The cleansing bar reo-rganized

6 October 2009 by  
Filed under Cleansers

Here is a recipe Reo I present to you because it is just fantastic. A cleansing bar in ! Yes yes it is possible and practical travel vraimentt ! As Lush in fact, but I confess to prefer ample Reo recipe which is much smoother. So here it is… some reo-rganized for my needs.

18 g cocoa butter
8 g beurre de karité
10 g emulsifying wax
10 g beurre de mangue (or other)
4 g hv macadamia
10 gouttes he palmarosa
10 ET drops lavender
3 drops of vitamin E

Difficulty : star star greystar3greystar3 ––Conservation : 1 month —–Capacity : 50 g

It melts the wax, butters and oil together with the drops of vitamin E. When everything is melted let sit a few. When the mixture is lukewarm add your essential oils and then poured into a silicone mold.
When cleansing I wet a washcloth and I rub it on my bar, I then simply removes makeup. Cela m’évite en même temps d’utiliser des tampons démaquillant qui ne font que polluer 😉

* Note… if you want to use this bar for the eyes… enlevez les huiles essentielles. Vous désirez quand même le parfumer ? Les extraits aromatiques feront largement l’affaire !

L'avocat masqué

3 October 2009 by  
Filed under Masks

Lors des changements de saisons nos cheveux en prennent un coup. La pollution, the smoked, le stress et les changements de températures agressent non seulement notre peau mais nos cheveux aussi. Pour les bichonner un peu et voici une petite recette ultra facile que vous pourrez faire dans le confort de votre maison. Il existe beaucoup de masque à base d’avocat voici une version.

1 ripe avocado
1 honey cs
1/2 teaspoon vegetable glycerin (relaxed and protects against dehydration)
4 ET drops of your choice

Adding more luster to, brightness and volume * :
6 gouttes AHA, fruit acids (brightness)
4 drops rice protein
(volume and texture)
1 DC phytokératine powder (humectant)
1 knife edge silk extract powder (shine and softness)

avocat fondantmiel1

Difficulty : star greystar3 greystar3 greystar3 ––Conservation : not

Réduisez votre avocat en purée avec le miel. Ajoutez le reste des ingrédients et appliquez le masque sur toute votre chevelure. Entourez votre tête d’un film plastique et ensuite d’une serviette chaude et laissez poser pendant 10 to 20 minutes. Lavez vous normalement les cheveux.

Who says taking care of yourself should be necessarily expensive ? 😉 Si vous avez les cheveux courts divisé en deux tous les ingrédients !

* You can find these ingredients in many supplier, will see in my list of suppliers.

There are many masks based lawyer, this is a really exceptional treatment.

A room spray exotic

1 October 2009 by  
Filed under Parfums d'ambiance

Voici un petit spray d’ambiance pour vous donner un peu de pep’s pendant la journée. Des odeurs d’agrumes et de fruits exotique gourmand à souhait !

50 ml of alcohol at 90 ° or vodka
15 gouttes he pamplemousse
15 drops aromatic extract of papaya
10 aromatic extract leaking drops of passion

Difficulty : star greystar3 greystar3greystar3 ––Conservation : 12 month —–Capacity : 50 ml

Mélangez tout les ingrédients ensemble et vaporisez dans l’atmosphère. J’adore cette brume et j’en met partout !

You can print this label to decorate your little one spray bottle !


Mask of the winemaker

1 October 2009 by  
Filed under Masks

Here's an easy to make at home mask made with just a few ingredients. The grapes have anti-aging active, include anti oxidants and fruit acids. While here on a small scale but it remains an interesting treatment that will restore some luster to your skin for fall !

5 grapes medium (exfoliant, moisturizer, antioxidant)
1 cc of violets argile (shine)
1 cc honey (humectant)
2 drops of essential oil for your skin

Difficulty : star greystar3 greystar3greystar3 ––Conservation : not —–Capacity : 20 to 25 ml

Mix the grapes with their skin to a consistency of a little liquid puree. Add your clay, your honey and your essential oil. If the dough is too compact add a little pure water, milk or hydrosol. Apply to your entire face, without forgetting the neck and leave on 5 to 10 minutes. Remove the mask with a washcloth gently massaging your face.

ps : Opt for organic grapes for not a trace of pesticides and chemical fertilizers.

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