Light blonde hair shampoo

15 April 2008 by  
Filed under Shampoos

A little push before the summer for blonde hair !

85 ml of washing base neutral
5 ml of silicone plant
5 ml glycerine
2 ml hv camellia
15 drops he of German chamomile
5 drops ET lemon
1 or mica cc
0.6 % drops ECOGARD
7 drops of vitamin E
few drops of honey extract (according to the desired odor)

For a vial of 100 ml. Mix ingredients in the neutral base. Shake well before each use.
Your hair will be soft and golden hope !

Note the essential oils are not recommended for pregnant women.
The essential oils of lemon is photosensitizing.

You can print this label to decorate your little one bottle !


6 Answers to “Light blonde hair shampoo”
  1. j’y verrais bien une petite cuillière de miel de manuka🙂

  2. Mariejoe says:

    Ah oui tiens bonne idée ! Le miel a tant vertu !

  3. alea says:

    I love “ton sweet home… Je reviendrai 😉

  4. Mariejoe says:

    Merci Alea ! 🙂

  5. Je suis pas blonde mais pour les cops ca peut toujours servir!!

  6. Mariejoe says:

    Tu peux toujours changer l’hydrolat pour du tilleul très bon pour les cheveux et de l’huile essentielle d’ylang-ylang qui rend les cheveux tout brillant !