo

Difficulty : star star star star—–Conservation : several months

Melt the oils together. Add soda water and cool. When both mixtures are room temperature, pour the soda / water in your oil and mix until the appearance of the trace. Then add the rest of your ingredients and pour into your molds. Ici j’ai séparer ma pâte en deux et j’ai ajouté le colorant rouge dans une d’entre elle, Then I mixed in roughly mussels the two doughs.
*Cranberry is indeed the name en français Cranberry.

You can print this tag to embellish a little you know little !


What !? You never drank Cosmo ? Bien voici la recette :

sexandthecity4 cl vodka
2 cl Cointreau
2 cl cranberry juice
1 cl lime juice
a little lime zest


Duo corrector

14 April 2009 by  
Filed under Face

Voici un petit duo fort pratique… un de la couleur d’une rose tendre et l’autre de ses feuilles !! Vous avez devinez un cache cerne et un cache imperfection. Une recette qui se réalise plus facilement qu’on ne le pense !

0.80 ml beeswax
0.80 cire carnauba (texturant)
6 flocons cire mimosa (
0.40 stearic acid (agent de consistance)
1 ml macérât de calendula (Soothing)
1 ml hv abricot (anti âge)
0.6 HV ml Kalahari melon (fermeté)
1.38 ml beurre karité (feeding)
1.70 ml mashing white
1.6 ml arrow root (toucher soyeux)
4 vitamin E drops
1 ET drops rosewood (firming)

Couleur peau :
0.40 ml mineral oxide yellow
0.20 inorganic oxide brown ml
0.48 ml mineral oxide pink

vierose roseverte duocorrecteur2

Difficulty : star star greystar3 greystar3—– Conservation : 3 to 4 month —–Capacity : 2 x 5 ml

Melt shea butter, vegetable oil, stearic acid and waxes all (add a few drops of vitamin E to avoid your rancid oil phase). Lorsque le tout est bien fondu incorporer votre empatage, ensuite la poudre (your base color) sieve, pour éviter les grumeaux. Laisser refroidir un peu et ajouter le , l’huile essentielle de bois de rose. Verser le tout dans un tube à baume ou un petit pot. Ici je l’ai versé dans un tube, should always apply it by tapping gently on the eye contour.

Il vous restera une quantité dans votre bain marie… ajouté doucement environ 0.16 ml d’oxyde vert… un petit 0.08 ml au début puis vérifier la couleur… si elle vous convient n’en rajouter pas plus sinon un petit 0.08 ml de plus. Fouetter bien et verser le contenu dans un autre pot ou tube.

Voilà vous avez votre duo correcteur !

Si vous n’avez pas la possibilité de vous procurer de l’empâtage blanc, ajouter de l’oxyde de zinc avec très peu d’huile de ricin pour la texture… vous devez avoir une pâte bien compact et collante.

You can print this label to decorate your bottle a little tube !


Deodorant cream of the crop

1 April 2009 by  
Filed under Unisex deodorants

It was a moment that I wanted to try this recipe created by Songs. Quand j’ai vue que même Kes Ka fée loved them I said I go spear !! I'm up early this morning so I took my bowls, mon mixer et ma balance pour préparer à la Mariejoe ce fabuleux déodorant. Voici donc ma petite version.

25 g sodium bicarbonate (deodorant)
22 g beurre de karité (moisturizer)
1 g butter blackcurrant (antioxidant)
10 g hv coton (fabric softener)
3 g macerate vanilla (protectress)
11 g hydrosol blackcurrant (bracing)
10 g arrow root (matt)
1 g mare's milk powder (soothing)*
1/2 cc pierre d'alun (deodorant)
3 gouttes he orange (relaxant)
2 gouttes he citron (disinfectant)
5 aromatic extract drops of melon

0.6% Ecogard (conservative)

orange2 melon deocreme

Difficulty : star star greystar3 greystar3 ––Conservation : 2 month —–Capacity : 55 ml

I used the technique Songs pour le mélange. Mélanger le bicarbonate de soude dans l’hydrolat. Dans un mixer mélanger le beurre de karité et l’huile, quand le tout est bien crémeux ajouter la phase aqueuse et le reste des ingrédients. Il faut bien tout mélanger… ma phase à un peu gonfler avec l’ajout de la poudre d’alun il est facultatif mais je voulais un petit coup de pouce “deodorant” additional), I continued to mix by hand and became stable phase.

En somme une odeur à tomber et une texture vraiment agréable. Ce n’est pas gras du tout et la peau devient très douce ! I love !! It is a little irritating at first but after two days is the best of the best. Garder votre déodorant bien au frais.

*Mare's milk is optional here, but if it soothes you small irritation to shave.

Medusa Bath

31 March 2009 by  
Filed under Bath bombs, Milk & bubble bath

Here's a little recipe that I made specially for the contest “Only happy in the sun“, his theme was that of the animal, on devait faire un produit bicolore et avec du beurre de karité. Au début je ne savais pas bien quoi faire et c’est en regardant mon petit chat jouer que l’idée m’est venue. Il jouait comme à chaque jour avec sa jolie balle coloré… I thought hum… a game ball bath ? Ah mais ça ressemble bien à une méduse. So there… jellyfish bathrooms are born !! Rest assured that it does not sting but wish to foam and moisturizes your skin while fun ! Bon vous me direz… it is perhaps not great for the theme in question but the important thing is good that I had lots of fun to have them !

Jelly jellyfish :
100 ml of water
10 ml tensio actif Alpha
8 ml tensio actif Beta
4 ml tensio actif Babassu
4 g d'autre watering or watering gélifiant
few drops of coloring
a little brighter
Conservative choice

The heart of the Medusa :
18 g beurre de kokum
7 g beurre de karité
2 g hv monoï ou coco
2.5 g stearic acid
dye (the choice)
aromatic extract (the choice)

medusebain meduse bulerose

Difficulty : star star star greystar3—–Conservation : to determine —–Capacity : 1 to 2 jellyfish

Make your hearts jellyfish by basing all ingredients in a water bath. Add extracts, your dyes and mold. Refrigerate. When these are very hard and start your fresh frozen base of jellyfish.

Heat your water and your Aguar Aguar in skillet. Removed from heat and add your surfactants, quickly add your dye, Bright and aromatic extracts. Quickly cast in a round pan or half sphere. Refrigerate. When the mixture starts to become a frozen add one or two soft fondant and let it all take very firm frozen.

When you have two half sphere made again as a mixture to another frozen and pour a little on one of them ... let cool until sticky and quickly applied the other half sphere on top. Refrigerate and unmold your jellyfish !!

Throw it in the bath and enjoy the beautiful moss and its mild heart !!

You can print this label to decorate your pot a little !

meduse2 meduse21

Soap "Lavender Milky"

J’aime beaucoup l’odeur douce et ensoleillé de la lavande et l’odeur riche et crémeuse du chocolat blanc. J’ai donc voulu en faire un savon pour profiter pleinement et sans conséquence de ces combinaisons. Voici ma petite recette douce et gourmande !

39 % hv coconut
29 % Olive hv
8 % beurre de karité
24 % hv sesame
water and soda to recalculate

The trace :
he washes the end
aromatic extract of white chocolate
dried lavender flowers

INS : 160

lavande2 chocolatblanc savonlavandechoco

Difficulty : star star star star—–Conservation : several months

Melt the oils together. Add soda water and cool. When both mixtures are room temperature, pour the soda / water in your oil and mix until the appearance of the trace. Then add the rest of your ingredients and pour into your molds. Wait 48 h before removal and book all in a dry place to dry for about a month.

I was a little disappointed against my brown lavender flowers top soap for the cure… you know why ?

You can print this tag to embellish a little you know little !

Savon "Le temps d'une rose"

6 March 2009 by  
Filed under With essential oils, The flower, Soaps

Voici un autre de mes essais en savonnerie. Celui ci m’a donné un peu de mal car il ne voulait pas durcir… une pâte semi dur et très collante. J’avais mis un peu trop d’extrait mais bon il sent divinement bon et je crois que dans 3 semaines il sera très bien. Dans le cœur de chaque savon se trouve un petit bouton de rose !

40 % hv coconut
13 % beurre de karité
22 % hv macerate rosebuds (Grapeseed)
15 % Olive hv
10 % hv camellia
water and soda to recalculate

The trace :
aromatic extract of rose
he géranium rosa
tonka bean absolute
1 cc d’ultra marine rose

INS : 160

rosebonbon tonka savonrose

Difficulty : star star star star—–Conservation : several months —–

Melt the oils together. Add soda water and cool. When both mixtures are room temperature, pour the soda / water in your oil and mix until the appearance of the trace. Then add the rest of your ingredients and pour into your molds. Wait 48 h before removal and book all in a dry place to dry for about a month.

You can print this tag to embellish a little you know little !

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