Cleansing the pink

29 April 2008 by  
Filed under Cleansers

25 hv ml of the jojoba
15 ml hv the melon
10 hv ml of sweet almond (all skin types)
10 ml hv pink musk (Dry skin)
2 cc gel d'aloes
30 ml of rose hydrosol
10 ml of cornflower hydrosol
1 cc of soya lecithin
10 drops of vitamin E
0.6 % Ecogard ou un autre conservateur si sur les yeux.

Mix oils, hydrosols and remaining ingredients with a whisk mini, pour into a bottle.
Shake before each use, keep refrigerated. You'll find yourself fresh as a rose !

You can print this label to decorate your little one bottle !


8 Answers to “Cleansing the pink”
  1. cosmeto says:

    Your tags are beautiful, you did with the PS ? 🙂

  2. Mariejoe says:

    Hello Cosmeto, thank you for the compliment, with different graphics software, dont Photoshop oui 😉

  3. Nanor says:

    How you fixed your labels on your bottles?? It's too well done!!

  4. Mariejoe says:

    I printed on self adhesive paper ^ ^

  5. Nanor says:

    Oh it's not that stupid !! lol where you buy it??

  6. Mariejoe says:

    You can find in all art supply stores. 🙂

  7. Janine says:


    I am Canadian from Quebec and I can not find the products identified as epp and certain other abbreviations as Mf or Ve not knowing what it means. Is it possible to mention what it is and what can be replaced where possible.

    I love your recipes and your labels because it really makes professional !

    • Mariejoe says:

      Hello Janine ! I too am Quebec… mais j’habite en France 🙂 Merci pour tes gentils compliments !!
      So for the epp I think you can find in natural food stores… This is the Grapefruit seed extract. Otherwise you can very well replace it with another preservative which acts as an anti fungal.

      For MF and VE it is emulsifier, a is in the form of wax and the other powder it act together. So yes you can easily replace this with another emulsifier. I guess you did not speak specifically to this recipe it up because it does not contain.

      Otherwise you can go see these two providers that delivers across Canada :

      Otherwise I know the site Aromazone book also in Canada… Can you suggest a control group with other cosméteuse Quebec.

      Here I hope that answers your questions. Do not hesitate if you ever want more information ! 😀